Smoker stared ahead with sharp eyes, holding a cold-shining Tent in his hand, and rushed towards Luffy!

Luffy also faced Smoker's attack fearlessly, with determination and courage in his eyes.


Luffy saw Smoker rushing towards him and immediately used his signature skill to attack!


Smoker was surprised when he saw Luffy's fist flying at him, and found that it was too late to dodge, so he had to use the power of the fruit to elementalize part of his body!


Luffy saw that his fist had actually passed through Smoker's body, and his expression froze. He had no idea what was going on!

Smoker took advantage of Luffy's daze and kicked him in the stomach. After Luffy reacted, he quickly dodged sideways and immediately launched a counterattack.

""Rubber Bazooka!" Luffy yelled, and stretched his arm like a rocket, hitting Smoker.

Seeing this, Smoker immediately jumped up to avoid Luffy's attack.

However, Luffy did not stop attacking, he continued to use various moves, such as"Rubber Machine Gun" and"Rubber Spin Bomb", etc., to launch a fierce attack on Smoker.

Smoker continued to use his smoke fruit ability to dodge and defend against Luffy's attack. The two fought back and forth, and it was hard to tell who was who.

Suddenly Smoker used his ten hands to attack Luffy's head! Luffy instinctively reached out and grabbed the ten hands that were attacking!

The moment Luffy grabbed the ten hands, he suddenly felt that he had no strength left in his body!

"Unfortunately, your journey ends here. In this world, the navy represents justice."

"For the rest of the days, Straw Hat Boy, you are here..."

"My journey will never end here, because I am the man who will become the Pirate King!"Before Smoker finished speaking, Luffy's voice interrupted him.

"Hahahaha, did you hear that? That kid actually said he wanted to be the Pirate King!"

"Hahaha, you must be bragging, you are clearly already in the hands of the navy"

"Really, how could such a guy become the Pirate King!!

When the crowd below the stage heard Luffy's words, they began to mock loudly!

"Do you want to go up and help?" Nami asked Xu Haifeng while looking at Luffy who was subdued!

"Wait a minute! Don't worry, Luffy will be fine!" Xu Haifeng knew that Luffy hadn't used his full strength just now, so there was no need to worry!

"Why don't you two help here?"

At this time, Zoro, who had already bought Xuezou and Guiche, and Sanji, who won the big fish prize in the food competition, also came here.

"Don't worry! Luffy will be fine! Let's take another look!" Xu Haifeng said calmly!

"Is everything really okay?" Usopp, who had just returned, asked!

"Don't worry! I'm here! As long as Luffy is still alive, I can make him jump back to life immediately!" Xu Haifeng assured again!

"Stop shaking!"

Luffy shouted when he heard the laughter from the audience!

"I told you! My voyage will never stop here!" Luffy turned and looked at Smoker and said!


Luffy said as a red aura burst out from his body. The aura directly deflected Smoker's ten hands!

Luffy, with red aura all over his body, stood up again!

""What? How is this possible?" Smoker said in disbelief as he looked at Luffy who had stood up again!


At the moment when Smoker was stunned, Luffy's eyes condensed, and he activated his skills without hesitation, and he stretched out his arms!

Then, Luffy waved his arms, and his hands shot out like lightning, with amazing power, bombarding Smoker directly!

Seeing this, Smoker was shocked, but after all, he had experienced many battles and his reaction speed was extremely fast.

Almost at the moment when the rocket launcher approached, Smoker immediately used his elemental ability to try to dissolve this attack into nothingness.

However, just when he thought that this attack would have no effect on him like before, an indescribable pain suddenly surged into his heart!

Smoker felt that his chest was hit hard by a high-speed train.

The powerful impact made him unable to resist at all. The whole person was like a kite with a broken line, and flew backwards directly!

"Go get Luffy and go back to the Merry. You go ahead and don't wait for me. I will find you myself!" Xu Haifeng said to the Straw Hat Pirates as soon as he saw Smoker was defeated!

"Why don't you come with us?"Nami asked immediately after hearing Xu Haifeng's words!

"I have something to do! You guys go first! Don’t worry about me! You don’t know my strength yet!"Xu Haifeng said to Nami with a smile!

"Be careful," Sauron said to Xu Haifeng after hearing this!

"Hurry up! We won't wait for you!" Nami said with concern!

""Okay! I'll be back as soon as I finish my work!" Xu Haifeng promised with a smile!

"Let's go then!" Zoro said, and took everyone to find Luffy! After

Xu Haifeng watched everyone leave, he slowly came to Smoker who had just been knocked away by Luffy!

""Colonel Smoker, hold on! Everyone, come and help!"

At this moment, Colonel Smoker had completely lost his former majestic and domineering appearance. Instead, he was in an extremely miserable state: his chest was obviously sunken in, as if it had been hit hard by a huge force; a large amount of bright red blood kept spitting out of his mouth, dyeing the clothes on his chest a shocking red; what was worse was that his lower body was still pressed down by countless heavy and hard bricks and stones, and he could not move at all!

"Come and help! Colonel Smoker is seriously injured!"

Seeing Smoker's miserable condition, Tashigi frantically moved bricks and stones while crying to the navy around her!

Hearing Tashigi's words, the navy rushed forward to help rescue Smoker!

""Don't move! My ribs are broken!"

With everyone's joint efforts, the bricks and stones on Smoker's body were quickly cleared away! When Dashiqi was about to step forward to help Smoker, Smoker immediately stopped her!

"Colonel Smoker! Are you okay?"

"Quick! Go find a medic!"

Tashigi didn't dare to help after hearing what Smoker said! She quickly shouted to the marines around her!

"I'm fine! Where are the Straw Hat guys?" Smoker asked Tashigi while panting heavily!

"I don’t know! We saw you were injured, so we all came to rescue you!" Dashiqi replied!

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