"Wow! Xu Haifeng, what kind of fruit is this? It looks so tempting, can I have a taste?"

Luffy stared at the mysterious fruit with his eyes wide open, drooling uncontrollably.

""Get out of the way!" Nami saw this and without saying anything, she raised her fist and punched Luffy.

However, Luffy was not angry after being hit by Nami. Instead, he shouted at Nami with a playful smile:

"Hey, Nami! Don't be so stingy! Just let me have a small taste, just a small taste, okay~"

At the same time, Usopp on the side was also full of expectations and hope, and came forward to ask Xu Haifeng:

"Xu Haifeng, what kind of devil fruit is this? Can it really help Lab?"

His eyes revealed an earnest desire, as if all his hopes were placed on this fruit.

"You will know after you see it!" Xu Haifeng said mysteriously.

As he finished speaking, he slowly broke the devil fruit in his hand, which was emitting strange light, into two halves in front of everyone's curious eyes!

Then, Xu Haifeng held the two halves of the devil fruit and flew to the top of Lab's head as lightly as a bird!

"Hey! Lab! If you really want to find your partner Brook, then open your mouth immediately!"

Xu Haifeng stood in the air and shouted at Lab on the rough sea below. His voice was like a huge bell, resounding through the sky and reaching deep into Lab's heart!

""Woo! Woo! Woo!"

Only a humming sound was heard coming from the originally calm sea surface.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out that after hearing Xu Haifeng's words, Lab suddenly opened its round eyes wide, opened its mouth wide, and shouted excitedly to Xu Haifeng!

"Eat this first, and I will tell you about Brooke!" Xu Haifeng raised the devil fruit in his hand and shouted at Lab!


Laboo seemed to understand what Xu Haifeng said. It immediately nodded humanely, then opened its big mouth and quietly waited for Xu Haifeng to feed it!

Xu Haifeng saw that Laboo had agreed, and without hesitation, he threw the two halves of the devil fruit in his hand into Laboo's big mouth!

He stared at Laboo closely, watching the devil fruit slide down its throat until it completely disappeared in its mouth.

At this moment, time seemed to freeze, and everyone held their breath, looking forward to what would happen next.

Finally, when it was confirmed that the devil fruit had been successfully swallowed by Laboo, a big stone in Xu Haifeng's heart fell to the ground.

However, at this moment, Luffy and several other people also quickly flew to Xu Haifeng's side.

They looked at Laboo who had eaten the devil fruit with anxious faces, and asked Xu Haifeng in unison:"Xu Haifeng! Why is there no reaction at all!"

Xu Haifeng took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

He knew that eating a devil fruit would not necessarily produce obvious changes immediately, and it might take some time to witness a miracle.

So, he comforted everyone and said,"Don't worry, just wait and see. The power of the devil fruit may take some time to manifest."

Everyone had to calm down and continue to observe Rab. Everyone's heart was full of anticipation and tension, wondering what kind of changes this mysterious devil fruit would bring to Rab.

"Xu Haifeng! Why is there still no response?"A long time passed! Everyone was getting impatient and anxious!

"Wait a minute! Maybe it's because Laboo's body is too big, and it must wait until the devil fruit completely enters its stomach before it can play its due role!"

Xu Haifeng stroked his chin and thought carefully, while responding to everyone calmly!

In fact, from the very beginning, Xu Haifeng has been worried about Laboo's huge body, fearing that the devil fruit will take a long time to digest after entering its stomach.

That's why he made a decisive decision to break the devil fruit in half and feed it to it, hoping that the devil fruit will produce magical effects as soon as it enters Laboo's stomach!

While everyone was talking, suddenly, Laboo above the sea surface emitted a dazzling white light all over his body!

This light was like the sun. It was so hot that it was impossible to look directly at it! Everyone was shocked by this sudden wonder and subconsciously reached out to cover their eyes!

In the dazzling light, it was vaguely visible that Lab's body was undergoing a shocking change!

After the light gradually converged and dissipated, everyone slowly put down their hands that were blocking their sight.

However, the scene before them made them dumbfounded - the once ugly whale had disappeared without a trace, and in its place was a Kun fish with a slender and sharp horn on its head and a sky-blue body covered with exquisite patterns!

"Wow! So beautiful!"

Everyone exclaimed as they looked at the Laboo, whose size had not changed but whose appearance was completely different!

Laboo swam happily in the sea, and its speed was several times faster than before.

"This is amazing!" Luffy shouted excitedly

"It seems that this fruit is really effective."Xu Haifeng said with a smile

"Xu Haifeng! This devil fruit should not just change Lab's appearance, right?"Nami turned to look at Xu Haifeng in confusion, her eyes full of curiosity and expectation.

Xu Haifeng smiled proudly:"Of course, this devil fruit is a treasure that I spent a lot of effort to get!"

"It is not an ordinary devil fruit. After eating it, not only will Lab's appearance change dramatically, but more importantly, it will gain many unimaginable abilities!"

He paused, and then said,"For example, Lab's current body can achieve two completely different forms!"

Nami's eyes lit up with excitement after hearing this:"Wow, that's amazing! In this way, wouldn't our team's strength be greatly enhanced?"

Xu Haifeng nodded:

"That's right, with the blessing of this devil fruit, Lab will become a great helper in our team. From now on, Lab will be our powerful partner at sea!"

"Really? Wow, let Lab try the power of the devil fruit, I can't wait to see it!"

Luffy rushed over like a gust of wind, his face full of uncontrollable excitement and excitement, and he kept shouting

"All right! Now it’s time to witness the wonderful moment of miracles happening!"

Xu Haifeng's expression seemed a little mysterious, and he deliberately dragged out the tone, as if deliberately creating a tense and exciting atmosphere.

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