"Labu's former partners have not forgotten the agreement they made with him,"

Xu Haifeng's voice became low, as if a heavy stone was pressing down on him.

He continued slowly:

"They seemed to have encountered a terrible plague, which mercilessly took away all their lives, making it impossible for them to return here to fulfill their promise with Lab."

Every word was filled with deep regret and regret.

Everyone listened to Xu Haifeng's words, and a wave of grief surged in their hearts. They looked at Lab silently, feeling the pain and sorrow deep in his heart.

Suddenly, a sad sob broke the silence.

""Woo...! Woo!"

Laboo raised his head, tears streaming down from his big eyes like a spring. It was a cry of despair, an endless sorrow for the loss of his companions.

His howling echoed in the air, breaking people's hearts.

The whole scene was shrouded in Laboo's sadness, and everyone couldn't help but be moved by it.

They all walked forward, gently stroking Laboo's body, trying to give him a little comfort. However, Laboo's pain was too deep, how could it be soothed easily?

"Rab! Don't be too sad. Although all your companions are dead, one of them was resurrected miraculously."

Xu Haifeng couldn't bear to see Rab immersed in sadness, so he decided to tell him the news about Brooke, hoping to cheer him up.

"However, it is a pity that he is currently trapped on that great route full of countless dangers and challenges, and his situation is very difficult."

Xu Haifeng frowned and said in a heavy tone

"However, as long as we work together, we will be able to find him and rescue him!"

Then, Xu Haifeng looked at Lab with a firm gaze, and stretched out his hand to him, indicating that he was willing to invite him to embark on the journey to find Brooke.

After hearing this, Lab's originally dull eyes gradually brightened up, and it began to roll happily on the sea to express its excitement.

After solving Lab's problem, everyone returned to the shore!

"Boy! Did you really invite Lab?"

At this time, old man Crocus, who had been watching everyone on the shore, came over and asked Luffy!

"Hehehe...! Of course, Lab will be our partner from now on!"Luffy said with a smile!

"Then I hope you can take good care of Laboo in the future!" Uncle Crocus looked at the innocent and kind Luffy and nodded with satisfaction.

After waving goodbye to Uncle Crocus, the Straw Hat Pirates were about to set sail again! At this moment, Nami's scream suddenly came, interrupting their journey.

"Ah! What's going on? Why is my compass not working?"

Hearing the sound, Luffy and others ran over and stared curiously at the compass on Nami's wrist.

"Hahaha......! Nami, this thing looks so interesting, can I play with it?" Luffy looked at the compass that kept spinning and smiled excitedly.


With a crisp sound, a big bump appeared on Luffy's head.

"Do you know what a compass failure means? It means we can't continue sailing!"Nami yelled angrily.

Hearing her words, Luffy, the heartless guy, also stopped laughing and realized the terrible problem.

"Ah! No way? What should I do?"Luffy finally realized the seriousness of the matter, and he began to get anxious.

""Xu Haifeng, do you know what's going on?" Nami turned to look at Xu Haifeng, her eyes full of expectation.

Hearing Nami's question, the others also turned their eyes to Xu Haifeng, hoping to get an answer from him.

Facing the expectant eyes of the crowd, Xu Haifeng did not answer immediately, but was silent for a moment.

Then, he raised his hand and pointed at the old man Kulokas who was about to leave.

"You can ask the former Pirate King's ship doctor about this!" Xu Haifeng said calmly.

Everyone looked in the direction of his finger, and saw old man Crocus slowly walking towards the side of the ship.

His figure seemed a little lonely and desolate in the sun, but with a kind of majesty that could not be ignored.

Nami and Luffy looked at each other, and then quickly chased after old man Crocus...

After old man Crocus's explanation, Nami finally knew that the compass could not be used after entering the Grand Line, and the recording pointer had to be used instead!

After Nami said that the Straw Hat Pirates did not have a recording pointer, old man Crocus took out his own recording pointer and gave it to Nami, and taught Nami how to use it!

"In that case, I have some maps and information about the Grand Route that I can share with you."

Kurokas took out an ancient map with many mysterious places and routes marked on it.

"This is my accumulation of many years, I hope it will be helpful to your adventure."Luffy and others excitedly took the map and studied it carefully.

""Thank you, Master Crocus!" Nami said gratefully.

"Be careful on your journey, young man. The Grand Line is full of unknowns and challenges, but it is also a stage for pursuing dreams."Crouching encouraged with a smile.

Luffy and his crew, with Lab and new hope, set sail again and headed for the other side of the Grand Line.

"They should be the people you are talking about, Roger!" Old Master Crocus said to himself as he watched the Straw Hat Pirates and Laboo gradually go away!


When everyone on the Merry was looking at the map and information given by old man Kurokas!


Suddenly, Lab, who was driving ahead, returned to the side of the Merry. Its cry was unusually loud, as if it was conveying some urgent message.

"Hmm! Why is Laboo screaming so loudly? Did something happen in front?"

After hearing Laboo's scream, everyone ran out of the cabin and came to the side of the ship.

They stared at Laboo on the sea and were surprised to find that there were two people hanging on Laboo's horn! This sudden scene made everyone confused and nervous.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the two people hanging on Laboo's horn, and their hearts were full of questions and worries.

They tried to see the identities of the two people, but because of the distance, they could only vaguely recognize some outlines.

"Who is that? How did Lab rescue him?" Usopp asked in a low voice

"I don’t know, but it doesn’t look good. We have to get them up here and take a look!" Nami said anxiously.

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