"I'm sorry! I know I was wrong!"

After listening to Xu Haifeng's words, Luffy suddenly realized his mistake, and he bowed his head to apologize to Xu Haifeng without hesitation.

However, Xu Haifeng just shook his head slightly, pointed at Zoro and said:"The person you should really apologize to is not me, but Zoro!"

Luffy suddenly realized, he turned and walked towards Zoro, with a face full of guilt and sincerity, bowed his head and said:

"I'm sorry! Zoro! I misunderstood you just now, please forgive me!"

Hearing Luffy's apology, Zoro raised his head slightly, a trace of relief flashed in his eyes, but he still responded seriously:

" Forget it! As long as you can trust everyone and become an excellent captain in the future, I will be satisfied!"

Luffy felt Zoro's expectations and trust, he nodded vigorously and said firmly:

"I will definitely work hard to do it! I will become a captain that you will all be proud of!"

After saying that, he stretched out his right hand and overlapped it with Zoro's. The two smiled at each other, as if all the misunderstandings and unhappiness had disappeared at this moment.

""Okay!" He sighed softly, with a hint of relief in his voice,"Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, I won't care about the rest."

His gaze turned to Luffy and Zoro beside him. Both of them had smiles on their faces, as if it was a sunny day with the haze gone.

Luffy came forward, patted his chest, his eyes firm and enthusiastic,"Don't worry, Xu Haifeng, I will definitely get things done!"

His voice was sonorous and powerful, stirring in everyone's heart like waves.

Xu Haifeng nodded, a smile on the corner of his mouth,"I believe you, Luffy." He turned around and walked in the direction of the Merry!

What followed was about Princess Huihui, and Xu Haifeng didn't want to care about it! Whether Luffy chose to help her in the end, it didn't matter to Xu Haifeng!


""Hi! Beauty! It's very rude of you to go on someone else's ship without their consent!" Xu Haifeng's voice spread far on the empty sea.

When he arrived at the Merry, he just felt that there was someone on the Merry, but Xu Haifeng probably already knew who this person was!

""Oh! What will the deputy captain do?"

A sweet voice came with a hint of teasing. Xu Haifeng looked closely and saw Robin, dressed in a sexy denim skirt, sitting leisurely on the deck of the Merry. Her beautiful face looked particularly charming in the sun.

"Hmm! The legendary devil's child - Miss Nicole Robin, you have such a high bounty, but you are still running around. Aren't you afraid of being caught and exchanged for money?"

Xu Haifeng's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a smile. Of course, he knew Robin's identity and strength, but he still couldn't help wanting to tease her.

At the same time, he was also secretly looking at this mysterious and charming woman in front of him.

""Hmm! How do you know me?"

Robin's face instantly became serious after hearing Xu Haifeng's words. Her eyes were full of vigilance and doubt. She stared at Xu Haifeng closely, as if she wanted to see his true thoughts through his eyes.

Xu Haifeng raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a faint smile, and he answered easily:

"Of course I know her from the reward in the newspaper! Miss Robin, your name is well-known!"

Robin's heart tightened. She knew her identity had been exposed, but she still tried to stay calm and asked tentatively:

"Mr. Vice Captain, you don't want to exchange me for the bounty, do you?"

Xu Haifeng still had a smile on his face. He deliberately delayed time to see how Robin would react next. He said jokingly:

"That's not necessarily true! After all, the navigator in our pirate group likes money very much! Maybe she would be happy to see me send you to collect the reward!"

Robin frowned slightly, and she began to think about how to deal with it.

She knew that the man in front of her was not simple. If she couldn't find a suitable solution, she was afraid that her situation would become very dangerous.

"So, Mr. Vice Captain is planning to use me to exchange for the bounty?" Robin's heart sank, but he remained calm and continued to test.

"This......We have to wait until our captain and the navigator come back before we can decide!"

Xu Haifeng raised his lips slightly, answering Robin's question with a smile, and observing Robin's reaction with his peripheral vision.

Hearing this, Robin thought to himself: Looking at him like this, he doesn't seem to mean to hand me over directly. Does he have any other plans?

"hehe......I will not surrender here and wait obediently for your navigator to deal with me!"

Robin chuckled, then crossed her arms in front of her chest, looked at Xu Haifeng firmly, and prepared to activate the devil fruit ability to escape.

However, the moment she finished her words, Robin's face suddenly became very surprised.

Because she was shocked to find that her devil fruit ability, which had always been invincible, was completely ineffective at this moment!

What was going on? Robin widened her eyes, her face full of disbelief.

She had never encountered such a situation before, and she was a little at a loss for a while. Xu Haifeng, who was opposite, saw the change in Robin's expression, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became brighter and brighter.

"What's the matter? Miss Robin, is your fruit ability not working?"Xu Haifeng said with a smile!

Robin's eyes revealed a trace of panic. She tried to activate her ability again, but it was ineffective. Xu Haifeng slowly approached Robin and whispered:

"Don't waste your time, Miss Robin. No matter what kind of devil fruit user, it's useless to me!"

Xu Haifeng raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and his tone revealed a hint of confidence.

Robin heard this, her face was full of astonishment and disbelief. She widened her eyes and said in a trembling voice:"How is it possible, how can there be such a heaven-defying ability in the world!"

In her concept, she never thought that someone could completely resist the power of the devil fruit.

However, Robin was not willing to accept this fact easily. She gritted her teeth, concentrated her mind, and once again used the power of the Flower-Flower Fruit to try to break through Xu Haifeng's defense. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't have the slightest effect on him.

Time passed by, and Robin's attack was like a stone sinking into the sea, without any effect. Sweat gradually seeped out of her forehead, and her eyes also revealed despair and helplessness.

Finally, after many consecutive attempts without success, a look of despair appeared on Robin's face. Her body trembled slightly, as if she had lost all hope and strength.

At this time, Xu Haifeng continued:"However, if you are willing to tell me the purpose of your coming here, maybe I can let you go."

Robin was silent for a moment. She knew that the situation was not favorable for her. She had no choice but to tell him the purpose of her coming here!

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