"Ace! How... how did you end up here?"

When Luffy's eyes finally saw the outline of the person through the swirling flames, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then turned into endless excitement, and his voice involuntarily rose a few notes.

Ace's iconic smile seemed particularly warm in the firelight. He walked slowly, his figure slightly erratic in the breeze, as if he had walked out of the flames in the distance.

"I came here because I have something important to do." Ace's voice was steady and powerful. He gently patted Luffy's shoulder, signaling him to be patient.

"Captain of the Second Division of the Whitebeard Pirates, this is a matter between our navy and the Straw Hat Pirates, you'd better not interfere."

Smoker's voice was cold and firm, and his eyes flashed with unquestionable determination.

Ace shook his head slightly, with a playful smile on his lips:"Colonel Smoker, if you want to cause trouble for Luffy, you'd better get past me first."

Although his voice was flat, the firmness and confidence contained in it could not be ignored.

Smoker's face sank, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes:

""Since you insist on intervening, let me see how strong you, the legendary Fire Fist Ace, are!"

As he spoke, faint smoke began to emerge from his hands, and his whole body gradually became hazy.

Ace smiled slightly, and the flames around him instantly rose up, like a blazing fire, illuminating the entire space red.

He said lightly:"Then, let me also see the strength of your navy colonel."

At this moment, Luffy suddenly jumped out. He stared at Ace and Smoker closely, his face full of anxiety and worry:"Ace! This is my battle, you can't interfere!"

Ace looked back at Luffy, a softness flashed in his eyes:"Hahaha... Luffy, let me take this battle."

"You take your companions back to the ship and wait for me, otherwise the navy will come and we will be in real trouble."

"It's easier for me to get away by myself, and I still have something to discuss with you later."

Luffy's eyes flashed with hesitation when he heard this, but he turned around and looked at the people in the Straw Hat Pirates, and finally nodded.

He looked at Ace deeply, then turned to the people in the Straw Hat Pirates and said,"Everyone, let's go back to the ship and wait for Ace."

Hearing this, everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates nodded in response. They knew that Ace's strength was unfathomable. With him here, Luffy didn't have to worry too much about Ace's safety!

So, everyone turned around and left, leaving only Ace and Smoker, ready for a fireworks party!

The sun was high in the sky, and on the exotic streets, flames and smoke intertwined into a thrilling picture.

Navy Colonel Smoker and Fire Fist Ace stood opposite each other, their eyes full of respect for each other's strength.

"Smoke - Milky White Impact"

Smoker took a deep breath, and his wrists instantly turned into milky white smoke, like two spirit snakes dancing in the air.

He swung his hand violently, and the smoke turned into a huge impact force, heading straight for Ace.

Ace's eyes shone, and he dodged the attack with a flash of his body.


Then he stretched out his fingers, with fiery flames dancing on his fingertips. The firearm fired continuously, and small sparks shot towards Smoker like meteors.

Smoker's body turned into smoke, and the small sparks shuttled through the smoke, but failed to hurt him at all.

""Smoke - white snake!"

At this time, Smoker's hands changed again, turning into two huge smoke snakes, opening their mouths and rushing towards Ace.

Seeing this, Ace quickly rotated his hands, and the"Fire Pillar" of the Flame Ring was formed instantly, and a long burning pillar went straight to the smoke snake.

The flames and smoke collided violently in the air, making a roar.

The flames and smoke intertwined to form a huge fireworks tornado that enveloped the two.

The people around screamed and fled, leaving only this spectacular battle scene on the street.

In the fireworks tornado, the figures of Ace and Smoker were looming.

Sometimes they turned into flames, sometimes into smoke, constantly attacking and dodging.

Every collision made a deafening sound, as if to shake the entire street down.

However, both of them understood that there was no real winner in this battle.

Their strength was equal, and no matter how hard they tried, they could not defeat each other.

In the end, the two of them stopped at the same time, and the fireworks tornado gradually dissipated. They stood in the middle of the street, panting, and smiled at each other.

"It seems that neither of us can decide the winner in a short time." There was a hint of carefreeness in his words, as if he had already seen through the outcome of this battle.

Smoker frowned, his eyes flashed with a determined light, and the smoke in his hands seemed to cover the entire battlefield.

He snorted, his voice full of respect:"Fire Fist Ace, I recognize your strength. Wait until we meet next time, and then we will decide who is better!"

His tone was firm, as if he had prepared for the next fight.

Smoker looked around and saw that the Straw Hat Pirates' ship had gone far away, and there were too many civilians here, so neither of them could let go.

He knew in his heart that there was no point in continuing to entangle. So he waved his hand and motioned Ace to leave.

Ace nodded, and the smile on his face became even brighter. He waved to Smoker:"Okay, next time I will definitely let go of you and have a good fight!"

After that, he turned and left, his figure gradually walked away in the night.


On the Merry, Luffy stood by the ship, his eyes fixed on the coast. His brows were furrowed, and his eyes were full of worry.

He turned his head and asked Xu Haifeng,"Xu Haifeng, why hasn't Ace come back yet?" There was a hint of anxiety in his voice.

Xu Haifeng smiled, and his eyes flashed with wisdom:"What's the matter? Don't you believe in Ace's strength?" His tone was relaxed, as if he had already seen through Luffy's worries.

Luffy immediately turned back and retorted,"Of course not! Ace is very strong, maybe not as good as me, but definitely better than that smoke man!"

His voice was firm and full of trust in Ace.

Xu Haifeng smiled slightly and asked back,"Then what are you worried about?" There was a hint of ridicule in his tone.

Luffy scratched his head and said awkwardly,"I... I'm just worried that Ace can't find us." There was a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

At this moment, a familiar voice came from behind Luffy:"I'm not some idiot who can get lost!"

Ace appeared in front of everyone with a playful smile on his face.

Luffy jumped up excitedly when he saw Ace coming back:"Ace, you're back!" The other members of the Straw Hat Pirates also gathered around to welcome Ace's return.

Ace smiled and patted Luffy on the shoulder:"Don't worry, I will definitely do what I promised you."

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