"Hey, take Mr.1 Daz Bonis to get some treatment."

Xu Haifeng looked at the other members of Baroque Works with a tone of authority that could not be questioned.

Seeing this, the people of Baroque Works hurried forward and carried Mr.1 Daz Bonis, who had fallen to the ground, to one side.

As he was a fruit ability user, his body had a strong ability to recover, so after a simple treatment of the wound, he was not in danger of death.

"Okay, who's next?" Xu Haifeng looked at the other members of the Baroque Workshop, and his tone revealed a hint of expectation.

""Let me do it!" At this time, a figure walked out from the crowd of Baroque Workshop. It was Mr. 2 von Clay.

He had a charming smile on his face, and seemed to be full of anticipation for the upcoming battle.

"Okay, then let Sanji go and deal with him." Xu Haifeng nodded and said to Sanji.

Hearing this, Sanji smiled slightly and threw away the cigarette butt in his hand. His expression revealed a kind of confidence and calmness:"Okay���, I will make quick and decisive efforts."

As the battle between Sanji and Mr. 2 Von Clay began, the situation in the field changed rapidly.

At first, Sanji relied on his superb fighting skills and powerful strength to crush Mr. 2 Von Clay one-sidedly.

Mr. 2 Von Clay had no power to fight back under his attack and could only passively endure it.

However, when Mr. 2 Von Clay suddenly activated the ability of the fruit and turned himself into a graceful girl, the situation of the battle was reversed instantly.

Sanji looked at the"girl" in front of him, and a trace of astonishment and hesitation flashed in his eyes.

He has always adhered to the principle of"not hitting women", and facing such an opponent, he seemed a little at a loss.

So, in the following battle, Sanji fell into a passive position because he was unwilling to attack the"girl".

Mr. 2 Von Clay took the opportunity to launch a fierce attack, beating Sanji without any ability to fight back.


What on earth is this idiot doing? It's so embarrassing!"Zoro said angrily as he watched Sanji being beaten by Mr. 2 Von Clay. His brows were furrowed, and his eyes revealed his dissatisfaction and disappointment with Sanji.

Xu Haifeng witnessed the fierce battle between Sanji and Mr. 2 Von Clay, and couldn't help but sigh:

"Sanji is really too gentlemanly! His habit can be fatal sometimes! It seems that we need to find a way to help him change it!"

He stroked his chin with his fingers, his eyes deep.

Zoro was furious, he widened his eyes and said angrily:

"How can he be called a gentleman? He is just lustful. I think you should just let me kill him!" His voice was full of dissatisfaction with Sanji.

However, Xu Haifeng seemed unusually calm. He smiled, patted Zoro on the shoulder and said:

"Don't worry! Sanji won't be defeated by this little trick! Let Sanji suffer a little first! We can just watch the show here!"

His eyes revealed his trust and expectation for Sanji.

Sure enough, after a while, Sanji discovered Mr.2 Von Clay's flaw.

He keenly realized that when Mr.2 Von Clay activated his fruit ability and turned into a girl, he could not use the human-demon boxing to attack.

And if Mr.2 Von Clay wanted to use the human-demon boxing to attack him, he had to remove the fruit ability and turn back to his original body.

This discovery gave Sanji a great confidence boost. He seized this flaw and launched a fierce offensive.

He used his flexible body and superb skills to constantly dodge Mr.2 Von Clay's attacks, while looking for opportunities to counterattack.

Finally, in a fierce confrontation, Sanji found an excellent opportunity.

He took advantage of the moment when Mr.2 Von Clay transformed and launched a fatal attack.

In just a few moves, he easily knocked Mr.2 Von Clay to the ground.

""Okay! Mine is solved too!" Sanji returned to the Straw Hat Pirates with some injuries. His words revealed a hint of fatigue, but more of a sense of relief after victory.

"Yo! Are some lustful pufferfish injured? Oh no! You almost lost to that kind of person, aren't you too weak, pufferfish?"

Zoro said sarcastically, looking at the returning Sanji. A playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, obviously a deliberate provocation.

Zoro knew very well that Sanji's strength could definitely defeat Mr. 2 von Clay easily.

But Sanji fell into a passive position because the other party turned into a girl, and was even injured.

This behavior that did not conform to the logic of the battle made Zoro a little dissatisfied.

In addition, the two of them usually liked to confront each other, so Zoro would naturally not miss this opportunity to mock Sanji.

When Sanji heard Zoro's ridicule, he was immediately furious. He widened his eyes and glared at Zoro, as if he wanted to eat him alive.

""Midorinuma-san! What do you mean! Do you think you are stronger than me?" Sanji's voice was full of anger and dissatisfaction.

Zoro looked at Sanji's frustrated look and couldn't help but feel more proud.

He raised his eyebrows and said provocatively:"Isn't it obvious? I solved the battle easily, unlike some people who were injured!"

Sanji was completely enraged by Zoro's words. He clenched his fists and roared angrily:"Damn it! Come on, let's have a competition, I must defeat you, Midorinuma-san!" The quarrel between the two echoed in the Straw Hat Pirates, as if it was about to set off a storm.

However, this kind of fight between them has long become a habit, a way of motivating each other.

In quarrels and competitions, they continue to grow and improve, facing the challenges ahead together.

"Okay! Sanji! To be honest, you really need to correct this habit of yours. You can't not fight back just because your opponent is a girl!"

Xu Haifeng couldn't help but interrupt at this time.

"I treat girls so well because I am a gentleman!"Sanji quickly explained to Xu Haifeng

"I think you are obsessed with sex!" Sauron said coldly.

"You are a straight man with no sense of humor, what do you know!" Sanji yelled at Zoro angrily

���Sanji, you may be able to show mercy to girls in the future, but in a battle, you must never retreat, and you must not fail to fight back."

"Otherwise, if you encounter a female opponent who is equally strong as you, you will be killed instantly! Besides, not all girls are worth holding back."

Xu Haifeng slowly walked in front of Sanji and said earnestly

"I understand. I will try not to be enemies with girls in the future!" Sanji thought about it seriously and said solemnly.

His tone was firm and sincere, as if he was making an important promise.

However, when Xu Haifeng heard this, a speechless expression appeared on his face.

He widened his eyes, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, as if he couldn't believe what Sanji said.

Perhaps in Xu Haifeng's eyes, Sanji's decision was a bit naive and childish.

After all, being enemies with girls is not an easy thing to avoid, and sometimes it is not entirely determined by personal will.

But Sanji obviously didn't realize this. He simply thought that he should try his best to avoid conflicts with girls.

Looking at Sanji's serious look, Xu Haifeng couldn't help shaking his head, and secretly sighed in his heart: This guy is really a hopeless person!

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