Crossing Soldiers

Chapter 353: Lord Ute of Lejin tribe

Chapter 353 Lord Yute of Lejin Clan

Chapter 1 to

Five thousand soldiers of the mechanical unit, under the night, in the huge dock opened from the main brain base of the earth star area, driving 30 medium-sized warships slowly to the high altitude.

A strange color appeared on Nie Fangqi's face, looking at the sky without a word.

But he thought in his heart: "I don't know how many hole cards Mr. Leng had in his previous life. Even the chairman of the board doesn't even know that the sky-defying technological weapon is still kept in the main brain base of the star area. "

"Don’t think about it. My strength won’t help much for the time being. The singularity in my body is about to turn into subspaces. During this time, I should stay inside the base and don’t go out. Great changes will take place in their strength, and they will be able to help them at that time."

Thinking of this, Nie Fangqi turned around and walked slowly into the base.

After two consecutive days, the two fleets, the cold front and the law enforcement regiment, searching in space, did not find any enemy's whereabouts.

And there was no gain on the seven peaks. The planetary killer seemed to have evaporated and did not appear again. This caused all kinds of suspicions from everyone involved in the search, including Leng Feng.

"It's weird. It's so strange. There is no unidentified strongman subspace in Tinna, and there is no discovery at the junction of Earth and Tinna. Could this planet killer go elsewhere?"

All those involved in the search think so, but the more so, the heavier people's hearts become.

The disappearance of the enemy did not make them feel relieved, but it made them unable to relax. Because the identity of this planetary killer is very likely to be the **** of mountain beauty, and the **** of mountain beauty is also one of the backers of the scavengers.

In terms of harm, this person was far greater than the half-promoted Yueqing Heavenly God, and it would be difficult to destroy her.

However, after the Smart 8 personally led the mechanical soldiers to the border zone of the Earth star area, after the emergence of the super weapon that can kill the strong below the third-order starry sky, this situation has changed.

Leng Feng even hopes that this planetary killer will appear as soon as possible, so as to eliminate the opponent as soon as possible and remove this potential threat.

However, Planet Killer really seemed to have disappeared, leaving several search teams to no avail.

But it wasn't nothing. In the process of a comprehensive search conducted by several search teams, several highly hidden class powerhouses in the Federation were discovered by the search fleet.

And Luo Bingxuan and Lu Sihai immediately sent a small group of soldiers to visit these powerhouses.

Seven-level beginners, five-level intermediates, this is the number of strong people hidden on the asteroids surrounding the Earth's star zone.

The identities of these people on the planets also surprised Leng Feng. They were actually quite ordinary residents on all the planets, and they were basically within a hundred years of age.

These people usually look extremely ordinary, never participate in any political or military activities, and are very responsible civilians.

After questioning by the law enforcement regiment soldiers, these people had no choice but to admit that they were strong, but they had no intention of participating in military and federal affairs.

When Luo Bingxuan reported to Leng Feng, Leng Feng almost didn't believe his ears.

"Lao Luo, we seem to have overlooked a problem" Leng Feng couldn't help but sighed and said to Luo Bingxuan during the communication.

"Xiao Leng, what do you think we have overlooked?" Lao Luo asked with some surprise.

"Not all the strong will show up, and our previous perspective is too narrow. We conduct defensive searches to avoid the harm that planetary killers can cause."

"But at the same time, we should also register all the strong people in the Federation in the future. These 13 strong people are actually hidden among the civilians, within the Tinna star area and the earth star area."

"Perhaps we have all underestimated the heritage of human beings before the age of immigration, and there may be more powerful people. These twelve people, we must strive for them to enter the law enforcement team."

"Even if they don't enter the law enforcement team, they will try to get them to promise that when humans are in danger, they can reach out to thirty-six sectors. Even if each sector has one or two powerhouses, it can be the same. A lot of power."

Leng Feng said excitedly.

These strong men of ancient sects who came from various countries before the federal immigration have always had no intention of political and military activities, and even willing to become civilians, but quietly cultivated evolution.

On this point, Leng Feng had guessed before, but he did not expect that there would be so many powerhouses.

Initially, when Leng Feng used *-level fighters to fend off the scavenger troops on the earth, he thought that *-level fighters were very good powerhouses.

But since he got the memory of his previous life, he began to come into contact with higher-level powerhouses one by one.

From the eight peaks to the Holy See and the major warrior organizations, these are just forces placed in the open. There are some older sectarian forces. Maybe there are not many strong ones, but they exist in a more secret form. With.

If it hadn't been the appearance of planet killers, a large-scale subspace search would have made it impossible to discover the existence of these powerful people hidden in the public.

Leng Feng is not afraid that these strong men will do harm to civilians. After all, these strong men have been hidden among the people for so many years, and they have not carried out any harmful actions.

These people should be the kind of people who don't like to participate in any political and military activities. Some of them even have a good reputation on the asteroid, and they are completely incompatible with the image of the strong.

These forces are hidden deep in the people, and their sects are by no means only the strongest, there should be a large number of members. That will be the first goal for Leng Feng to absorb into the law enforcement team.

"Well, you, Xiao Leng, I really think it makes sense. If there are such powerful people hidden in the private in thirty-six stars, then our law enforcement team wants to grow in a short period of time, that's not a problem. After Leng Feng finished speaking, Luo Bingxuan immediately slapped his forehead and said with joy flashing in his eyes.

"Lao Luo, this matter is not in a hurry. The soldiers you sent out will withdraw first after recording the information of these people. We are currently focusing on searching and defending the planetary killer and persuading them to join the law enforcement team. The next thing."

Leng Feng then chatted briefly with Luo Bingxuan and then hung up the communication.

Next, Leng Feng immediately contacted Yu Bing urgently.

"Sister Yu, arrange for the system network to send another sub-space detection instrument over and activate some materials in the Maya reserve star. I need at least dozens of sub-space probes."

After the communication was connected, Leng Feng quickly made a request before Yu Bing could speak.

"Xiao Leng, do you know what else you are talking about? Making a special substance for the sub-space detector is enough to arm a medium-sized fleet."

"Currently, the production base of the system network consumes an unimaginable amount of materials every day, producing flagship guns and defense systems. Where can there be more materials to produce the subspace detection instruments you want?"

"Also, what do you want so many sub-space probes for? Even if there is a planetary killer this time, don't you have that space annihilation weapon in your hand? Why do you need to consume a lot of resources to make so many sub-space probes?" Yu Bing Asked with a surprised face.

When Leng Feng wanted to fight the planetary killer, Yu Bing was also very worried. She even had to go directly to the border of the planetary area to join Leng Feng.

However, Luo Bingxuan led the team to leave, and the Seven Peaks were not there. Leng Feng had already left as the head of the law enforcement team. She, the deputy general agent of the system network, was sitting on the frozen planet, so it was really difficult to leave.

It wasn't until she learned that Leng Feng had transferred five thousand mechanical soldiers from the main brain base of the star area, plus super weapons that could easily kill the starry sky powerhouse, that she was a little relieved.

However, she was always a little surprised, knowing that the weapon that can kill the starry sky powerhouse is far beyond the level of technology currently mastered by the system network.

The explanation of Leng Feng is very simple. It is a special weapon left by the founder of System Network X. After the planet killer is eliminated, it will be delivered to the team in charge of Tang Jingxun and Yi Jingzi for research.

Even when Leng Feng saw the object that looked like an ordinary pistol, he didn't believe that it could actually kill the starry sky expert.

But when Leng Feng tried to destroy the pistol with all his strength, he couldn't do it at all, and he couldn't even see through the internal structure of the gun with his life energy.

It is hard to imagine that such a huge pistol has an extremely terrifying name, Space Annihilation Cannon.

This pistol is currently in the hands of Smart No. 8, and Smart No. 8 is standing beside Leng Feng. It is difficult to tell from the outside that he is a robot.

The pistol was half a meter long and was easily held in the hand by the Smart No. 8.

"Sister Yu, I know that such a request will make you very embarrassed. After all, the fringe galaxy is now on the brink of war, and military production should not be affected in any way."

"But the three starry sky powerhouses last time, plus the mysterious planet killer now, it is not clear whether it is Shan Mei. During the search, we..."

At the moment, Leng Feng will talk about the twelve-level powerhouses that he accidentally searched at the border between the Tina and Earth.

"Firstly, Sister Yu wants to establish a sub-space search network so that it can detect whether strong people appear in the Federation at any time. That is extremely important to the security of the Federation. Even if you can’t make too many at once, you must divide it as much as possible. Produced in batches."

When he got here, Leng Feng felt a little helpless.

The special materials in the system network warehouse are used a little less. Now the main guns and defense systems that can maintain the production of various weapons are already very good. Most of the subspace locators are made of the most precious special elements. Bing's unwillingness to make concessions in this regard also makes sense.

After all, the war in the marginal galaxy is about to break out. The reason for war resources is tilted toward the upcoming battle. If the warships damaged in the war need to be repaired, the parts must be replaced after the battle to ensure that the warships are always in the best combat condition.

Leng Feng, a lion with a big mouth, wants to produce dozens of sub-space detectors at one time. Those special materials are used to produce battleship accessories. Because their unit consumption is very small, they can support the production of millions of system network battleships.

Therefore, Yu Bing directly refused.

But now when he heard Leng Feng's words, Yu Bing also thought for more than ten seconds, seeming to be weighing something, and at the same time she also called the amount of special substances in the system's network inventory.

"Xiao Leng, front-line production must not be shelved. According to what you said, the establishment of a subspace detection and defense network cannot be achieved with the existing resources of the system network."

"But within a month, I will urge Jingzi to produce two or three more subspace probes for you. Our resources are really running out. Recycling and using the special materials in the old warships is not that simple. You Should be clear"

After thinking about it, Yu Bing loosely agreed to produce two or three subspace probes.

Although Leng Feng is the general agent of the system, Yu Bing has a more comprehensive grasp of these details about production. Leng Feng, the shopkeeper, can only solicit the opinions of Yu Bing.

"Good Sister Yu, then three. It seems that I have to send a law enforcement team to conduct long-term mobile search activities." Leng Feng gave a wry smile.

Resources are currently plagued by the system network. There is no advanced technology, but there is no more resources.

Leng Feng really hates the embarrassing situation he has fallen into. If this planetary killer hadn't appeared, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to stay in space for such passive defense.

"Xiao Leng, be careful. I want you to live safely." Yu Bing said before ending the communication, looking at Leng Feng with complicated eyes.

Leng Feng's heart warmed, Yu Bing didn't say much, but it had the same meaning as Wei Siyin's words before leaving the earth.

"Sister Yu, don't worry, there is room for annihilation, I will be fine"

Leng Feng nodded and ended the conversation with Yu Bing.

Marginal galaxy, asteroid base outside the Sinbad galaxy.

"Lux, when can the Viscount Leng Feng arrive? His Royal Highness can't see me, even this Viscount is so arrogant, doesn't he want the title of Imperial Noble? Why doesn't he come to see me?"

In a wide lounge of the base command center, Lord Ute, who was drinking human tea, asked Lukas with a hint of doubt.

"Master Ute, I'm sorry, Master Viscount said that something needs to be done for a few days, but didn't tell me why I have contacted Kemodo. He said Master Viscount should be near the capital star of this tribe, but he didn't know what he was doing. what."

"Actually, after he got the news a few days ago, he originally promised to come and see you directly. But he didn't expect to be so worried. For this, I can only apologize to you on behalf of the Lord Viscount."

Lieutenant Lukes, at this time, really regarded Leng Feng as the commander of the Crown Prince Doras' troops, otherwise he would not speak for Leng Feng like this.

"Well, can you contact this Viscount Leng Feng directly for me. I have to confess something to him alone. This is about how he can successfully master the planet and go to the Imperial Capital. This is very important."

"I can't leave the clansmen for too long. After all, the billions of clansmen are divided into factions. If I'm not there, they will cause trouble over time."

Lord Ute said with a strange smile on his pale face.

When he spoke, he did not radiate a trace of life energy, but an invisible pressure instantly enveloped Lukas standing in front of him.

The source of that pressure turned out to be Ute's eyes, just a look, which caused a drop of sweat to ooze out of Luke's forehead.

Lord Ute, among the many strong races, was considered a young patriarch, only 30 million years old, but became a starry strong over 20 million years ago.

Such a heavyweight powerhouse, the Lejin clan of the Diana Pigeon River System he represents, ranks in the top 10,000 in the entire Doras Empire.

We must know that there are tens of millions of races in the Doras Empire, and they can be ranked in the top ten thousand, completely because this Ute Lord has become a starry powerhouse.

After the members of the guards came to the lord from the federation, the lord who had always been loyal to the former emperor immediately agreed to loyal to An Kun and arranged a new identity for Leng Feng.

However, he went to the galaxy to meet Leng Feng in person, which made Luke a little puzzled. Until now, he didn't know why Ute came to see Leng Feng.

In fact, Ute sent a messenger to show allegiance to An Kun, just like other races in the empire.

After seeing Utna's strange gaze, Lukas couldn't help shaking his whole body, and the life energy on his body surface instantly appeared, trying to offset the pressure on him.

However, Ute did not radiate any substantive energy pressure, that pressure was only on the soul level, and Lukas only felt that he appeared so weak in front of the starry sky powerhouse.

"Yes, Lord Ute, I will contact Lord Viscount immediately" Lukes agreed immediately.

Ute has been here for a few days. The Cina Pigeon River System is not far from the Milky Way, only slightly farther than the Fairy River System, about 1.2 million light-years away, and it is in a different direction from the Fairy River System.

In these days, a team of hundreds of strong men brought by Ute has been integrated into the Crown Prince's Guard, and they are all descendants of the Ute family.

After Ute asked about Prince An Kun's current situation, he did not go to the main star of Sinbad, nor did he express any intention of entering the Human Federation for exploration.

This made Luke a little puzzled. Since Yu Te was not in a hurry to see An Kun, he was not interested in the civilized tribe where Prince An Kun resided in the Human Federation, so what did he come for?

Between Lundy and Titan, Leng Feng is communicating with Wei Siyin.

"Feng, the Federal Exploration Commission sent an invitation letter, naming Luo Feng and I to participate in a secret trade rally. Those who attended were all rich people in the Federation. Do you think I will go or not?"

After Wei Siyin asked about Leng Feng's recent situation with concern, he showed Leng Feng an invitation letter.

"Siyin, go and maybe you can find something you like. The expedition fleet sometimes finds some cultural relics left after the destruction of elementary civilization. If you like it, buy it and decorate our villa on Sifeng Island. ."

Leng Feng said with a smile Well, that's it. I really don't know when you will execute this military mission and hope it will end sooner. "

Wei Siyin finished talking before ending communication with Leng Feng.

Leng Feng raised his head and looked at the space in the three-dimensional image. In the starry space, he did not know where the planet killer was.

"Well, it seems that it is necessary to change the search range. Maybe the planet killer diverted to other regions in the Tinna region. At least six regions are adjacent to the Tinna region. Searching is very troublesome. The range is really wide. too big."

Thinking of this, Leng Feng couldn't help but smile.

But while he smiled bitterly, the subspace communicator suddenly made a communication waiting sound.

"It's Lux?"

Leng Feng just remembered that a few days ago, Lukes mentioned that Lord Ute had already rushed to the edge galaxy.


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