Crossing Soldiers

Chapter 405: Fisherman's Strategy

The 405th chapter fisherman's strategy

(To the first chapter)

In the subspace, thousands of gray battleships with a length of 500 meters are advancing rapidly towards the Doras fleet under the command of Watanabe Ginoro. m. You can go to Ye Ye when you read novels~

"Although we are retreating in a large area, more than half a million warships have been destroyed by the alien fleet. If we do not stop the pursuit of the alien fleet as soon as possible, I am afraid that my brothers and I will work hard to form the outer fleet, and we will retreat. All consumed"

Watanabe Ginoro looked very gloomy.

After learning that the existing fleet was being pursued by the unknown fleet and strong forces and suffered huge damage, Watanabe Ginoro had been driving from the Takuo galaxy for two or three days before approaching the back of the battlefield.

Although it has been determined to direct the war to the system network galaxy, the unknown strong force can grasp the direction of the retreat of the fleet at any time, and continue to inflict severe damage.

This happened repeatedly, which made Watanabe Ginoro very angry.

Therefore, after discussing with fifteen half-brothers of the same father and mother, he finally led millions of powerful troops equipped with heavy armor on the journey of intercepting foreign pursuits.

"Report to Your Highness that our fleet reconnaissance system has detected the location of the enemy fleet. They are carrying out a devastating attack on one of our retreating fleets. We will be able to meet them in about a few minutes."

A scavenger officer stood up respectfully in the position of the communications officer and reported to Watanabe Ginoro.

At the same time as the report, a three-dimensional image quickly appeared in front of Watanabe Ginoro.


Watanabe Ginoro frowned and looked at the 3D battle scene.

The diameter of the entire three-dimensional image is about 1.5 meters. I saw countless gray warships fleeing in space. In the process of these warships fleeing, countless small and dazzling light spots are constantly breaking through the huge and incomparably gray warships. The battleship exploded, and the tiny spot of light quickly retreated and went to pursue other battleships again.

Those gray warships that are fleeing, although the main guns and auxiliary guns shot out on the hull, but for the tiny spots of light that chased them, they were the powerful aliens wielding the two-meter long silver sword. As far as soldiers are concerned, the damage is not great. Only some foreign soldiers will vaporize and die if they are hit by several main artillery and numerous secondary artillery at the same time.

But on the battlefield, no matter how you look at it, the 50,000 warships under the control of the scavengers have completely lost the battle formation. They are divided by countless small spots, forming dozens of condensed grounds. A state of chaos and fleeing.

"Baga Blackwood Lord, immediately communicated and ordered all the strong forces to be based on the ten-man squad, and immediately attack after jumping out of the subspace to cover our fleet retreat as much as possible."

When Watanabe Ginoro saw his fleet being massacred, his eyes were fierce.

According to the calculation of the brain system, the enemy's attacking force has about tens of thousands of soldiers, but with such a large number, it can easily cause a devastating blow to the existing fleet with manpower.

Judging from the statistics of the Intellectual Brain System, one third of the 40,000 warships have been destroyed. If we do not support them as soon as possible, I am afraid this formation fleet will follow in the footsteps of the previous scavenger fleets. Metal junk debris from space.

"His Royal Highness"

After hearing this, the communications officer Kuroki promised and immediately began to convey combat orders to the 16 powerful forces controlled by the scavengers.

Lieutenant Midas was standing in the void, millions of kilometers below his body, which was the edge of the battlefield. He just looked at the tragic situation on the battlefield, his face expressionless.

Although his face was expressionless, Lieutenant Midas was still thinking about it.

"In the past two days, the ground pursuit battle has wiped out nearly 20% of the warships in the indigenous fleet. In this case, they did not respond to my persuasion to land communications. These indigenous people are really tough enough."

"The fleet from the attack area was in the other direction and attacked Vice Admiral Cedillo's third squadron. Tens of thousands of soldiers were killed by the attack. Then the opponent escaped without a trace."

"The natives’ ability to escape and block signals is so strong. This time I personally led the assault and ordered 200,000 soldiers to take the battleship in space, waiting for the sneak attack fleet to appear again. I don’t believe my powerful soldiers. The troops can actually let them escape again"

Dozens of geometric warships over a kilometer long are quietly mooring hundreds of kilometers above Lieutenant Midas. Thousands of Doras soldiers on standby are escorting the warships. m. You can go to Ye Ye when you read novels~

These large warships that can enter space for inter-river systems are not suitable for flexible battles on the battlefield. Therefore, they are usually defended by Doras soldiers to avoid damage to the warships, which is not conducive to maintaining mobility between the stars. Sexual activity.

At this moment, the wave communicator suddenly sent waves of wave.

"Report to Lord Midas that there is a huge number of warships approaching in the subspace. According to the detection data, there are thousands of ships. It is suspected that it is the special fleet that once attacked our troops."

The communication officer in the battleship came in to communicate in time, causing Lieutenant Midas's expressionless face and his eyes to shine outward instantly.

"I order all troops on standby in space to give a devastating blow when the enemy jumps out of the subspace, and must not make them flee." Midas immediately went out of waves and issued a combat order through the communication system.

"Yes, I will convey the order immediately." The communications officer immediately sent a fluctuating response on the other side.

Five minutes later, the strong forces of Doras, who were still carrying out a unilateral massacre, were astonished after destroying the closest battleship to them. Suddenly, thousands of huge gray battleships up to 500 meters long appeared on their side. Battlefield heart.

Hundreds of humanoid armors gleaming with mysterious blue light flashed out of every battleship. These armors were about ten meters high and seemed clumsy, but they flew extremely fast.

In just a few seconds, a ten-man squad greeted the soldiers and officers in Doras. The intensity of the landlord cannon from the outer armour was able to cause slight injuries to the soldiers of Doras above the S level.

The overwhelming armor of the scavenger force quickly formed a huge encirclement, enclosing the officers and soldiers of Doras, and began a fierce battle.

The reason is very simple.

Although the strength of an armor is not enough to cause heavy damage to the Doras soldiers, ten humanoid armors are put together in a team and attacked the Doras soldiers together. The ground attack force and the power of the main guns have made those The Doras soldiers who were too late to avoid, although able to destroy one or two armors, died in the end under the attack of such a ten-man team.

Those Doras soldiers above the SS level and the SS level officers were immediately attacked by the strong scavenger force under the command of Watanabe Ginoro.

Thousands of scavengers released a cloud of black fog all over their bodies. Under the use of higher-level combat skills, all scavengers reached a combat level close to the sss level. Therefore, wherever they went, they quickly The pursuit of the escaped fleet by the strong forces of Doras was stopped.

Those scavengers warships who had been evacuated immediately, in this case, there were more than 30,000 intact warships and fled outwards, as long as the jumping engine is cooled down, they will immediately jump into the subspace and escape.

A melee immediately began on the battlefield, and when Watanabe Gino was thankful that he led his team to come in time and issued a battle order to rescue tens of thousands of battleships, a large number of Doras battleships suddenly appeared around the battlefield again.

And when those newly-emerged Doras battleships and countless Doras soldiers leapt out, holding silver long knives to surround the scavengers' humanoid armored forces again, Watanabe Ginoro finally showed a panic on his face.

"How is it possible? Both subspace and normal space detection systems have been inspected, and it is confirmed that no other troops exist, so I dare to carry out annihilation battle with armored troops dozens of times larger than the enemy. Where did those alien warships and strong soldiers suddenly come from? appeared?"

The armored forces of the Scavenger Race, which had an absolute advantage, immediately encountered great pressure.

To eliminate tens of thousands of powerful alien troops in millions, this was originally a very cost-effective business. Not only could it save the already encircled and annihilated fleet, but it could also retreat immediately after the war.

However, the sudden appearance of countless enemy strong soldiers is roughly 200,000 or more. This comparison of combat strength is completely different from Watanabe Ginoro’s previous expectations, and even a difference of one hundred and eight thousand miles. .

Although these ten humanoid armors can destroy an ordinary soldier of Doras, if ten humanoid armors face the attack of multiple Doras soldiers, it will definitely not last.

This is also the reason why Watanabe Ginoro hasn't made any rash moves in the past few days. However, today he was planning to make a profit or not, but he fell into the siege of an alien force.

The violent close combat started in space. Although the humanoid armor was slightly inferior from the point of view of defense and attack, the damage it could produce to the Doras troops was not low.

More than two hundred thousand soldiers of the Dulas army were fighting with millions of huge armors, and both sides continued to lose a lot of armor and soldiers' lives.

"Well, the strongest force of the indigenous people finally appeared. But it is strange that this is not the weird fleet that attacked us previously. Both the warships and the means of attack are not the same strange." There is a kilometer-long geometry outside the battlefield. On the battleship, Midas had a surprised expression on his face, constantly watching the real-time three-dimensional battle images from the battlefield.

At the same time, three hundred light-years away, in the space near the frigate fleet where Hulongsuo was located, Leng Feng was watching the reconnaissance information from a large number of unmanned detectors in the Zero spacecraft

"Well, the results of the harassment war are not bad, but Watanabe Ginoro was too cautious. After a few days, he finally agreed to take action. The commander of Doras really set an ambush and let them bite the dog."

A glimmer of cold light flashed through Leng Feng's eyes, and then he issued an order to the law enforcement team fleet through the subspace system.

"Xiao Mang, Nangong Hyun, Hai, when their battle is nearing the end, the three of you will release the spatial positioning jammer through the shielding system. No matter which side it is, I need you to eliminate them all"

When talking about this, Leng Feng raised his eyes and looked at the Hulongsuo Fleet that appeared in a three-dimensional image.

"I see, brother"

"Yes, sir"

"Yes, sir"

Whether it was Leng Mang, Nangong Hyun, or Xue Hai, they immediately responded solemnly on the communication side.

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