Zongzhi officially changed its name to Yujing because I liked the city and no longer planned to move back to the original. In March of the same year, Zong Zhi handed over the important tasks of Jingli to Boyu Management, and took me to a southern tour, mainly to inspect the performance of local officials and the standard of living of the people. In each town along the route, the spy of the Skynet Pavilion was sent to investigate the unannounced visits, and the incompetent officials either killed or withdrew, and shocked a large number of officials.

Tossing for more than a year, the return journey is the second year of May, coincides with the Yangtze River flood season. I came to Huangzhou on a certain day and had a heavy rain in the afternoon. The sky was blue and clear, and the Zongzhi came to be interested. He brought me and led a group of officials who accompanied him to the famous Huangzhou Chibi.

Looking at the vast expanse of the river, but I can't tell the vastness, thousands of miles of mountains and rivers are in front of you, gathering the world and the prosperity of this place do not inspire.

Zongzhi called Xiao Zhouzi from the carriage to pick up the guqin that he hadn’t played for a long time. He sat on the paved blanket and stroked a passionate ambush. The whole song was full of grandeur and full of enthusiasm. Sound, used to depict the rough waters of the river is the most appropriate. Originally this song is best for playing, but his piano is superb, and the pop-up tone is more expressive than 琵琶.

The ministers screamed, not the kind of flattering, the praise from the heart.

In order to make a face in front of the emperor, everyone can rush to express their feelings, to be able to make poems, to make paintings.

I didn't want to participate in it, but I couldn't stand these people's welcoming horses. I insisted that my poetry is unparalleled, and it is a dazzling pearl on the poetry of Tianchu.

Zong Zhi knows that I will not lose face to him and look at it with encouragement.

I had no choice but to smash the Nianjiaojiao Chibigu, which was plagiarized by countless traversers for countless times: Dajiangdong went, the waves were exhausted, and the ages were romantic. The west side of the base, the humanity is, the Three Kingdoms Zhou Lang Chibi. The stone is worn out, the waves are shot on the shore, and thousands of snow are rolled up. Picturesque, a moment how many hero……

Zong Zhixian first smiled and listened. The more he listened, the more he was surprised. The mouth gradually became an o-shaped. The ministers were all horrified, and it took about a dozen seconds for a burst of cheers.

But I am unhappy, I have already plagiarized many of Comrade Xiaosu's works. At the beginning, he taught Zhixi to recite the wine and asked him to go out. He was promoted to the Tianchu literary world.

This big Jiangdong went, I always wanted to keep Comrade Xiaosu.

There are so many people, and my conscience is uneasy. Comrade Xiao Su is my idol. I turned to think about it. Su Shi was the first swan song that passed through Chibi after being shackled and his mind was affected.

Nowadays, the dynasty changed, he may not have the experience of the past, and it disappeared in the torrent of history, it is better to be cheaper.

A few days after the return of Zongzhi from Chibi, my "Da Jiangdong" was widely spread, and all the scholars could come out without a word, and even the children who had just entered the school could catch up.

All the literati were amazed at the magnificence of this poem, and they were all exaggerated. Far from the presiding government of Bojing, Bo Yu heard about it, and also chanted from time to time: Dajiangdong went, Langtao did...

Since the crossing, my poetry style has been a way of walking. In the past, the word style of Tianchu was also the kind of sour poetry that made the moon, and I broke the pattern now.

At this point, I was taken up to the position of the pioneer of the unconstrained poet.

This is something I never thought of. I didn't think about robbing the founder of Xiaosu.

It’s all through the streets.

It’s been raining on the way back to Beijing, and it’s not big. But with the hustle and bustle, everyone is hiding in the cabin and not willing to go out. There is nothing to say about jokes.

I have nothing to tell a few children to the story, except for the children I gave to Jing Yan, Jing Ran, Zhao Ran, to Shi Weisheng's children. Other children have already established a family and have not been with them.

Zhixi officially provoked the gird of the Yun family last year and became the true family of the Yun family.

My great husband, Yun Shiyi, retired from the front line and stayed with me when he was not there, or led the fleet to walk in several neighboring countries. In his words, people can't be idle, and once they don't have a goal, they are very decadent.

Jing Yan was accompanied by the prince in the capital of Yu Jing to accompany the prince Bo Yu to handle the political affairs, and Min Zhi assisted him. Shiwei, Warm Spring accompanied me and Zongzhi in the ranks of the South.

Since the marriage of the Prince of Qidan, Boya has been running around in the north and south. I can see that this child is working hard to maintain relations between the two countries. Unfortunately, she is destined to be busy, poor child! Zongzhi had the determination to destroy the Khitan, and all kinds of preparations were complete. The difference was a reason for sending troops.

Bo Zhao has been asked by the Simaza of Nanling Country to be the head of the country, and he is not bothered. I left home last year and led several shrimps and crabs to be mixed up on the rivers and lakes. However, the eyes of the Skynet Pavilion are staring at the sky. I also know his current situation.

Yu Ze officially took over the post of the family, and the couple have been proud of being a queen. The grandchildren who passed through not only have royal blood, but also a prince, and they will praise the old couple.

The faintness is the daughter I had when I first came back from overseas with Yunshi. Now I am in my teens. I don’t feel bad about this child. It is because the in-laws of Yunjiazhuang often go to play around, and the two old ones have no daughters for a lifetime, and they have nothing to say about the faintness.

"After the mother is shameful, can you tell me anything else?" Jingran stroked his cheek with his fingers, his attitude was like his father's quiet words: "I have heard stories of these old stories, my brother and sister have said many times. You still use it to marry us. When I am a child, I don’t know what to do?"

I have read all the European fairy tales and Japanese anime that I have seen since I was a child. Now I haven’t gotten my hand, and I am poor.

Zhao Ran also grinned: "The mother likes to use some old stories to swear at us, and they also tell you that you are the Queen of Poetry!"

Since Chibi, I have made a name for myself among the readers, and I have also given the nickname of the Queen of Poetry. I complained to Zongzhi at the time: You said that those people called me a queen, how can I still have two more poems?

Zong Zhi returned to my face with a smile, as if his wife had increased his face.

"Don't honed, the mother will tell you something that I haven't heard before. Don't be afraid after listening." I was annoyed by the two sons, so I told the little guys about the end of 2012 and tried to scare them.

“A disaster has taken place. A strong earthquake and a huge volcanic eruption have turned the familiar home into a **** on earth. In other parts of the earth, various natural disasters have also erupted on an unprecedented scale. Jackson is like many families. On the road to survival. In the face of global natural disasters, he suddenly remembered the ark and map that Charlie had mentioned, so he decided to go to Noah’s Ark Base to find a chance to survive..."

I finished the story in about half an hour, made a dry mouth, and greeted Sheng Zhuoli to pour tea.

The first time a few guys heard such a story, they were all stupid, and they didn’t return to God for a while.

“Why is there a doomsday?” Jing asked with a small face.

"Because... Because the earth has fallen into the big rock, the earth is smashed into a hole, the earth is shaken and becomes very unstable, so there is a disaster." I can't do this for science.

"What is Noah's Ark?" asked Zhaoran.

"It's a big ship. When there is a flood, everyone will escape to the ship to take refuge. This is the way Westerners deal with floods. They are stupid. We Orientals will find out the reasons and eliminate all the difficulties. Allusions." I don't think this is unreasonable. There have been floods all over the world for more than four thousand years. The West has the legend of Noah's Ark, and the East has great water control.

"Is Noah's Ark having our current ship?" The ambition that had not spoken suddenly asked.

"Should be there! It seems to be bigger, firmer, and the legend is like this." Actually, I have never seen it. I said it, to say it is bigger, it is not all. Everyone knows how bad the ancient European shipbuilding techniques are and how stupid people are.

"After the mother, I will build a ship after I grow up, and make a big Noah's Ark." Zhizhen suddenly said, the face is full of seriousness.

"Well, when you grow up, you will build a big ship that you don't need to control. You have to use mechanical control to make a steam engine." I said with encouragement. The rubber seeds have already been brought back from the jungles of South America by me and the year of the world. They are now planted in Lingnan and sent special officials to take care of them.

Since the Red Eyebrows were settled, Lingnan State has returned to the status of Tianchu. It is a pity that no kingdom is in power. After the death of the old king, the son of the queen and the husband of the husband did not have the ancestry of Xuanyuan. The name was wrong and the words were not smooth. Whoever became the lord was fiercely opposed and was killed and ousted. I don’t know how many.

The queen saw the sons killing each other for the chair, and regretted that they had been murdered. Once and for all, Sima Zai came to Tianchu to ask him to go back, and Nai Minmin did not bird her. Please be impressed, and put your mind on the son of Bo Zhao, but this kid's temper is worse than his father, simply come and run away from home.

Shiwei walked in and picked up the baby son. He is forty-five years old and he loves this son very much: "Hey, I will wait for you to be a father, a great general, a craftsman of shipbuilding." What can I do?"

Zhi Zhi stretched his face and said with seriousness: "I don't know what is right. The mother said that everyone is equal and has equal rights. Can't discriminate against craftsmen."

"Pearl, see what you talk to your son?" Shiwei frowned at me, and then said to Zhi: "His son, hug you to take a nap."

Shiwei hugged Zhizhi out.

I said to the other two little guys: "Would you like to take a nap? I called Xiaoxizi to call the nurse to bring you back to the room."

Jing Ran turned over the eyelids: "The mother's postscript is not good. I only announced that I grew up yesterday. I don't need to take a nap again. How can I forget my mother after a day? The child is really strange, how is your bad memory? Queen of the Poetry?"

How can you have a son who is poisonous? I was so upset and crossed my arms: "I am too lazy to remember the things that I don't care about. How can I see that the memory is worse?"

Jing Ran claped and smiled: "The mother is angry and angry."

A bad luck child! I am not angry with one place. This is the consequence of my long-standing claim to a democratic family. Hey, even the children don’t take me seriously, how good is the way to educate children like Zong Zhimin, even a little mouth is considered Not filial.

"Where are you going in warm spring, you will come over to Saint Zhuo Li, and come over and take me these two grinding people."

Jing Ran did not care about Zhao Ran said: "Mother said that we are, began to take off." Zhaoran made a face to me.


I want to fight them and I can't bear it. I don't fight and I am really angry.

Warm spring full of flour came in from the outside: "Miss, the slave is making chocolate cake for you and the children, do you call me something?"

The seeds of the cocoa tree were once brought back from overseas by Shiyi, and planted in Lingnan. Chocolate is now a favorite food for me and my children.

"I still have the mood to eat chocolate cakes, look at them!" I pointed at the two sons without a good air: "Hurry and take these two little devils away, right, find the Hanlin Academy's master, and punish them. endorsement."

Warm spring looked at Sheng Zhuoli and smiled: "Let's let Sheng Zhuoli do it! I am going to make the chocolate cake, and I will eat it under the small hall!" Who does not know that His Royal Highness is very grind, he can not be disciplined.

"Jiang Ran, clearly, are you two after bullying the mother?"

Sheng Zhuoli did not come, and Zong Zhi came in. Since he has been an emperor, he has had a majesty to speak and the children have just been laughing, and he is honest.

"Back to the father, the mother is telling stories to the children, we are not angry with her." Jingran, first wash himself.

I saw Zongzhi, and quickly complained: "You don't know how terrible these two little demons are. They will find a powerful master to teach them, and then find a master named Wu Gong to punish them for ten days."

Jing immediately protested: "After the mother, people say that tiger poison does not eat, you can not do this to us."

I put on a bitter look: "Hey, my mother, this is for you. As the saying goes, ten years of trees, a hundred years of trees. You are like a sapling. When you are young, you don't take care of yourself. When you have a long time, you will bend and sloppy. No. You want some children who like to do the trick of stealing chickens and dogs, and they are ignorant of the evil spirits. They are unsupervised when they were young. If someone manages, they will be able to become talented. After the mother, when I was a child, I read and read in the middle of the night, and I would be punished for not having to recite one word. I didn’t light up in the morning, I was dozing off, and I was carrying my bag..."

Hey, run off! I rushed to stop.

"After the mother, I was wrong, I will not dare anymore." Jing Ran has been unable to accept the eyes of the Chaozong to go for help.

Zong Zhi took the mother and son together in the mouth, holding back the funny laughter. Although he did not understand a few words from his wife, he got used to it for many years and said to the two little guys: "The rain stopped outside and the weather was very good. The father took you to the shore to play."

I seem to have removed the heavy parcel: "Hurry and take them away, I will be bored."

Zongzhi called the guards to pass the words to the ship in front, and let the escorts performing safety missions lead the boat by boat. He led a child in one hand and walked outside the cabin. Going back to the door: "Pearl, do you want to come over?"

"When I am in a good mood, I will find you again."

It’s easy to get rid of this little demon, and I won’t be boring. Hey, the child doesn't give force, and the mother can't help it!

I groaned for a while, standing on the bow and watching their father and son get on the shore, turned and walked into the cabin, and they couldn't help but touch someone. The hot tea that was held in the hand of the man was knocked down by me. He screamed and hurt.

The person I met was Saint Zhuoli. He was burned by the tea. At this time, both hands squatted underneath.

Oops, he will not be the most important part of a man? The imperial prisoner is missing from the palace. Does he want to be a member of the **** family?

I pulled it into the cabin and took off his trousers. I saw some redness in the front. I called the **** to find the condensed dew, rubbed it with my fingers, and wiped him personally.

His eyes were red and some gasping, staring straight at me, one hand stroking my chest.

I grabbed his hand and put it down. I didn't worry, I told Xiaoxizi to take my dedication to call a doctor.

About half an hour later, a gray-haired old doctor came to my boat with the help of Xiao Xizi.

The old doctor gave me a head and was led to the bed of Saint Zhuo Li.

I don't know if he is dizzy, or he wants to eat Saint Zhuoli tofu, his head is low, and he looks up at the naked and strong body for a long time before he raises his head. He slowly said: "The niece is assured, Your man is fine, isn't this a scented scent? It will be fine tomorrow, and it will not delay the house at night."

This old thing is rude. If I don't think that he is old, I will rule him a crime of shamelessness. I waved my hand and called Xiaoxizi to reward him and quickly sent it away.

The cabin was very quiet, only me and Saint Zhuo Li, I scolded him from time to time, studying for him for a while. The light of the scorpion full of exploration: "How can I meet you so skillfully, this palace remembers that you are not martial arts very high? This does not understand the ability to hide people, is it a good ten-handed martial arts?"

Sheng Zhuoli looked shy and looked down. For a long time, he said: "Small wants to attract the Queen's attention. I didn't think I would burn it here. I want to burn my own feet. Who is not sure?"

My heart is filled with anger: "If you want to draw attention to this palace, you will use self-harm. The palace has to say that your brain is in the water."

St. Zhuoli’s eyes showed grief: “Please ask the Queen to punish.”

I feel soft, he actually approached me in this way, can see how much I usually ignore him, last time he was lucky, he was a few months ago? I haven't been impressed for a long time. He softened his voice: "Is it still hurting now?"

"No... no pain... maiden..." St. Zhuo Li was a little panicked. In his impression, the noble queen never said a gentle word to him. He didn’t know what to do for a while: It’s already a lot better to apply the cool and condensed silk.”

I still hold his underside in my hand, the river crab, the crab, the river, the crab, the river, the crab, the crab, the crab, the crab, the crab, the crab, the crab, the crab, the crab.

The owner who saw the thing was staring at me with a confused look, and the breath seemed very unstable.

"Can you do it, if you can, I can help you." I don't want him to be so uncomfortable, I want to give the fire in his body.

"Yes, the surface is a bit red and swollen, nothing is wrong." St. Zhuoli did not care about anything, and she went out, as long as she could get her love and compassion, let him die.

"You guys are really... yes, have you taken a shower?"

"Every day is washing, every morning and evening." Saint Zhuo Li suddenly sore nose, waiting for her chance to be lucky.

"You fool." I held him in both hands, gently licking, avoiding the redness on my head. Think of saliva should be good for the benefit, bury your head (the river crab river crab river crab river crab river crab river crab river crab river crab).

River Crab River Crab River Crab River Crab River Crab River Crab River Crab River Crab River Crab River Crab River Crab River Crab River Crab River Crab River Crab River Crab River Crab River Crab River Crab River Crab River Crab River Crab). Saint Zhuo Li got up from the bed, put his hands in my clothes, and held a pair of peppers soft kneading.

"Anniling, Queen Empress... Ah..."

The voice of Sheng Zhuoli came from my ear, and I was extremely excited. Suddenly, I screamed and shouted with screams and screams, and I couldn’t say how happy I was, and I felt shivering, and my body shuddered. River crab river crab river crab river crab river crab river crab). I coughed aside, and he handed a white towel and wiped my mouth. Suddenly grabbed my kiss, my tongue opened my teeth, and my little tongue was sucked.

He is very powerful, one hand can cut my hands back behind my back, the other hand strokes on my chest. I was touched with some tingling, but I had a blissful desire. I tried to give up and let him kiss, but he was not just as simple as kissing me.

It took him only a few seconds to peel me and his clothes, pressed me under the kiss, and kissed the toes. Then separate my legs and kiss me with my lips (the river crab river crab river crab river crab river crab river crab river crab river crab river crab river crab river crab river crab river crab river crab river crab river crab river crab).

He is as hard and dedicated as he is, as if it is a delicious food.

"Yeah!" I couldn't help but screamed, and then I felt his entry, a slight tingling came, still not accustomed to his size, I opened my legs very open, yelled at him: "Don't be too deep, will pain……"

"I know, I won't hurt you..." St. Zhuo Li continued to push forward, panting: "Mother, after you have killed a small one, it is worth it."

I was asked several times in a row, and when the sky was dark, he was reluctant to come down from me. I didn't want to move when I was tired. I prepared the bath water in the warm spring. I got up and took me into the tub.

I am kneeling on the warm spring chest, and I am powerless: "Warm spring is not, I am tired."

Warm spring whispered comfortably in my ear: "The slaves remember that tonight is Missy’s holiday, not to come."

Saint Zhuo Li followed the tub and sat down behind me, holding my waist with my hand.

I am struggling: "No, I am tired."

He didn't let go: "I know, I know, the Queen is not afraid, if you are small, you want to hold you like this, keep holding."

I slept in the warm spring, I don't know how long it took, Zong Zhi came back from the outside, wrapped me in Jin, and hugged him into his room. I am still asleep, and when I am completely awake, it is already at noon on the second day. The Royal Fleet enters the Bianjing Pier and is preparing to land.

I finally came back. I have been abroad for more than a year. I don’t know how my relatives at home are?

Being harmonious, I want to see the mailbox, I have no time to change it.

The author has something to say: Being harmonious, want to see the mailbox, there is no time to change

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