This is Mil's voice.

But there was no one behind him, and the sound of "Dala Beng Ba" echoing in his ears seemed to become more and more unreal.


Dalabengba remembered.

Everyone is dead...

A whole village fell to a sudden attack by monsters. Uncle Sam who adopted him died, the old bearded village chief died, and Mi'er, who clung to him every day, was eaten by a group of demon wolves.

Dalabengba hated that he was not in the village at that time.

I also hate those knights who collect taxes every month.

Did you promise to protect the village?

Why the sudden withdrawal?

He lifted up the demon wolf's body and sat slumped down on a nearby big rock.

"Monsters deserve to die!"

Darabengba murmured to himself, the hatred for monsters in his heart reaching its extreme.

Life has to go on, and only by becoming stronger will there be a chance to kill more monsters, but as a second-level warrior, he is still too weak.

Rested for a while.

Dalabengba carried the corpse of the demon wolf and came to the market alone. In the past, he would be accompanied by the little Mi'er.

Dalabengba doesn't like to talk much, but Mier is a lively and cheerful girl.

She would shout loudly: "Magic wolf meat, fresh magic wolf meat!" to help him sell it.

He will also bargain with those buyers with a shrewd look: "Look at the condition of this product and the completeness of this fur, can you find a second one in the entire market? Why bargain for this price! Do you want to buy it or not~ "

But now all is gone.

Dalabengba clenched his fists and shouted like Mi'er.

But his voice was extremely difficult and far from as clear and penetrating as Mi'er's.

"Devil wolf meat...fresh,...devil wolf meat..."

"Tap tap tap!"

The sound of heavy horse hooves sounded, and two knights were seen galloping on their horses. They did not stop until they reached the entrance of the market. They took out two parchments from their breastplates and pasted them on the notice board, one on the left and the other on the right.

On the left is the portrait, on the right is the text.

Dalabengba was illiterate, but he could hear clearly what people around him were talking about.

"Hey, what are you doing this early in the morning? Is there another wanted criminal in Anlius?"

"Are you blind? Such a beautiful girl will be a wanted criminal?"

"His Majesty the King is summoning warriors to slay the dragon and rescue the princess. That portrait belongs to the princess."

"I heard that as long as you can rescue the princess, not only can you marry the princess, but the king will also give the dragon slayer a lot of rewards and the status of a prince."

"Tsk tsk... Such a big deal~ If I weren't just a farmer, I would kill a dragon for fun. Look at this princess, she's so cool."

Slay the dragon? Princess?

Dalabengba was actually not interested in princesses or princes. He was interested in the king's rewards.

As the leader of a country, you can't be stingy with a little golden lion, right?

Dalabengba needed money.

The reason why he stayed nearby was to save some money and bury the corpses of the former villagers properly, or at least build a decent tomb.

With this thought in mind, Dalabengba carried the body of the demon wolf and came to the vicinity of the notice board.

What comes into view is a portrait of a young and pretty girl.

Dalabengba has never seen a princess, but he feels that no matter where the princess is, the upper limit of appearance is limited to this, at least he can't find any flaws at all.

"About the same age as Mi'er..."

"Did she get kidnapped by the evil dragon? Damn it!"

Dalabengba couldn't help but feel angry in his heart.

Monster, monster again!

How many lives will these violent monsters have to kill before they give up?

The familiar and friendly faces in the village appeared in his mind, and finally settled on Mi'er's flower-like smile.

Dalabengba decided that he wanted to slay the dragon!

Not for the prince's status.

Just to save this girl who is the same age as Mi'er, just to get a little money to give to the villagers, and to build a beautiful tomb for Mi'er.

this moment.

Dalabengba clenched the rusty broken iron sword in his hand.

In order to select the strongest dragon-slaying warrior.

King Andrius held a tournament at the palace.

All applicants will participate in this one-on-one duel, and the three strongest warriors will eventually be selected from a group of applicants.

Now these three warriors are waiting in the palace.

They are Dalabengba, the "Sword Hero" who is good at using long swords.

Freya, the "brave of magic", is good at using magic.

and Kayal, the "Healing Hero" who is good at healing.

Warriors, mages, and priests just formed a system, and King Anrius was very satisfied with it.

As expected, it was the queen's idea. If it hadn't been for this duel, he wouldn't have known that there were so many folk masters hidden in his little Kingdom of Anlius.

Take that Dalabengba for example.

Although he is only a second-level warrior, his physical fitness is extremely astonishing, and his reflexes are terrifyingly fast. Even a third-level warrior cannot keep up with his speed.

This is the gap caused by talent.

"Fellow warriors! You are the strongest in our Kingdom of Anlius, and now you are shouldering the great mission of slaying the dragon and saving the princess."

"In order to make your journey smoother, as the king of Anrius, I have prepared the best equipment for you!"

King Anrius clapped his hands, and the knights under his command immediately pulled a small cart out of the corner near the palace.

There are all kinds of sophisticated equipment on this small cart.

King Andrius did not lie.

Sophisticated equipment.

The top equipment of the entire Andrius Kingdom.

There is nothing stronger than these.

Darabengba's eyes lit up when he looked at the sophisticated equipment on the cart.

As a warrior, equipment is almost essential.

Compared with mages and priests who can sing magic without a wand, warriors do not have weapons and armor, and their killing capabilities are undoubtedly greatly reduced.


King Andreus solved the urgent problem.

Because Dalabengba's rusty sword had been completely curled during the duel.

Soon, Dalabengba took the lead in choosing his armor and weapons, and expressed his gratitude to the generous King Andrius.

However, the healing hero Kayal and the magic hero Freya did not take action.

"Thank you for the reward, but I already have a master-level wand. Although your equipment is good, it may not be suitable for me to use."

The one who spoke was Freya, the "Brave of Magic".

Her appearance hidden in the shadow of the mage hat is extremely delicate. She is wearing a gorgeous mage robe and has long pink shawl hair that reaches her waist.

Although her tone was very calm, everyone present could hear the arrogance and contempt between the lines in her words.

But as a third-level mage.

She does have pride.

"Uh... I don't need it either. I have my own ancestral equipment. These armors are too bulky."

Kaiyal, the Healing Hero, did not look proud. He scratched his head and told the truth.

However, his eyes fell on Freya next to him from time to time, and there were already hidden budding, complicated and weird emotions in those eyes.

"In that case, you can set off."

King Anrius has suffered too many blows during this period, and the contempt of Freya, the "brave of magic", can no longer cause fluctuations in his heart.

"I want to remind you that the dragon is extremely powerful. Even if it is only the third level, it is far from being comparable to ordinary monsters. I hope you will be careful in your words and actions and don't rush into anything greedy for credit."

"Finally, I wish you a safe journey."

With the end of the conversation in the palace.

The melodious bell rang.

Three figures walked out of the palace.

With their own different ideas and purposes, they faced the sun and embarked on a journey to slay the dragon.

Yoyo Anna

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