Xiaohong's spicy dung balls smoked people's eyes and destroyed their will more effectively than the strong stench.

These Sakura players reacted and immediately ran towards the center of Sakura Island No. 2 Novice Village.

It is the only pure land in the entire Sakura Island No. 2 Novice Village.

But if these people who are smelly and spicy all come together.

Wouldn't it be the same and still smell bad?

So another incredible thing happened.

The Sakura players who arrived at the center of Novice Village No. 2 on Sakura Island in advance actually started to block the Sakura players who arrived later.

They even got into a fight over it.

A group of warrior players form an impenetrable human wall.

They held homemade self-defense shields in their hands and stuck them on the ground, looking warily at the Sakura players who were covered in filth.

It's like looking at infected zombie virus carriers.

"Let me in! It's so painful!"

"Yes, Taijun! Can't you see the spreading poisonous gas? Let us in!"

Some Sakura players who were blocked outside begged, but the Warrior players who blocked them remained unmoved.

"Back off! You guys stink too much. You can go in if you want, but you can clean yourself up first!"

"Go away, force your way in and kill him on the spot!"

After hearing this, some mage players immediately took off their clothes and started washing their bodies with magic water balls.

As for the warrior players, they are completely blind.

They can't just use a sword to scrape off a layer of their flesh! ?

Su Nian, who was hovering in the sky, saw this scene in his eyes. Now most of the players have gathered in the center of Novice Village No. 2 on Sakura Island.

It’s time to start cutting leeks!

"Rolls-Royce, come with me and breathe dragon breath toward the center of the human village!"

Su Nian roared loudly in the direction of the Rolls-Royce.

"Master... wouldn't this be good... These humans have not provoked us, why should we massacre them?"

"If these humans are looking for trouble, I think it's justifiable to kill them, but..."

Rolls-Royce is in a bit of a dilemma.

He is a good dragon after all.

It's still a bit too forced for him to suddenly pick up a butcher's knife and slaughter humans.

"Stupid!" Su Nian sneered and spat on dragon phlegm. The hot magma dragon phlegm sprayed into the No. 2 Novice Village on Sakura Island and instantly vaporized an unlucky Sakura Warrior player.

"Why are the number of dragons decreasing?"

"You told me that the main reason is that the magic energy is declining, the environment is getting worse and worse, the dragon eggs are getting weaker and weaker, and many dragons can't even break their shells."

"Even if it breaks out of its shell, it will still be a brainless dragon beast, even deformed."

"Have you ever wondered why this happens?"

Rolls-Royce stared stupidly with its big round eyes.


"Because of humans!" Su Nian's tone was stern, with murderous intent. At this moment, he seemed to be possessed by the movie king!

"Human beings have taken over our living space!"

"Humans have destroyed our living environment!"

"Humans even slaughtered so many of our compatriots, took dragon hearts, took dragon whips, made wine and rice, and made equipment!"

Rolls-Royce looked thoughtful.

He recalled what mankind had done in the past thousand years. After that war, mankind's luck was particularly prosperous, because no matter what, Emperor Xiwei's identity was still a human.

The attitudes of other races towards humans have also changed a lot as a result.

This also led to humans becoming more and more arrogant. Until now, humans have almost regarded themselves as the darlings of the entire continent.

In the past, humans were still afraid of giant dragons.

Today's humans look at giant dragons as if they are looking at mountains of flying materials!

"Your parents were killed by human dragon slayers, so you should have ill intentions towards humans."

"Instead of cowardly saying stupid things like 'these humans are innocent' like now!"

"When you die, you shut your mouth forever and can no longer talk to anyone."

"Even your human friends only succumb to your force."

"Once you let him go, he will bring the dragon slayer to your dragon lair and show off with a bag of gold coins on your body! Celebrate loudly!"


The eyes of the Rolls-Royce Dragon are shining with fire.

The momentum in his whole body reached its peak at this moment.

The hot breath lingered around him.

Everyone can feel the anger in his heart.

"Humans! Humans deserve to die!"

Rolls-Royce understands.

It's all because of humans.

It's because of these greedy humans that he became what he is now.

He could have raised a group of goblins or elves to talk to him every day.

In the end, he could only huddle in this small piece of desolate desert in Morigan!

Su Nian looked at the furious Rolls-Royce and knew that the brass dragon had been deceived and became lame.

He is still a kind and chaotic brass dragon.

It's just that this kindness no longer faces humans.

"Very well, now that you have awakened, then join me in massacring this human village!"

Su Nian said hello and took the lead in fluttering his wings down.

This time Rolls-Royce no longer hesitated. He followed closely behind the black dragon. The linear dragon breath had begun to gather in his throat, ready to go.

"Two giant dragons are coming!"

Some Sakura players raised their heads and pointed at the sky.

"All mage players prepare!"

"First put a shield on the warrior, and then immediately cast your most powerful magic! Separate two mage players to cast slowness on the dragon!"

Immediately, two Sakura players stood up.

He released the slow magic at the two giant dragons that were getting closer and closer.

Dragons are extremely resistant to elemental magic.

Slowness is the only magic that can have some effect.

Dragon slayers throughout the ages were basically warriors.

It is rare to hear of the existence of mage dragon slayers.

This is because as dragons grow older, dragon scales that have experienced hundreds of battles have already developed strong magic resistance.

Coupled with the dragon's own talent and habit of devouring minerals, it becomes increasingly difficult for the mage to cause enough damage to the dragon.

"Warrior players! It's up to you whether you can kill them or not!"

Akashi Akashi roared lowly.

This was his first time facing a legendary creature from another world, and it was impossible to say that he wasn't nervous.

I have long heard about the power of dragons.

At this moment, my palms are already sweating!

And, at the moment the black dragon appeared.

He had already speculated that his father should have been captured, and his belief in killing the dragon became more and more determined.

Getting closer!

"Take out the javelins behind you and aim at the dragon in the sky!"

"I believe that everyone in the No. 2 Novice Village has learned throwing skills!"

"Elevation angle 45 degrees, ready to throw with all your strength!"


The warrior player pulled out the javelin behind him as requested, and the armor and gauntlet collided together, making a chaotic noise.

They aimed one hand forward at the dragon.

The other hand holds the javelin and shrinks back.

Muscles throughout the body are tense.

Like a fully drawn bow.

Akashi Akashi silently calculated the intensity, and at a certain moment, a light flashed in his eyes!

He shouted loudly:


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