In the cold winter, the outside of the Emerald Forest is not as warm and spring-like as the inside.

Even though mom and dad have installed windows in the new tree house, the cold wind still pours into the house through various invisible gaps.

In addition, elves are not allowed to cut down trees, which means that in order to keep warm, little Anna has to walk long distances with her father and mother to pick up coal every day.

Sub-elves are fragile before they are awakened.

Every day when little Anna came home, she would hold her hands and feet, which were red from the cold, by the fire to warm them for a long time.

"Where's my sister?"

She always asked that back then.

"Your sister was found to have awakening potential some time ago, so she entered the Elf King's Court to study..."

The voices of their parents were full of hope. They thought that in a few days, Anya would take them back to live in the core area, so that they would not have to suffer in the outskirts of the Emerald Forest. They were not tree elves. If they encountered vicious monsters, such as mountain wolves, , dragon-toothed leopards and the like can only wait to die.

Anna was almost killed by wolves last time. Fortunately, although her father and brother did not have much ability, they were very good at archery.

But in the end they didn't wait for Anya to pick them up.

They waited for the invading demons.

The demons looked exactly like humans, with flames and dark shadows swirling around their bodies.

A slender, faceless devil with spikes all over his body threw his mother to the ground.

Then, like a hedgehog, dense thorns as thick as hair appeared all over its body, and within a moment there was a creepy chewing sound.

Scarlet blood splashed on Anna's face. She stared blankly, lost her voice, and fell to her knees weakly.

"Anna, you and Hook go first."

The grief-stricken father stood in the front and pushed little Anna and his son Hook away.

Hook made a quick decision and took Anna running wildly through the ice and snow.

If they stay, they will only become a burden to their father and cannot help him at all.

My father's miserable screams came from behind.

Little Anna was running like a puppet on strings, and the only sound left in the world was the pounding of her heartbeat and her breathing.

Ice and snow were falling in the field of vision, and there was no hope in the gray sky.

"Whoosh——" Sharp black bone spurs came through the air.

Little Anna watched as her brother's back was pierced by bone spurs, and his blood bloomed like evil flowers. He was lifted into the air by the bone spurs, screaming, and even if he struggled with all his strength, it was to no avail.

"Puff puff -" Dozens of bone spurs continued to penetrate his brother's body.

He twitched like a tattered rag doll. After a while, the beautiful fox tail behind him gradually drooped.


He turned his head, vomited blood, and said the last words to little Anna intermittently.

Anna ran with all her strength, carrying her family's last hope with her.

Those demons were like cats playing with mice, making ferocious laughter. They didn't do anything and just drove them away.

The cold wind was like a knife, passing through the thin coat and piercing into the muscles and bone marrow.

Little Anna's steps became more and more cautious, and every time she took a step, the soles of her feet would hurt.

Her shoes had long since slipped away, her strength was gradually exhausted, her face was pale, and her lips were blue and purple.

The wind and snow seemed to be getting bigger and bigger, and her lonely and small figure was buried deeply in the pale whirlwind.

Behind him is the darkness that chooses and devours people.

Finally, she vaguely saw a familiar figure in the snow curtain, that was her sister Anya.

Tree elves do not need to be awakened, but they have had extremely strong physical strength and good affinity with magic since they were young.

From the perspective of little Anna, Anya is her savior.

Just like countless times, when she was bullied by other tree elves outside the forest, Anya always appeared in front of her like a hero.

"elder sister!"

She staggered and fell to the ground.

Dizziness engulfed her consciousness, and at the last moment when her eyes closed, she saw Anya pull out her sword.

. . . . . . .

Facts are facts and it doesn’t play out like a fairy tale.

The knight who slays the dragon cannot save the princess, he will be trampled to death by the dragon.

Sleeping Beauty couldn't wait to kiss her prince, and everyone died outside the thorn wall.

She was not rescued. When she woke up from the restless and frightening nightmare, she was already locked in a cell.

Two demons were watching her eagerly outside the cell door. There was a broken bowl in front of the door, filled with some turbid water, and a pile of rye bread next to it.

Two passing mice took a few bites of rye bread and left in disgust.

She was captured by the devil, which could only mean one thing, her sister was dead.

At least that's what she thought at that time.

Survival has become a biological instinct, and biological instinct controls her to swallow the food that is difficult to swallow.

Two bowls of water and two pieces of sour brown bread every day were her food.

To keep her from freezing to death, the demon would light a bonfire nearby.

They caught her on purpose, for an unknown purpose.

This kind of captivity lasted for a month, during which time she seemed to have contracted a strange disease.

My body became extremely weak, and my feet felt weak even when I walked. At first, it was just dizziness, retching, and tinnitus. Later, it gradually developed into coughing and difficulty breathing.

When Anna felt that she might eventually die in this cell.

A group of human mercenaries broke in.

They seemed to have dealt with the demons outside, but these mercenaries did not let her go. Instead, they discussed how to sell her for a good price.

She vaguely remembered that it was a clear night when she came out of the cell.

The cold wind hurt like a knife on my face.

She seemed to see a woman's figure flashing past near the jungle in the darkness of the night.

Anna didn't think too much about it at that time.

But now that I think about it, isn't that familiar figure Anya?

"Father," Anna murmured blankly, her empty eyes focused again.

She felt her face was wet and itchy, and the corners of her mouth were salty.

It turned out that I don’t know when, tears had already slipped to my lips.

She was stunned for a while, no sound came out of her mouth, her throat seemed to be pinched by a pair of hands, but tears fell down like broken pearls.

"Be good, it's all over." Su Nian held Anna in his arms distressedly.

He knew that Anna had recalled the previous events, which would undoubtedly tear open the wound.

But he had to do it, because sooner or later Anna would have to face this.

It wasn't until she lay in Su Nian's arms that Anna could finally breathe again, like a fish back in the water.

She burst into tears, heartbreaking.

It gradually stopped until my voice became hoarse.

In the dim room, the two of them didn't speak, just cuddling together.

After a while, Su Nian heard Anna murmuring coldly:

"elder brother......"


"I want to kill Anya."



Anna was tired from crying, so Su Nian hugged her and coaxed her into a deep sleep after a while.

Looking at Anna's pretty sleeping face, Su Nian clenched his fists and prepared to teleport to Saint Oreste.

There are still some materials over there that have not been recovered.

Now we must speed up the accumulation of strength, wait until the bone of the Airland Empire is stuck in the throat, and then swing the sword towards the emerald forest!

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