After having had enough wine and food, the formation masters accompanying Leighton followed Leighton and teleported to a city very close to the border of Slot - Carl Patton.

The city is actually not the closest.

The nearest one has been captured by the Flesh Legion.

According to reports from frontline spies, they saw flesh and blood creatures all over the city in the five captured cities. Not a single living person could be found. The streets were full of blood and body fragments. It was more like a human city than a human city. hell!

After entering Carl Patton.

The array master immediately built the Tower of Bavel's Farsight.

This kind of magic tower can increase Layton's mental power and expand Layton's vision to a very outrageous level. With Layton as the center, building eight Bavel Farsight Towers can allow Layton to see half of Sloan. special empire.

The construction process of this magic tower is not complicated.

After Layton provided enough materials, nine of them were built in less than a day. Through the increase of the magic tower, Layton also saw everything.

He saw five captured cities strewn with corpses.

The lord of Solan City was hanged at the top of the city.

The woman in the bloody armor led the flesh and blood army to sweep through the villages and towns around the five cities, capturing humans and plundering supplies. If there was any resistance, the flesh and blood army would swoop in and kill all living creatures within half an hour. Become one of them.

"Damn it!"

Layton clenched his fists.

He is human, and he bears the glory of being human.

He couldn't stand the fact that humans, as the overlord of the continent, were being bullied like this.

But Layton did not act rashly. He despised the black dragon, but paid attention to the power and harm of flesh and blood creatures.

Flashbacks to the days of his father's reign.

At that time, Furion had not yet ascended to godhood, but the Scarlet King suddenly appeared and wreaked havoc on the Southern Continent for half a year, devastating all living beings and becoming so powerful that even his father could not suppress it.

In the end, he asked the people of the Winter Empire for help, called the Conqueror King through prayer, and threw a sword to chop the Scarlet King until his soul collapsed. Finally, with the help of Saint Lodia's Royal Mage Legion, he killed the yet-to-be-grown-up King. The evil god was exiled to the endless void.

Now the Scarlet King is back.

Fortunately, this time compared to my father's time.

The dangers of the Scarlet King have not yet been fully realized.

Layton has already made some guesses. He estimates that the Scarlet King swallowed a black dragon and then slowly developed flesh-and-blood creatures starting from the Andrius Empire. As for why he established a country and did not take action against the humans in the country, there is a reason. of.

Raise pigs!

That's right, in Layton's opinion, the other party was raising pigs.

First, keep humans in captivity to prevent gods from losing faith and causing public outrage.

Then, before anyone can react, he will devour all humans and creatures within his rule. By then, the gods will be unable to stop the Scarlet King from growing.

This trick of boiling a frog in warm water is extremely vicious.

But Layton has seen through everything!

Now he wants to destroy the other party's conspiracy!

The horizon continues to expand forward.

Layton's eyes swept across the Great Wall of Impasse.

He saw the increasing number of monsters on the city wall, and saw a large number of defensive equipment and siege guns inside the city wall.

It seems that these are the main force that defeated the drow army. As for the three-headed hydra, they were probably killed by the Scarlet King.

No matter how powerful the Hydra is, it is just an ordinary creature.

The Scarlet King is different, he is a divine creature.

It is not so difficult to understand that a divine creature can surpass two levels and destroy two ordinary creatures.

A cursory glance showed that the Black Nest Empire only had one hundred thousand elite troops. It is true that the Black Nest Empire still had countless flesh and blood legions, but what the flesh and blood legions feared most were mages with a large attack range. It just so happened that the ones he brought this time There are so many mages that it’s not a big concern.

Left and right analysis.

King Leighton had no idea how he could lose.

"Order the troops stationed in King Slot City to attack!"

Layton withdrew from the increased vision, his head was a little dizzy, and the personal guards next to him - two beautiful magicians immediately supported Layton's body.

"Your Majesty, let us do this kind of mental energy-consuming thing in the future. We can't build more amplification towers."

One magician helped Layton sit down on a chair and squeezed his shoulders while the other used a communication crystal to transmit Layton's orders.

"There are some things that you can't see clearly. I have to see them and analyze the situation! I have to see it with my own eyes to feel at ease!"

Layton took a deep breath.

This body is already very old.

Moreover, because he had not experienced a war for a long time, various physiological functions were no longer in the state of preparation for war. When he mobilized his mental power just now, he felt blocked.

"It would be nice if this war was over."

Layton seemed to be talking to his bodyguards, but also to himself.

After the Black Nest Empire is conquered, most of the territory will definitely belong to the Saint Lotia Empire.

The outbreak of the Scarlet Disaster is not only a crisis but also an opportunity.

Maybe he has a chance to follow the example of King Winter in ruling the Northern Continent and also unify the Southern Continent?

"I always feel like I'm being watched."

On the Great Wall of Despair, Su Nian stood at the top of the city holding Anna in his arms, frowning.

He originally brought Anna up to admire the moon and stars.

But just a minute ago he felt a strong gaze, which was everywhere, as if coming from all directions.

[No need to doubt the black dragon, you are being watched]

Pastoreki's voice sounded.

[If I feel there is no problem, this thing is similar to the Detection Eye of the drow elders, except that the other party's method is more sophisticated, directly increasing the mental power to achieve an effect similar to that of gods observing the earth. The one that just attacked Applying mental power has already reached the demigod level]

"What the hell?"

Su Nian's face changed.

"When did I provoke a demigod-level enemy? No, I have to take Anna and run away!"

Su Nian brought up the system panel without saying a word.

He has saved a lot of system points now, just to use them when needed.

You can change whatever you want to change at that time.

Now if you want to escape, change it to one that is suitable for running and has strong concealment abilities.

[Uh... I didn't say he was a demigod, but his mental power was increased to the demigod level. If he was really a demigod, he wouldn't need to detect it, he would just show his face and kill you.]

"Oh, okay, then it's okay."

Su Nian returned to the salted fish state again and closed the system panel.

It's not that he's lying down now, it's mainly that he's saving system points to hold back a big one.

A large project worth 100 million system points.

Want to know more about the explosive breath of white dwarf stars?

What kind of magic did he use to get this thing out? He just vomited it all the way to the end.

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