In addition to the large number of monsters settling in.

Another advantage is that there are many goblin merchants here.

There is also a large amount of goblin life outside the Goblin Plane on the Material Plane.

They are monsters themselves. In fact, they prefer to do business with monsters. They go to the human country as a last resort. There is nothing they can do about it. After all, 80% of the current continental territory belongs to humans, and they usually come out to do business. The worst goblins are the patriarchs of small clans. Most of them go to the human world to take risks for the survival of their clansmen.

Now that there is such a big monster empire rising, of course these goblins are running over.

But everything has two sides, and the increase in the legend of the Black Nest Empire has also increased the legend of his Black Dragon Emperor.

This has led to more and more middle school boys who want to slay dragons...

Just as Su Nian was wondering who was thinking about him, Polikli ran in.

He knelt on the ground with a thud, and slid a shovel in front of Su Nian, stopping just in front of the throne.

"Your Majesty! There is a team of diamond-level adventurers who want to challenge you!"

Su Nian: "......(O_o)"

Su Nian has a very tolerant attitude towards the junior high school boys or the junior high school team that challenges him.

Because those who cannot defeat him will eventually become his subordinates!

After the Great Wall of Despair was established, the Black Nest Empire did not close itself off.

All humans who can pass the Great Wall's detection system can enter the Black Nest Empire.

But as long as you enter, basically don’t think about getting out. It is free to enter the Black Nest Empire, but if you want to leave the Black Nest Empire, you must meet the following three conditions:

Condition 1. More than five children must be born in the Black Nest Empire.

Condition two: hand over 1,000 gold lions.

Condition 3: You cannot take away anything from the Black Nest Empire.

The three conditions are extremely harsh, but even so there are still a large number of adventurers and adventurer guilds settling in.

Many people have dreams of killing the Black Dragon Emperor.

It's like buying a lottery ticket.

Knowing that I can't win, I still can't help but buy one and scratch it every day.

I was thinking about what if, what if I got hit?

It should be noted that if you can kill the Black Dragon Emperor, it will be a good thing for your ancestors!

And he can become a hero of the Southern Continent in an instant, and his reputation will even be higher than that of King Leighton!

Under the conscious or unconscious advocacy of various bards, killing the Black Dragon Emperor was almost equal to saving the world.

For people in this world, saving the world is the greatest romance! !


"Let them in."

Su Nian lay on the throne and sighed helplessly.

Today is the third wave of challengers.

The first wave was an 18-year-old girl.

She calls herself a future genius magical girl.

In fact, his strength had only reached the level of an archmage. He was blown up into the sky by a thumb-sized flame from Su Nian. All his clothes collapsed to pieces. However, he was not killed by the explosion. He was just knocked unconscious. After that, this beautiful lady would Fulfill your dream of a beautiful genius mage in the Fire Rabbit's military camp.

The second wave is a team of adventurers with good strength, and each one of them is a golden knight.

However, when they entered the palace, they did not attack Su Nian.

Instead, they all knelt down on the ground, took off their helmets, and bowed their heads.

Su Nian took a look.

Good guy, aren't these the students he once taught in the Dragon Slaying Academy?

These former students said that even if Su Nian was actually a black dragon, they could not forget Su Nian's teachings and care for them. Moreover, after living in the Black Nest Empire for a period of time, they gradually abandoned the stereotypes between humans and monsters, so After some discussion, I came directly to join him.

Now Su Nian has to face the third wave of challengers.

He lay down on the throne of the palace and tried to appear as harmless as possible.

Soon, the palace door opened.

Several adventurers stood in a row, five of them in total.

The leader was muscular and tall, with a machete hanging from his waist. His blood was boiling, and he looked like a warrior at first glance.

Standing next to him was a slender, blond middle-aged man wearing silver heavy armor and a handsome face. He held a giant sword in his left hand. The tower shield in his right hand was taller than him. There was a vindictive light in his gray eyes. Tutu, this is a knight with a golden medal, he doesn't look like a parallel import.

Behind the two men stood a mage and an archer respectively. They were both beautiful ladies with strong aura. The one standing at the back was a priest wearing a nun's uniform.

Standard combat magic animal husbandry remote configuration.

If the identification technique hadn't revealed that these people were indigenous people, Su Nian would have breathed out dragon's breath.

This world generally does not have such a clear division of labor system.

Look, this five-person team actually already has a main T, an auxiliary T, a physical core and a magic core plus a wet nurse.

It's just too neat, too classic.

Su Nian guessed that these adventurers might have had contact with players.

When he was observing these adventurers, these adventurers were also observing him.

Kelvin is the leader of this team of adventurers—a long-famous sixth-level warrior from the distant northern continent.

If someone commits a crime in the Northern Continent, he can only wander to the Southern Continent.

And in the process of wandering, he formed a blood-drinking mercenary group.

Now this five-person team is the best players selected by Kelvin from the mercenary group.

Today their goal is just one - to slay the dragon!

But this was not something they did spontaneously. They used people's money to do things for others.

According to those mysterious people, their main role is to inspire others.

Kelvin has a very deep understanding of his own strength.

He knew that he could never be the Black Dragon Emperor's opponent.

Even if the entire Blood Drinking Mercenary Group came together, it wouldn't be enough for one breath of dragon's breath.

The main reason why he dared to take on this task and challenge was because he had long heard that the Black Dragon Emperor was very tolerant and kind.

Teams that come to challenge will not be killed by him. They will usually be recruited. Even if the recruitment is ineffective, those challengers will be allowed to leave.

So here comes Kelvin.

Although he was mentally prepared in advance, he still couldn't help but gasp when he entered the palace.

This is not a royal palace, this looks like a huge Colosseum!

Tall walls surround it, with a width of more than two thousand meters at least on the left and right.

The palace is semi-open-air. Looking up, you will see eight obsidian pillars that can only be embraced by a hundred people, supporting the ceiling of the palace. The black pillars are carved with exquisite and gorgeous patterns, and you can vaguely see various monsters. In the center of the palace, It is a huge steel throne. The back of the throne is like an unfolded iron fan. The height is almost the same as the dome. At this moment, a beam of sunlight is slanting down along the circular hole of the dome, just covering the giant beast lying on the throne. On the body.

At this moment, a pair of red-gold dragon eyes looked over.

Under that majestic sight, his skin even felt a tingling sensation, as if it was being baked by the scorching sun.

Kelvin smelled a burning smell, a wisp of smoke appeared in front of his eyes, and his jaw hurt.

He suddenly woke up and was shocked.

Just one look at him made his beard ignite!

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