Black Nest Empire.

Dark dungeon.

"How about you come and work under me? I still admire you very much~"

Su Nian, who had transformed into a human form, looked at Li Chen, who was sitting silently in the corner of the dungeon, and couldn't help but think of soliciting.

This player is really determined.

The pain in the dark dungeon increased tenfold, and Su Nian tried all kinds of torture. In the end, Li Chen could not resist it. He did not make a sound even when he was incontinent. It was as if his vocal cords had been pinched, and during the torture process He also continued to seek death.

Just being watched by the monster and him.

None of his suicide attempts were successful.

Li Chen is the hero of the Celestial Player Force. Su Nian knows this, and he has no intention of recruiting a hero. After all, heroes can be changed and cannot fall into the hands of a monster like him. The main thing he likes is Li Chen. Chen's talent and perseverance.

"In your opinion I may be a heinous person."

Su Nian walked into the dungeon, conjured up a table and sofa and sat directly opposite Li Chen. With a snap of his fingers, a secret roast chicken and delicious red wine appeared on the table. He took out a goblet and poured the red wine into it. After tasting it, I also wanted to show it to Li Chen.

The player's body is normal except for being semi-digitized.

He has normal eating, drinking, diarrhea and physiological reactions.

He would also be hungry. Li Chen hadn't eaten anything in the past three days. The monsters pinched his face and force-fed him food to prevent him from starving to death.

"Haha, you are a heinous character. You will go to hell."

Li Chen raised his head and glanced at the Black Dragon Emperor coldly, unmoved by the food on the table.

"I actually don't understand how you, as invaders of this world, have the confidence to say such things."

Su Nian sipped the red wine, crossed his legs, touched his chin, and lowered his eyes:

"To this world, you are the most evil group, no different from demons. Don't think that I don't know what you want to do. Whether it is to invade the human empire or form an alliance with the human empire, your ultimate goal is In order to rule the world, why do you need to give yourself a righteous name?"

Li Chen saw the Black Dragon Emperor standing up and supporting his chin across from him.

There was low air pressure and a biting chill emanating from the body.

He could feel a pair of eyes as sharp as sword blades staring at him.

Just listen to the low and hoarse voice continue to come:

"My power is evil, and I have indeed committed many crimes, but my ultimate goal is to protect myself and the world from being invaded by moths like you, so I will not go to hell!"

Li Chen pursed his lips and retorted in a low voice:

"We have to do this to protect our homeland."

"If we do not complete the invasion of this other world within the stipulated time, our relatives and friends will be sent to the planetary battlefield.

There are endless interstellar Zerg species there, and my homeland will become the food to delay the Zerg invasion...

Who wants to take on the mantle of an intruder?

It’s all out of necessity! "

Su Nian clapped his hands and laughed:

"You are forced to do so. Is this the reason why you are invading this world? But how do I see how you all enjoy it? Not only do you invade, you also wantonly slaughter the creatures in this world and play with the weak ordinary humans in this world! "

"We have never done anything like this!" Li Chen raised his head and gritted his teeth.

He said angrily: "We Chinese players will never do this kind of thing. We have strict codes of conduct. We..."

"But you are intruders."

Su Nian grabbed the conversation and said expressionlessly:

"You are just like those beasts wearing the coat of invaders. You are a whole, so these sins will still be counted on you!"

Just at this time.

Su Nian felt that the power of the player in front of him began to drop off a cliff.

The originally long health bar was shortened by 90% in a short while.

At the same time, the aura of the hero in the character panel also disappeared.

His eyes returned to the face of the Chinese player, and he read the astonishment on it.

"Let me guess~"

Su Nian touched his chin and circled around Li Chen, saying in a mocking tone:

"The power in your body should come from some kind of special blessing, which requires the help of many people. Now that you have been caught by me, they can only give you up and re-bless you with a new leader like you. I said Right?"

He didn't fully reveal that he had any ability similar to identification.

This is always a big killer for players.

Once players know that he has abilities such as identification and true eye, they will definitely find a way to hide it.

Players at that time were not naive enough.

Players who are not innocent are difficult to kill.

"How could this be?"

Li Chen fell to the ground as if he had lost his soul, and his originally straight back instantly stooped.

In his opinion, even if he is caught, the Chinese players will find a way to rescue him. He just needs to wait silently. As a result, this is what he has been waiting for now?

He was rapidly losing all his followers.

【Your special identity-the hero has disappeared! 】

The cold mechanical sound of the system was like a wake-up call that made Li Chen completely accept the fact.

He is no longer a hero of the Chinese forces, and his status as a hero has been banned by other players.

Who is the one?

He silently thought, maybe it was Li Ziming, the human shield, or maybe it was Tang Er, the cunning and clever guy, and by the way, Xiao Huohuo, most likely Xiao Huohuo.

Because Xiao Huohuo's understanding and talent are both good, he is the perfect candidate to become a candidate hero.

Li Chen was not a fool. He quickly figured out that the Chinese power could not live without heroes.

For today's national forces, heroes' status is equivalent to nuclear weapons. If there are no heroes as a deterrent, other countries with heroes are likely to launch an attack on the Chinese country.

He understood this, but it was still difficult to accept it for a while.

Because the Chinese forces didn't even make any move to save him, they just gave him up.

Just like a firefighter who fell into the sea of ​​fire, his teammates outside just watched without even spraying water on him twice. They were sure that he was going to be burned to death, so they turned around and drove away.

This made it difficult for Li Chen to accept it for a while. He began to wonder if the fact that he had been admired and loved by so many people was just because of his powerful aura, and whether the atmosphere was deliberately created. In fact, he was not a hero, nor was he a hero. Not as great as he thought?

But now, the private chat system and the world channel are all blocked by divine power.

Li Chen could not receive any news from the outside world, and could not seek answers from anyone.

Among the followers, Shi Xiaoyu's name also disappeared.

This heroic player of the Chinese Dynasty could no longer hold his nerve. He was like an abandoned child huddled in the corner of the dungeon, his head buried between his knees, shoulders hunched. Although he tried his best to suppress his voice, he still conveyed There were intermittent choking sounds.

Su Nian saw a series of changes in Li Chen's expressions.

He probably knew what happened to Li Chen.

Apparently, he was given up.

This is the decision of the Chinese players.

No matter from which angle you look at it, this decision is absolutely rational and absolutely correct.

It's just that Li Chen can't accept the ups and downs of life.

Now no one can comfort him, give him an encouraging look or a word of encouragement.

Now accompanying Li Chen.

Just a dark and cold prison.

Sometimes people just need a thought and a spiritual support to persevere without hesitation.

However, Li Chen had nothing, and he didn’t have much life experience.

To put it bluntly, he is a middle-school boy with a lot of heart and a good personality.

How strong is his ability to withstand blows?

"Still too young."

Su Nian took a sip of red wine, leaned on the leather sofa, swung his thighs, and shook his head contentedly.

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