Su Nian didn't know what made Anna angry.

However, he still approached Anna with a strong desire to survive and licked Anna with his big rough tongue, and rubbed Anna flatteringly with his nose. However, because his body was too big, this lick almost missed Anna. The belt fell to the ground.

"What's wrong, my dear baby queen, tell me who made you unhappy, and I will spray him into ashes with a breath of dragon breath!"

"Then spray yourself into ashes."

Anna pushed away the big dragon head that Su Nian came towards and couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Ah this..."

Su Nian was stupid.

He really offended Anna...

But he didn't seem to do anything bad or say anything to make Anna angry.

"That Anna, I definitely can't spray myself to death~"

Su Nian transformed into a human and immediately hugged Anna into his arms and said with a playful smile:

"What would you do if I was swallowed by a breath of dragon breath?"


Anna pointed at herself, her pretty face turned away from Su Nian's face.

He snorted angrily and said arrogantly:

"Of course I will become the queen of the Black Nest Empire~ Those monsters will listen to me anyway!"


Su Nian turned Anna over so that no matter how she turned her head, Anna could only face his face, or she could only bury herself in his chest. At the same time, a big hand slipped through the gap in the skirt at her waist.

He lowered his eyes and looked at the pretty little loli in his arms, feeling a little uncomfortable.

He couldn't help but curl up into an evil smile:

"I didn't expect that my queen is already planning to usurp the throne? It seems that we must take care of it!"

Anna's pretty face turned red, and she pressed her hands on her chest to stop the salty dragon's hand from groping around.

However, she was still a step slower. Xianlong's hand successfully occupied the high ground, and the other hand also moved towards the bottom lane.

At this moment, Jingzhou has been carelessly lost and cannot make any more stupid mistakes.

She immediately clamped her legs, preventing Xianlong from moving forward.

"Brother! Have you forgotten what you said last night?"

"Last night??" Su Nian stopped his mischievous hand, frowned and carefully recalled what happened yesterday.

Because I feel that I am about to advance, even though I have a system to prepare for it, I don’t know how long I will be asleep.

So he arranged the affairs of the Black Nest Empire for a month and was busy until very late. During this period, Anna came twice. The first time was bringing milk coffee, and the second time was wearing a cool maid outfit with only a thin layer. The one with the back exposed, and deliberately dangling in front of him.

Isn't this just an application?

But Su Nian was afraid that he would fall asleep halfway through, so he refused. Anna was still very unhappy at that time.

So he promised that after he advanced, he would come back even more serious.

After pulling the hook and swearing, Anna was finally coaxed.

As a result, I didn't make any progress last night.

But today, he just came out of the dungeon where Li Chen was imprisoned. Su Nian felt that he was about to advance, so he subconsciously came to the palace, and then subconsciously threw himself on Anna, and then lost consciousness and fell into a deep sleep.


He probably knew why Anna was angry. Isn't this a typical dissatisfaction with desire?

Unexpectedly, the once innocent little loli has turned into a seductive look, which is a little exciting to think about.

After thinking about this, Su Nian couldn't help but touch a few handfuls of the ice cream, and pinched the strawberry bits on the ice cream with his fingers.


Ana's pretty face turned redder, and her watery almond eyes seemed to be filled with fog.

Su Nian looked at the little Loli and his appetite was already whetted.

But he deliberately pinched the strawberry pieces without taking the next step.

This made Anna anxious.

His face became redder and redder, but his limbs were restrained and he couldn't move at all. He could only let the big dragon in front of him do whatever he wanted.

After a while, Anna couldn't stand it anymore. She probably saw that Su Nian was doing it on purpose, so she blinked her red almond-shaped eyes, squeezed out a few tears, lowered her head and bit Su Nian's arm gently. With one mouthful, he signaled Su Nian to stop and said vaguely:

"Brother, I was wrong. I will never dare to seek power and usurp the throne again..."

"Oh? Really? What should I do if I make a mistake?"

Anna looked at Su Nian's face getting closer and closer, and couldn't help feeling panicked.

How could she know where she went wrong?

This astringent dragon monster can deceive people.

It was obvious that he had forgotten what happened yesterday.

It turned out to be her fault now.

She pursed her red lips that seemed to be burning, and squeezed out a broken whine from between her teeth:

"If you make a mistake, you will be punished..."

The hot breath was so close that it dyed her fair neck pink.

The next second, my ears went numb and tingled a little.

Anna quickly pushed Sun Nian's heavy chest and softly begged for mercy:

"It's wrong, it's wrong, it's really wrong... Please forgive me, oh, oh, oh..."

Her ears are the most sensitive place. Once her ears are attacked, her whole body will become a mess.

Su Nian knew this very well, so he attacked his ears at every turn.

As if he couldn't hear, he licked Anna's ears for a while, lifted the little person in his arms to her waist before she completely softened into a ball, and held her hips with one hand, letting her sit half in his arms. , then held Anna's chin and kissed everywhere very carefully and tenderly.

When Anna came back to her senses from her dazed state, she had been stripped clean and sunk into the soft big bed.

In the dim magic light.

The king of the Black Nest Empire was slowly taking back his armor, revealing his strong back.


Li Chen was tortured by the Skeleton King in the dark dungeon for a whole night.

From the initial strong resistance to the despair and numbness later on, this representative of the Chinese player's combat effectiveness has experienced a physical and mental growth.

After the Skeleton King left the dark dungeon with a happy look on his face.

Li Chen lay on the ground for a long time before getting up.

He had no choice but to commit suicide, and he could not even think of it.

The Skeleton King doesn't know what was done to his body, and now many of his players' permissions have turned gray.

For example, the private chat function and the world map function are all unavailable.

Once you want to commit suicide, your body will automatically start dancing. The dance is extremely shameful. It involves twisting your buttocks and lowering your waist. You dance while taking off your clothes until your whole body collapses.

After trying to commit suicide twice, Li Chen didn't dare anymore.

Wait until your physical strength recovers.

He stood up and looked at the dark cage, feeling sad in his heart, thinking that maybe his career as a player would basically end here.

At this moment, the door of the cell opened with a creak.

More light came through.

Outside was a tall jackal.

He held an ax in his hand and pushed open the cell door with his other hand. His scarlet wolf eyes looked coldly at Li Chen. When Li Chen looked over, he said:

"Are you awake? Your Majesty invites you!"

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