After getting dressed, Li Chen was "invited" out of the palace by the Black Dragon Emperor.

It's not that he has never thought about escaping, but looking at the streets of the Black Nest Empire's royal city, there is a post every three steps and a sentry every five steps. Every street is patrolled by an army of monsters. The location of the city gate checkpoints and the number of monsters are even more terrifying. They almost lined up like a city wall, and finally he gave up the idea of ​​​​escape completely.

Don't ever think about escaping from the Black Nest Empire in this life.

We can only hope that the Holy Lotia Empire will ask the incarnation of gods to punish the Black Nest Empire.

Or wait until the players are fully developed to defeat the Black Nest Empire and then rescue him.


A certain street in the royal city.

"This is your home in the Royal City of the Black Nest Empire!"

Polikri pointed to a small-structured bungalow and introduced to the players around him:

"The house is not allowed to be expanded without the king's regulations, but you can modify it as you like, as long as you don't disturb the surrounding neighbors."

Li Chen was amazed when he looked at the small Gothic-style bungalow with red tiles and white walls in front of him.

He thought that the Black Dragon Emperor would at most give him a thatched hut to live in.

Could it be...

This Black Dragon Emperor wants to recruit him? ?

Li Chen glanced at the kobold chief out of nowhere.

Polikli met Li Chen's probing gaze, as if he had the ability to read minds, and immediately answered:

"Don't think too much about it. This kind of small bungalow is the minimum configuration for the residents of the royal city. The mud-tile houses and thatched houses are where the prisoners captured by His Majesty, such as rebels, bandits, and criminals, live. All imperial residents with regular status are. Start with a small bungalow like this!”

Did it turn out that the treatment in the Black Nest Empire was so generous?

Li Chen couldn't help but be a little surprised.

But then I thought about it, most humans should be against the rule of the black dragon. After all, who can tolerate such a group of terrifying monsters where they live?

Only a small number of humans either have a flattering mentality, or have no choice but to accept the rule of the Black Dragon Emperor and become lower-level exploiters. It is understandable that they can live in such small bungalows.

The Chinese player kept thinking in his mind and nodded secretly. He felt that he had seen through everything.

Polikli didn't know what Li Chen was thinking. The words just now were prepared for him by Su Nian. He led Li Chen into the small bungalow to visit the various facilities inside, and at the same time seriously warned: "There is one more thing. , this small bungalow is not for you, it is lent to you by the empire, and it is worth 200,000 gold lions."

"Oh, twenty gold lions is okay, and the house prices here are not very expensive...wait, how much is that???"

Li Chen's eyes widened, he clenched his fists and looked at the ugly-faced kobold chief and said angrily:

"200,000?? Why don't you go grab it! Can your Black Nest Empire earn 200,000 in a year??"

"Haha!" Policris grinned and shrugged:

"Then you underestimate the output value of our Black Nest Empire. What is 200,000?

We can make 20 million a year! ! "

Polycris held out ten fingers.

In fact, he didn't know what the annual output value of the Black Nest Empire was.

But this kind of thing only needs to be addressed in a big way, and it will never go wrong!

Anyway, you won’t die if you brag.

He held out ten fingers because that was the maximum number he could represent.


Li Chen looked like "I've read the book, don't lie to me" and refuted loudly:

"Do you know what the concept of 20 million golden lions is? Just open your mouth and come??"

"Anyway, don't worry about it. This small bungalow is worth 200,000 yuan. This is what you owe our Black Nest Empire. When you repay the 200,000 gold lions, this house will be yours!"

"I choose not to want this house!"

Li Chen resisted, turned around and walked out.

He's not a fool.

Hell, even if you work in the Black Nest Empire for a lifetime, you may not be able to earn 200,000 gold lions.

And then tie up your entire player career just for such a small bungalow?

It would be better to just die.

However, before Li Chen could reach the door.

The sinister voice of Polikri came from behind:

"So your intention is to make it difficult for me?"

"So what if I make it difficult for you? You are blackmailing me!"

Li Chen turned around and stared coldly at the kobold chief.

He used to think that kobolds looked funny and looked quite honest and honest.

Now I just feel that they are all fake, these kobolds are more powerful than ghosts!

Polycris showed a malicious smile:

"If you make it difficult for me, then I can only make it difficult for you. Does King Skeleton know? That guy and I are brothers. If you don't accept this small bungalow, my mission will not be completed. The mission will not be completed. I will be punished, and I will be unhappy when I am punished. If I am unhappy, I may send you to the Skeleton King to play for a few days..."

Li Chen: "???"

Okay, now this kobold is no longer blackmail.

This is forced buying and selling!

But Li Chen had no room for resistance. He had no way to contact other players, and he couldn't even commit suicide.

If he is sent to the Skeleton King, he will be at the mercy of others!

After some careful consideration, Li Chen finally gritted his teeth and nodded.

"Okay! Damn, I want this house! Isn't it just 200,000 gold lions? I'll give it back to you even if I sell it! I should be able to leave the Black Nest Empire by then, right?"

"Of course~"

Polikli chuckled: "You will be an official citizen of the Black Nest Empire by then. We never restrict the freedom of official citizens. You can go wherever you want~"

"This is what you said!"

"Yes, I can swear to His Majesty Watrous~"

"What's the use of swearing to the Black Dragon Emperor? You guys are in the same group!"

"Okay then, I swear to the God of Order, is this okay?"

A ray of silver light rose into the sky, and the oath was established.

Polikli looked at Li Chen with an expression that said, "I really can't do anything to you."

Li Chen couldn't help but feel relieved when he saw the kobold chief taking his oath seriously.

He comes from modern times and is more far-sighted than people of this era. Earning 200,000 gold lions with these is not an unthinkable thing.


After arranging a residence for Li Chen, Polikli left happily.

He has to go back and report to the great Black Dragon Emperor - he sold a property worth only 20 gold lions ten thousand times to that unlucky guy!

His Majesty will definitely reward him after knowing this!

Li Chen, on the other hand, stood in a daze in the middle of the small bungalow, looking at the blue sky for a long time and sighing:

"200,000 ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

The miserable sound made the dog shed two tears.

Next door to the small bungalow.

Torway and Darabengba, who had just returned home from shopping for groceries, couldn't help but sigh when they heard the wailing.

Which unlucky guy was tricked into getting a huge loan by the Lord of the Black Nest?

Opposite the small bungalow, in a slightly larger bungalow.

Jin Dae-ri sat on the balcony, crossing her legs, sipping red wine and enjoying the massage from the maid.

Hearing the howl of the player on the opposite side made me feel happy.

"I told you not to mess with the black dragon, that's right! Jie Jie Jie~"

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