Crossing The Dragon: The King Sacrifices The Princess At The Beginning

Chapter 887 A Strange Combination Of Circumstances

All four holy cities were attacked at night.

King Leighton didn't know the news until early the next morning.

The information was lagging behind for three or four hours. This incident made King Leighton tremble with anger.

The commander of Gray Wind Fortress, Genrat Sunian, was called to him immediately.

"Gernrath, I need a reasonable explanation. Why was it that four holy cities were attacked last night and a messenger came to report to me this morning??"

Su Nian pretended to be frightened and begged for mercy:

"Your Majesty, the soldiers guarding the communication crystal fell asleep last night. It was not until they woke up in the morning that they discovered the signals from the four holy cities. This subordinate is also responsible for this matter. He failed to discipline his subordinates... I investigated the cause as soon as possible this morning and found that the three guards drank alcohol at night, so they slept to death. Now they have been beheaded by me, and nothing like this will ever happen again in the future!"

The anger on King Leighton's face softened slightly when he heard this.

But he still gritted his teeth and said viciously:

"Genrath, you should understand the significance of the four holy cities to our Holy Rodia Empire. You have grown up in the royal city since you were a child. There is even a person in your family who guards the holy pillars. Didn't they tell you about the holy pillars? There must be no mistakes in the magic net??”

"Yes, Your Majesty, I understand everything!"

Su Nian lowered his head obediently, not daring to say a word.

In fact, my heart has become more active. He was indeed responsible for the drunken soldiers last night, but those soldiers were not drunk, but were influenced by Long Yan and fell into a deep sleep. Now they have been beheaded in public, so what happened? Did he just open his mouth?

What he wants is to make a minor mistake in front of King Leighton, so that he can be punished and meritorious service!

But now, he heard another important news from King Leighton, that is, the original owner of his body had a family elder who was actually the guardian of the holy pillar? ?

Is there something that can be done about this matter?

King Leighton looked at Su Nian who was hanging his head and said nothing, thinking that Su Nian had truly realized his mistake.

Fortunately, among the four holy cities, only Xueman City suffered greater losses, while none of the four holy pillars suffered any damage.

No amount of criticism makes any sense now.

However, death penalty can be avoided, but living crime cannot be avoided!

This Genrath must be given a long memory.

After thinking for a while, King Leighton's eyes fell on Su Nian again and said slowly:

"You are also wrong in this matter. Now I will ask my personal guards to help manage Gray Wind Fortress, and you can go to Ruotuo City to support your uncle!

Of course, if you make another mistake, you don't have to come back. There are many people who want to be the commander of Gray Wind Fortress! "

After listening to King Leighton's words, Su Nian looked calm on the surface, but in fact he was elated.

Is there such a good thing?

This King Leighton is such a good teammate!

He was just wondering whether King Leighton would be suspicious of him if he offered to go to other holy cities to support Dai Zui in his meritorious service.

King Leighton himself brought it up here.

"Your Majesty, after all, Gray Wind Fortress..."

He pretended to be embarrassed, but was interrupted by King Leighton before he finished speaking.

"What the heck? Do you believe that if you say one more thing, I will take away your position as commander?!

Set off now. You can only take five people with you. Now I will inform the city lord of Ruotuo City that you go to the teleportation array! "

Su Nian reluctantly said "Oh" and left the hall with a dejected look.

"This Genrath is really worrying. In the past, he was obviously a very meticulous person, and he would have strict requirements even for the soldiers under his command. How could he make such a low-level mistake?"

King Leighton sighed helplessly.

"Your Majesty, after holding a high position for a long time, there will always be times when your position will swell."

One of King Leighton’s confidants comforted him:

"Mr. Genrath may be too arrogant, but his ability is still worthy of recognition.

This time I just use this matter to hammer it out, so that I can work better for you in the future! "

"I hope so." King Leighton stood up and walked out of the castle with his confidants.

"Your Majesty, what are we going to do next?"

"Let's go to Snowman City!" King Leighton walked like a tiger, his eyes cold:

"Didn't you hear what the city lord of Xueman City said? The Lord of Black Nest attacked Xueman City last night. If it hadn't been for the six apostles, Xueman City would have been gone. It is said that the apostles also guided the power of the Holy Pillar. Now this black The master of the nest obviously wanted to attack from all sides at the same time to disrupt my position, but in the end he never wanted to suffer a loss from the apostle, haha..."

"You deserve it! The apostles are the secret power of our Saint Rodia Empire." King Leighton's confidant complimented:

"A mere black nest master is just a clown competing with the bright moon!"

King Leighton smiled when he heard this, then shook his head and said:

"That's true, but we can't take it lightly...

After channeling the energy of the Holy Pillar, the apostle will be weak for a period of time. I don’t know if the Lord of the Black Nest knows this, but to be on the safe side I still go to Snowman City to guard it! If the Lord of the Black Nest dares to come again..."

Confidant: “Let’s chop off his head!!”

Su Nian's expression changed as soon as he returned to his temporary residence.

Today the castle is occupied by King Leyton.

He could only take Anna and stay in a small house temporarily.

However, King Leighton's amazing assist just now made him feel no longer dissatisfied at all.

"Brother, why are you so happy today? Did something good happen?"

As soon as she entered the door, Anna heard Su Nian humming something, "...touch, touch, my sister's eyebrows, the two eyebrows are curved and curved, as if half of the moon is missing..."

This song is called Shiba Mo, and the front part is pretty normal.

The closer you get to the back, the more rusty you get.

Generally, Su Nian only sings when he is in a good mood.

"It's a good thing, a great thing!"

Su Nian took Anna in his arms and kissed him, with an evil smile on his face: "Didn't I deliberately let a few guards fall asleep last night? It delayed the military situation, and the old bastard actually launched an attack to accuse him, and then he Just punish me, do you know why he punished me?"

Anna blinked her big eyes.

"You won't be punished by going directly to the Holy City to provide support, right?"

"She is indeed my queen, so smart!"

Su Nian scratched Anna's nose.

"Hehe~" Anna hugged Su Nian's hand and said with a smile: "It's not that I'm smart, it's just that I'm too good at guessing. There are only a few things that can make my brother happy. Excluding Sese, Sese, and Sese, there is only this one It’s okay~”

Su Nian couldn't help but touch his nose when he heard this.

If King Leighton hadn't asked him to set off immediately, he would have proven to Anna that he was not a dragon, but a super dragon!

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