Crossing The Dragon: The King Sacrifices The Princess At The Beginning

Chapter 890: Uncle, Jessica Wants To Visit The Holy Pillar

Early the next morning.

Wales was waiting at the door.

Today he is responsible for taking Su Nian and Anna to visit the entire Ruotuo City.

In the past, Wales would never waste time on such meaningless things, but today is different. He feels that as long as he can see Miss "Jessica", his whole soul will be sublimated!

However, what he didn't expect was that Mr. Genrath rejected his kindness.

"Ah, we have already been to the more interesting places in Ruotuo City. In fact, Jessica and I are not people who are greedy for pleasure. Compared with these, we want to learn and acquire more knowledge!"

Wales looked at Su Nian in surprise.

He glanced at Anna again, only to see Anna's face was firm and matter-of-fact.

This made him confused. Are the powerful people in the big family already involved to this extent? Shouldn't their main theme be enjoyment and fun?

But this kind of question must not be asked.

So Wales bowed humbly and asked cautiously:

"Then I wonder how Mr. Genrath and Miss Jessica plan to spend their time in Ruoduo City today?"

"It is said that Ruotuo City was attacked by monsters yesterday?"

Su Nian asked pretending to be casual.

"There is such a thing, but it was just a female dragon that came to the sky above Ruotuo City and breathed dragon breath. It didn't cause much damage. The city owner was sleeping at the time, and the castle's protection system automatically turned on. The dragon breath was just burned to death. The servants and gardens living around the castle have been repaired this morning... However, it is said that there is an army of monsters stationed outside Ruotuo City, and it looks like they are going to attack Ruotuo City."

Having said this, Wales couldn't help but show some concern.

A fourth-level mage like him might find it difficult to survive under the attack of the monster army.

"Oh, that's such an unfortunate thing."

Su Nian nodded when he heard this. He frowned and looked like he was worried about the danger facing Ruotuo City. This scene happened to be seen by Wales, and he couldn't help but admire "Gernrath".

Perhaps existences like Mr. "Gernrath" and Miss "Jessica" can be regarded as true nobles.

Even if they are not from Ruotuo City.

At this moment, he is still concerned about the situation in Ruotuo City.

This is the mentality that a true nobleman should have!

"Don't worry, Mr. Genrath. If the city is protected by the city lord and the apostles, there will be no problem!" Seeing Su Nian's worried look, Wales couldn't help but expressed relief.

"I also believe that nothing will go wrong in Ruotuo City."

Su Nian smiled and said:

"Today you take me to see Lord Lutland. Lord Lutland hasn't arranged a job for me when I come here. I was the commander of Gray Wind Fortress before, and my mission has already been on the battlefield. I always let It’s so hard for me to be wandering around town.”

When Wales heard this, he was in awe and immediately did not dare to say anything else. He immediately took Su Nian and Anna to the mage tower in Lutland.

Lutland's mage tower is near the sacred pillar.

Together with the other five apostle's mage towers, they guard the magnificent holy pillars. They are typical Gothic spire buildings. The overall building materials are unknown, but they exude soft magic fluctuations even during the day.

Breathing in the air near the mage tower smells of magic.

Just like the mage tower in Lutland.

The surrounding temperature was more than ten degrees lower than other places in Ruotuo City. Standing next to the mage tower felt like being in the north. Wales had already put on thick cotton clothes, but he was still shivering from the cold.

Seeing Rutland was difficult.

But this difficulty is nothing to Su Nian and Anna.

One is a nephew, and the other is a junior whom he is optimistic about.

They were soon informed that they could enter the mage tower.

Finally, Su Nian and Anna saw Lutlan in a plain white robe in the hall of the Mage Tower. He seemed to be in a good mood with a faint smile on his lips.

"It's really strange. Is it because Ruotuo City is not fun? Or are you more interested in me, an old man?"

Lutlan noticed that Anna had put [Fario's Rhapsody] on her neck, and couldn't help but glance at Su Nian with satisfaction - this was what he wanted to see the most. Originally, he thought "Gernrath" I would like to take this necklace off, but unexpectedly, I don't. From this point of view, Genrath is still a good elder.

"Haha, uncle, you are joking. Who in the entire Ruotuo City doesn't know that you and the five apostles are the real treasures? We should come and see you!"

These words can be described as flattering to the sky.

Even though Lutland is very old, he is still very useful, and the smile on his face can't help but grow a little more:

"You have been in the army for more than ten years, and your strength has not improved much, but you are now good at talking. Tell me, since you came to me today, you definitely didn't come to see me. What do you want?"

Su Nian smiled and said: "Hey~~ I really can't avoid your eyes. That's it. Jessica has been living in a side family and has no vision. I said I would take her to visit the Holy Pillar, but you also know about the Holy Pillar. It is very important to our empire. Without your approval, she would not be able to get close to the Holy Pillar in her life, so..."

Didn't go on.

But Rutland must understand what he means.

His idea was to let Anna get in close contact with the Holy Pillar first to see what the condition of the Holy Pillar was. Anyway, he and Anna could communicate at any time through the will of the Lord, and then he would take the opportunity to see if he could tamper with the Holy Pillar.

"It turns out I wanted to visit the Holy Pillar."

Lutland glanced at Anna.

It happened that at this time, Anna's face also showed some expectation and desire, and her big bright eyes were full of curiosity. This made Lutlan couldn't help but recall that when he was young, he also had a strong desire to explore magic. Her eyes are as bright as "Jessica's".

I saw the shadow of myself in Anna.

This made Lutlan even more optimistic about this younger member of the family.

Curiosity is the core of a magician's strength, talent and hard work must be put aside.

Lutlan pondered for a moment and said:

"According to the rules of the empire, no one except the apostles can approach the Holy Pillar. The Holy Pillar is too important to the Empire. If there is any problem, it will cause a series of big troubles."

Su Nian and Anna thought Lutlan would refuse, but they heard him change the subject:

"But Jessica is a junior in the family after all, and has outstanding talents, so I can use my authority to take her to see it, but you... Genrath.

It's not that I don't believe you, it's mainly because there are five other apostles guarding the Holy Pillar. It's impossible for them to trust you, so don't go. I will arrange tasks for you when the time comes. "

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