King Leighton studied the magic circle.

Although he was not a professional, after all, his knowledge and magical attainments were there. It didn't take long for him to discover that the problem with this magic circle had indeed been modified, and it was the modified return anchor point. Most people would basically ignore it. Even if they didn't ignore it, as long as It's hard to see without using mental probing.

This anchor is an unknown place.

You don't need to think about it to know that it is a trap set by the Lord of the Black Nest. If you are in a hurry and don't have time to explore the magic circle and directly return with force in order to track the Lord of the Black Nest, you will really fall into the trap of the Lord of the Black Nest and be transported to a strange place. place to go.

Since there is a problem with the magic circle.

So it is clear who the real traitor is.

In other words, there are actually no traitors.

Just a poor guy who was fooled around by the Lord of the Black Nest.

"Bring me Kettleburn!"

King Leighton's lips trembled with anger and he roared violently.

Immediately, two soldiers escorted Kettleburn to kneel in front of King Leighton.

At this time, Kettleburn had not yet responded to his question.

"Your Majesty! How is it? Let me tell you, that old bastard is just uneasy and well-intentioned. I have checked this teleportation array countless times. I check it ten times every day. I have wiped all the dust off it. If there is any problem, I will How could you not see it?"

Kettleburn looked proud.

He looked at the expressionless old mage with schadenfreude.

"Your death has come, traitor!"

King Leighton twitched the corner of his mouth, turned around and slapped Kettleburn in the face.

There was a loud "pop" sound.

Kettleburn's face swelled visibly.

The old mage trembled all over when he saw this.

So cool.

"Your Majesty, why are you hitting me? I am loyal!" Kettleburn was aggrieved. His loyalty to the empire can be seen from the sun and the moon. King Leighton, as Saint Lotia's How could the king beat a loyal minister like him! ?

"Are you loyal?" King Leighton laughed angrily, pointed at the Earl of the Border and cursed: "You are loyal ass, you are a big fool! He is paralyzed by the undead. If you were loyal, you would stop Trin Baide from modifying the magic circle. Do you know how many things you have delayed? Come on, drag this loyal border count to the guillotine!"

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty, you can't do that!"

Kettleburn let out a scream like a killing pig.

He doesn't want to die.

He can't die!

He has not yet taken revenge on his family.

He has not trampled the faces of his parents and brother under his feet.

"Your Majesty, I have shed blood for the Empire! I have been loyal to the Empire! I have worked hard even without merit. Besides, Trinbad blew up the underground cave. How could I, a knight, be so clean and tidy? Destroy the cave? Your Majesty..."

"Wait! Drag it back!"

King Leighton waved.

The two soldiers dragged back the border count who was in tears.

"Trianbaid, there is indeed a strong fire element in this cave. I thought it was left by the Lord of the Black Nest at first, but the flame of the Lord of the Black Nest is even hotter, and will remain on the ground even after it is extinguished. The long-lasting molten flame zone...tell me, why did you want to blow up the cave?"

King Leighton looked at Trinbad with evil eyes. He now doubted everyone. If Trinbad had not destroyed the cave, he would have arrived at Rolandi fifteen minutes earlier and could have brought two more. A legendary mage with full magic power.

"Your Majesty clearly shows you!"

Trinbad knelt on the ground, clasped his hands behind his back, and said in a neither humble nor condescending manner:

"My subordinate is really angry. This border count neglected his duties and was cheated out of the token by Genrath after he got drunk. Then Genrath modified Rolandi's magic circle. Now he has disappeared. I feel that this is a special case." Enrat had a big problem and immediately wanted to modify the magic circle. When he left the tavern, he used the dispersion technique to relieve the border count's hangover. He didn't expect this idiot, cough... This person is sober, but he is not sober. I heard that I When he wanted to modify the magic circle, he not only insulted me as a traitor, but also tried every means to stop it, so I couldn't get enough of it... so we started fighting with him in the cave..."

Speaking of this, Trin Baide couldn't help but feel a little guilty and ashamed.

After all, the cave was indeed blown up by him.

There is no saying this.

"Then you blew up the cave without sealing it?"

"Yes, Your Majesty... Fire elements are prone to superimposed explosions in narrow and unventilated places. This stupid... ahem, this border Earl and I were almost killed by the explosion."

King Leighton heard this and glared at Kettleburn fiercely.

It's really irritating. If he were here, he wouldn't be able to stand this kind of birdiness.

Therefore, although Trinbad blew up the cave, it can be forgiven, but the punishment must still be meted out and cannot be tolerated.

"Trian Baide, you have been following me for decades to change your temper, but you still haven't changed it. In this case, you can go to the wall of the Saint Lotia Martyr's Mausoleum. When do you think you can control your temper? When will you come out again?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." The old mage breathed a sigh of relief.

This punishment was equivalent to no punishment, just a slight damage to his reputation and house arrest. He really needed to rest for a few years. Based on what happened in the past two days, he felt that he had lost at least ten years of his life!

"How is it possible? This is impossible..."

The old mage left with the support of the soldiers.

The Earl of the Border was still doubting life and muttering to himself.

"Mr. Genrath, my idol, my adoptive father, how could he harm me like this? How could he be the master of the Black Nest!?"

"Haha, I heard that you even adopted someone as your adoptive father?"

King Leighton knelt down, sneered and patted Kettleborn on the face:

"I originally thought you were a smart person, Kate Byrne, you were tough, brave, loyal, and ambitious, but I never thought that your stubbornness and stupidity could outweigh all your advantages!"

After saying this, King Leighton stood up and shouted:

"Drag him down and behead him. The head will be taken back to the royal city and paraded throughout the city. In addition, he will notify Kettleburn's father, Duke Keper, to come see me and tell him that I want to ask him for advice on how to give birth to such an outstanding son... "

Kettleburn's eyes lost their light.

Even when being dragged away by two soldiers, he didn't resist at all.


Why does the world always treat him like this?

When he was a child, when his parents put a bunch of toys in front of him, and he chose a small wooden sword over all the magic props, the whole world changed. There seemed to be no place for him in the family, leaving only his brother. .

The most delicious cake belonged to my brother, and he could only eat the leftovers.

The best-looking clothes belong to his brother, and he can only wear his brother's old clothes.

The best education is from my brother. He has no education and can only play wildly in the mountains and fields.

The best fiancée is my brother's.

He liked the daughter of the Marquis of the neighboring territory, but she was eventually assigned to his brother.

Ultimately, his territory was the worst.

If you don't like him, why give birth to him?

Kateborn originally thought that Genrath was a person worthy of his admiration and friendship. He treated Genrath and Jessica with all his heart and soul, but he did not expect that what awaited him in the end was betrayal and teasing.


He clenched his fists and roared.

Full of pain and discomfort.

Just when the knife was about to fall.

A hoarse roar sounded in the distance.

"Your Majesty! Save someone under the sword!!"

Kettleburn raised his head, and the moment he saw the person coming, tears suddenly blurred his eyes. That was - his adoptive father!


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