All the doubts in my mind disappeared.

But King Leighton still didn't give up all his worries.

"Gernrath, even if everything you said is true, I still remain skeptical of you. For example, how did you survive from the Lord of the Black Nest? After modifying the teleportation array in Rolandi City Where did you go after that?"

"Back to Your Majesty, after overhauling the teleportation array, I returned to Rolandi and was ready for battle at any time. But at this moment, Jessica said she would give me a surprise, and then she transformed into the Lord of the Black Nest in front of me. And told everything he did, he destroyed the public teleportation array immediately and only had time to spit out a breath of dragon breath at me. Maybe for him, this breath of dragon breath was enough to kill me!"

"Gernrath" lowered his head with a sad expression:

"I was burned by the dragon's breath and was in great pain. When I woke up, the surrounding area had turned into ruins. Then when I crawled out of the ruins, I met your search and rescue team, and then I came to see you."


King Leighton frowned and said nothing. He was analyzing the loopholes in "Gernrath"'s words. However, since the Lord of the Black Nest who was transformed into Jessica was not around, it was impossible to torture the Lord of the Black Nest, and , everyone who had seen the Lord of the Black Nest, except for Genrath, basically all died.

Therefore, after searching for a long time, he found no contradiction.

But even with this, he still found it difficult to believe Genrath.

"Gernrath, can you understand that I cannot dispel my doubts about you?"

King Leighton looked at "Gernrath" with burning eyes.

He knew that such suspicion would definitely make Genrath extremely painful. He had just lost a family member, and had even been humiliated and teased by the Lord of the Black Nest. Now he was still being doubted. One can imagine the torment in his heart, but for the sake of He had no choice but to ask about the safety of the Saint Lotia Empire.

"Your Majesty, I can."

Su Nian lowered his head, wondering what this old bastard wanted to do.

"Okay, if you want to completely dispel my doubts, then give me some blood from your body. I will immediately order the palace alchemist to analyze your blood. If your human identity can be confirmed, I will believe that you are Really Genrath!”

Su Nian was slightly startled when he heard this.

ah? That’s it?

I thought it was so cruel!

Without saying a word, he stood up boldly, pulled out the knife of the guard next to him with one hand, and stabbed it directly on his thigh artery, and the blood spurted out.

King Leighton Xiao was well-informed and was shocked by this scene. The soldiers next to him quickly took a cup to collect a cup of blood. The priest who had been prepared for a long time poured a healing spell into Su Nian with a sullen face.

It is not that difficult to use the Scarlet Divinity to simulate human blood. Although Su Nian has never taken the initiative to swallow anyone's blood, in the process of killing Genrath and others, the Scarlet Divinity will also spontaneously react to the blood. Waiting for the information to be recorded, and now it is convenient to mobilize the real Genrath's blood.

Under the influence of the healing technique, Su Nian's seemingly frightening injuries were recovering quickly, and King Leighton ordered two alchemists to test Genrath's blood in front of everyone, paying attention to an open and fair test. ,fair!

So here it is in this hall.

The two alchemists laid out a bunch of bottles and jars and began to prepare a detection potion. This detection potion itself is used to detect vampires, and vampire hair is added as a medium. Now, instead of changing the soup, the medicine only needs to be added. The vampire's hair can be replaced with dragon scales. If you want to test a certain creature more accurately, you need the hair and scales of that creature, such as the Lord of the Black Nest.

But King Leighton did not have the scales of the Lord of the Black Nest, so he could only use the scales of the ordinary black dragon instead.

The effect should be about the same.

The process of configuring detection reagents is very complex.

Su Nian doesn't understand alchemy.

He saw that the two alchemists were almost crazy.

They only have two hands, but they have to control more than twenty bottles at the same time, and their speed is almost like an afterimage.

Just when he was about to fall asleep, a purple-red mushroom cloud popped up on the table of one of the alchemists, and then another alchemist also came, but it was a pink mushroom cloud.

"Your Majesty, we are done!"

The alchemist on the left took out a bottle of potion and said with a smile: "This is a bloodline revealing potion. Mixing the target's blood with my potion will reveal the opponent's true race!"

The alchemist on the right is also holding a bottle of potion.

"Your Majesty, this is a blood testing potion. This potion is highly poisonous to any race. It is harmless to humans only. After drinking the potion, weak races will be poisoned to death. Although powerful races may not be poisoned to death, But in order to force the toxins out of the body, I had to reveal myself.”

King Leighton was still very confident in the strength of his palace alchemist, but he still confirmed it again: "Are you sure these potions can be effective on the dragon?"

"I am sure!"

"I'm sure too!"

The alchemist on the right vowed:

"We once conducted experiments on giant dragons, and the potions worked perfectly!"

King Leighton nodded with satisfaction upon hearing this.

He led everyone into the palace and was not in a hurry to let Genrath drink the detection potion.

Instead, he asked the accompanying formation masters to set up formations in the palace and set up a dragnet. At the same time, he also ordered the four masters with the mark of the Vulcan to prepare in advance to summon the incarnation of the Vulcan.

Until this time.

He then walked up to Genrath holding the staff.

"If you can prove your identity, although your sins are serious, I will not kill you. I will only let you redeem your sins. But if you are a traitor or the master of the Black Nest, I swear you will die miserably. !”

When Su Nian heard this, he looked frank on the surface.

In fact, he rolled his eyes in disdain.

Since he dares to come back, it means he is absolutely sure. King Leighton is still here to test, which is a complete waste of time.

"Your Majesty, I'm ready, let's get started!"

Upon hearing this, King Leighton winked at the two alchemists.

One of the alchemists mixed Su Nian's blood with the detection potion.

Another alchemist walked up to Su Nian and handed the potion to Su Nian with an indifferent expression: "Master Genrath, do you want to drink it yourself, or should I feed it to you?"

Su Nian reached out and took the detection potion and drank it in one gulp without any hesitation, while the scarlet divinity decomposed the potion in it instantly.

"The potion you made is quite sweet."

Su Nian smiled faintly at the alchemist, and the other man twitched the corner of his mouth and almost stopped.

The test results on the other side also came out.

"Your Majesty, look."

The alchemist held the glass bottle containing the alchemy potion in his hands, and saw that the purple potion rolling like star sand in the bottle gradually condensed into a human face that was no different from Genrath.

The results are clear.

"Gernrath" proved himself to be the real Gurnrath.

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