Crossing The Dragon: The King Sacrifices The Princess At The Beginning

Chapter 961: Destruction Of The Saint Lodia Imperial Army

"Sir, our dragon-hunting metal crossbows seem to be useless..."

The guards on both sides of the Earthshatter Knight came closer and whispered reminders.

"I know!!" The Earth Splitter Knight's back molars were almost broken. He glared viciously at a group of monsters that were gradually getting closer and showing off their muscles. His mind was full of why.

Why are these monsters suddenly not afraid of Dragon Hunter Metal? !

This isn't magic!

"Sir, think of a solution quickly!" The shield guards further tightened their defense line, and the atmosphere became increasingly tense.

The bodyguards beside Earthshatter Knight also urged in a low voice.

"Damn, I'm already thinking about it!"

The Earthshatter Knight is also in despair. What can he do?

Nowadays, many magicians in the Tantric Mage Group have exhausted their magic power, and the Free Mage is mentally weak due to vomiting and stench.

The only ones who were strong were the shield guards, and even the knights had fallen because the mounts under their crotches had collapsed!

The monsters will not give these soldiers time to think. Of course, these soldiers smell bad, and they will not engage in close combat with these soldiers.

The first shot started with a dragon flame fireball condensing in the hands of a dragon-turned-wolf man.

All the kobolds and jackals condensed the dragon flame fireball into their hands and threw it up and down.

The Fire Rabbit took a deep breath, its chest expanded violently, and lit up with red fire like a light bulb.

"Everyone, obey my orders!"

The Earthshatter Knight raised his hand.

At the same time, the monsters also threw out the dragon flame fireballs in their hands. Violent explosions sounded in the plain, and gray mushroom clouds shot straight into the sky; the Fire Rabbit sprayed a cone-shaped dragon's breath towards the place where the dragon flame fireball exploded. Although the flames were not as powerful as the black dragon, they were comparable to the destructive power of the breath of an average adult dragon; Shyvana soared into the air, hovering around the explosion area, traveling left and right in the smoke, searching for any humans who might still be alive.

However, after the protective power of the esoteric mage group and the special suppression of the dragon-hunting metal lost their effect, the rank gap between this human army and the monsters was completely exposed. No one could escape the devastating attack of the monster army.

When the strong wind cleared the smoke, only a piece of scorched earth remained.

Spreading from the hills behind the ruins of the Great Wall to the center of the basin, the ground was scorched black and melted, and no human soldiers could be seen anymore.

The monsters raised their weapons and roared.

They won this difficult battle after all. The technology of the Black Nest Empire brought an absolute dimensionality reduction blow to the arrogant human army.

Only the dwarf master Britt was somewhat silent.

"Black-skinned dwarf, I admit that we are evenly matched in this competition. In the future, we can also compare other products, such as the [Overlord Stink Bug Excretion Extract Missile] that I just used. What do you think?"

Kukta swore that this was definitely the first time he was so generous. As long as the victory in the war made him feel good, otherwise he would never give Britt a good look.

However, Britt just looked at a hammer lying in the smoke with sad eyes.

Even though it's just a heroic hammer.

But after following him for many years, he has been reluctant to change it, but now he has to put it here... neither explosion nor fire can get rid of the excrement of the overlord stink bug that has been secretly prepared by Jiao Tailang.

From a certain point of view, Jiao Tailang has reached the pinnacle in this aspect, and there is no one else in the entire Rennes world.

The end of the ground war also affected the air battle.

After a period of fighting, King Leighton's magic power has become less and less, but Su Nian has become more and more skillful. Although his wings and chest were hit by several rounds from King Leighton's thunder gun, it did hurt. , but that's all. He only had hand-to-hand combat and dragon breath to deal with King Leighton, and there was almost no consumption at all.

King Leighton, who seemed so powerful before, is already showing signs of sluggishness.

Thunder and dragon flame collide.

One man and one dragon clashed again.

King Leighton almost turned into an aggregation of thunder elements. The violent thunder and lightning struck the surrounding void like whips. His hands merged in front of him. Countless thunder halos were superimposed and condensed in his arms, and a wisp of destructive brilliance appeared in his hands. Gathered into an unstable sphere, however, this devastating blow could not be used after all.

Before, he had enough mental power and could cast spells extremely fast.

Now his spirit is getting more and more exhausted.

I saw the black dragon that was making a pounce suddenly paused, its wings trembled and it was already hidden in the clouds of natural disaster. Then a thick dragon tail was wrapped in the black clouds and suddenly pulled out, hitting King Leighton with a loud "bang". The thunder shield on his body suddenly shattered, and the energy condensed in his hands exploded. His whole body flew backwards like a haystack hit by a bull.


The blood spurted from King Leighton's mouth drew a brief curve in the air.

The body bounced and rolled on the ground, and finally stopped when it hit the rock wall of a hill.

"King Leighton, your Imperial Legion is gone, and you will eventually die here!"

Su Nian's huge body landed on the ground, followed by a majestic army of monsters, approaching the sluggish King Leighton step by step.


King Leighton clutched his chest and held up his staff to stand up. There was still lightning flashing in his firm eyes, but it was far less bright than before.

The strong wind blew his gray hair around his head.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, straightened his body, and stared coldly at the Lord of the Black Nest without fear.

"It's just one death. Do you think you can rule the world by killing me? No!"

King Leighton looked up at the sky and laughed wildly:

"I am just the king of the Supreme Empire of the Southern Continent. Do you know that there is a Northern Continent above the Southern Continent, where there are demigod-level Titans and mysterious Winter Guards? Your wanton behavior will eventually destroy your monsters. The empire is destroyed!"

Su Nian was too lazy to talk nonsense to King Leighton and directly raised his paw to slap him.

King Leighton did not dodge or avoid, he closed his eyes and died calmly.

No one noticed the faint flicker of the beating heart in his chest.

At the moment when the dragon's claw was about to strike down.

The shadow of an old man appeared in front of King Leighton - he looked older than King Leighton. His somewhat rickety body blocked King Leighton behind him, and his starry eyes were filled with wisdom and supremacy. His indifference, even though the years have carved too many profound traces of vicissitudes on his face, it is still difficult to conceal his noble temperament.


Leiton's voice trembled as he looked at the phantom made of stars.

Furion's avatar said nothing.

He raised his staff and pointed it at Su Nian's dragon claw.


A bright light shot straight into the sky.

The captured dragon claws were also blasted into pieces by the glow. The stars shook in the next second, leaving only a silver star glow on the spot.

King Layton was taken away by Furion's incarnation.

Su Nian looked in the direction of the Saint Rodia Empire in silence.

Numerous flesh sprouts protrude from the fracture of the shattered dragon claw, which is being rapidly repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This was the second time since he became a black dragon that he felt invincible.

The first time was when he faced the Dragon Hunting Crossbow and the King of Airland in his original incarnation.

One of the main gods of the Supreme God Realm, Furion, the God of Rules, truly deserves his reputation.

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