Su Nian stretched out his paw and poked Pastoreki's face twice. Not to mention that it was quite textured, but he didn't expect that his appearance could change after he found the host body.

Maybe it hurt Pastoreki.

She whined and opened her eyes.

She touched her face immediately and felt that it was smooth and tender. She immediately summoned a magic light mirror and looked at it in the mirror, and then she felt relieved.

"Okay, okay! Fortunately, I haven't forgotten the magic model. Otherwise, if my appearance is not ruined, how will I face Anna then?"

Pastoreki breathed a sigh of relief, with a look of lingering fear. Only she knew this kind of body-seizing spell. It was the product of combining light magic with the lich's soul magic in her early years. It was just a boring way to pass the time. The research results of the magic were later improved, so that the physical appearance after "seizing the body" also changed.

But that’s about it.

No matter what, this is the body of an old woman.

If she doesn't seize the time to break through to Legend, she will still get weaker day by day. This matter is not difficult for Pastoreki. After all, she has become a demigod before, and her understanding and understanding of Legend level are not difficult. I have learned the breakthrough process by heart.

The crisis in Xueman City has been resolved.

The door to the underground sanctuary has been opened by Bastian. The people inside are cowering and looking in horror at the two mountain-like dragons on the left and right outside the underground sanctuary, like a group of people huddled in a cave. There are two young mice from an old cat outside.

However, there was a little girl wearing a cloak and a hood walking towards the outside of the underground sanctuary, and everyone around her was frightened.

A kind-hearted grandma shouted tremblingly:

"Little girl, don't go out, there are two giant dragons outside! They will eat you!"

The girl untied her cloak halfway to reveal her snow-white fox ears and tail. Without saying a word, the huge black dragon outside stretched out its claws and picked up the girl and placed her on his head.

The people in Xueman City looked at this scene in horror.

They couldn't understand why this was the dragon that slaughtered the apostles, and why it could tolerate such a sub-elf standing on its head.

"It is said that the queen of the Lord of the Black Nest is a sub-elf with fox ears and fox tail. She has extremely strong magical talent. She cracked the holy pillars of the three holy cities. If the prediction is good, this girl should be it!"

An insider spoke out, his voice trembling.

At this time, they realized belatedly that the Holy Pillar in Xueman City was gone, and it should have been cracked by the girl just now.

Unexpectedly, there was a queen from the Lord of the Black Nest among their crowd just now!

Everyone couldn't help but tremble a little.

It's like a wolf has just wandered into the sheepfold.

At this moment, outside the underground sanctuary, Bastian had transformed into an old man wearing a gift. He walked to the underground sanctuary and threatened in a gentle tone:

"Snowrun City has been destroyed and King Leighton is dead. Now, on behalf of Black Nest, I invite you to join the Black Nest Empire. This matter is entirely voluntary. Of course, if you are not willing, I can give it to you for free...down, down, prison!"

A group of Aboriginal people from Snowman City in the underground sanctuary looked at each other, and immediately a strong man stood up with a cold face: "We humans will never succumb to monsters, and we will never be slaves to monsters! We..."

He raised his hands in the air, but he hadn't finished speaking yet.

The next second, Bastian appeared in front of him. Canglong's face turned into a red dragon head, and flames spurted out from his mouth, instantly burning the big man to ashes, and also burned several companions around the strong man. Also promoted.

After doing all this, Bastian straightened his slightly wrinkled collar, regained his elegant and calm look, cleared his throat and said: "Now, do you have any other opinions? Don't worry, I'm Black Nest The empire is an extremely tolerant country. As long as you contribute to the empire honestly, you will never become a slave."

Naturally, no one believed Bastian's words, but these people did not dare to resist. They could only follow part of the monster army southward and were escorted to the Black Nest Empire.


At the same time, the Royal City of Saint Lotia Empire.

Furion's incarnation took King Leighton back to the palace through countless spaces.

With a burst of starlight, Furion's incarnation landed steadily near the throne, and King Layton was also thrown onto the throne.


King Leighton was not angry because of this rude move. Instead, he climbed down from the throne, knelt at the feet of Furion's incarnation, and cried sadly:

"Father, is it really you? I haven't seen you for a long time, father..."

There was too much sadness in his heart that he wanted to express.

There is the yearning for Furion, the pressure of being the king of the Saint Rodia Empire, and the recent anger and helplessness caused by the invasion of the Black Nest Empire and the destruction of the four holy pillars.

"Father, please save the Saint Rodia Empire! If you don't take action, the Saint Rodia Empire may be destroyed by the Lord of the Black Nest!"

Facing King Leighton's pleading, Furion's incarnation just stared indifferently, his eyes like ice that would never melt.

It wasn't until King Leighton finished all his sufferings that he said coldly:

"I am responsible for controlling the power of magic rules in Renne Continent. Whether the Saint Rodia Empire is destroyed or not has nothing to do with me!"

These words were like a sharp sword thrust into King Leighton's chest, extinguishing his last hope.

Yes, Furion has become the god of rules. He is the collection of the will of countless mages and the carrier of the consciousness of magic rules.

How could he care about the dynasty change in the main material plane?

"Then, why did you save me?"

King Leighton stared at Furion blankly. He wished he could see a touch of the father's tenderness for his son in those old eyes.

Unfortunately, there is nothing!

"People from outside the territory will affect the development of the world's magic rules. The weapons they develop destroy the magic environment of the main material plane. I save you because I cannot walk on the main material plane for a long time. Your mission now is Expel the people from outside the territory, and as compensation, I will protect your royal city from harm!"

Furion's incarnation raised the staff in his hand and touched the ground lightly. A wisp of starlight was projected from the endless sky and enveloped the entire royal city. The starlight did not dissipate, and a pillar of magic light rose into the sky and connected with the stars on the horizon. Hui Yao responded, and the originally rioting magic network immediately had a channel for the magic energy to vent, and became stable again.

King Leighton watched this scene silently.

He knew that he could not treat the god in front of him as his father, but could only treat him as a cold machine.

"So, what about that black dragon? If he continues to slaughter the people of Saint Rodia, I will just watch?!"

"The purpose of the black dragon is also to expel those outside the territory. If he continues to slaughter the civilians of the empire, I will ask the Sun Goddess to stop his behavior! But you must cease war with him now! Otherwise, you will bear the consequences!"

After speaking, the incarnation of Furion ignored the gloomy King Leighton, and his figure turned into a starlight and rose towards the endless sky.

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