While the businessman was still rummaging through the boxes.

Little did he know that danger was looming behind him.

One of the girls walked to the door and closed the door and window, while the other two approached the businessman from the left and right, holding a cold stream of light in their hands.

"Why did you close the windows and doors? I can't even see!"

The businessman was still rummaging through the cabinet drawers and complained dissatisfiedly: "Damn it, turn on the light!"

However, the only response the businessman received was a cold wind and a warning sign that was cold from head to toe. His many years of business experience made him immediately duck and roll to avoid it. The sharp dagger stuck on the table and followed him like a snake.

"Moon Blade!?"

As the businessman fled in a hurry, he also saw the weapon in the girl's hand.

The whole body of the scimitar is green, with a purple tip and a sweet poisonous fragrance. A golden branch of the world is engraved on the handle, and their identities are already revealed.

"Are you elves?! Damn it! How come elves are here!"

He rolled around in embarrassment to avoid the stabbing dagger while reaching for the scroll in his belt.

No matter what, the most important thing is to escape from here now, but the two elves are attacking so fast that they don't give him a chance to take out the scroll. What's even worse is that the third elf has already rushed up to kill him, and he is just a little businessman!

As for being so targeted?

Just one or two breaths.

He had been cornered by three elves.

"I have no grievances with you, why do you want to kill me!? And I spent so much money to buy you, you are just repaying kindness with hatred!"

Businessmen are still making their last ditch effort.

The half-elves have already begun to deal with the merchant's body.

Shay is the strongest among the three half-elves and also holds the position of captain. Some time ago, the elven elders sent out a large number of half-elves and elven elites to search for Anna's whereabouts.

But after all, these half-elves are not as good as the noble elite elves who have griffins to travel around. After going through all kinds of hardships, they have only arrived at the Saint Lotia Empire now. Originally, they had many companions around them, but due to various reasons The reason is elsewhere.

It was her plan to act as a slave worker and board a merchant ship bound for the St. Lodia Empire. She originally planned to be bought by a merchant and then evacuate with her two sisters. However, the merchant wanted to treat their ears. If the ears were damaged, How to cure them and hide their identities?

Therefore, they had no choice but to prevent the merchant from talking about them and affecting the plan. They chose to kill the merchant directly. Only the dead could keep their mouths shut. Now that the merchant saw the moon blade and recognized their identity, it was even more impossible to keep it.

The eyes of the three elves became colder and colder.

The businessman was furious and rushed towards the window, shouting: "Help! An elf is killing someone! Help me! I can give you money!!"

Half-elves are not as strong as the elite elves, and the merchant is a fat man with a big belly. The flying swoop just now knocked a half-elf away.

The businessman was about to climb out of the window.

The three half-elves panicked and hurriedly surrounded them. They threw out the moon blades in their hands and stuck one on the merchant's back, and two others on the merchant's buttocks. The merchant also let out a shrill scream. .

The beach at dusk.

Su Nian was preparing to have a symphony of love with Anna when he suddenly heard the sound of killing a pig.

Su Nian, whose face was covered with lipstick marks, raised his head and frowned.

"What kind of news is this!?"

"What's wrong, brother?" Anna, whose neck was already covered with strawberries, was still a little dizzy and looked confused.

"There seems to be someone fighting nearby."

Su Nian looked in the direction of the sound.

There are many hotels near where he and Anna are. There are dense palm trees between the hotels and the coast. Of course, there is also the isolation circle that Su Nian has arranged in advance. The isolation circle only blocks the outside line of sight, but Su Nian can still see. to the surrounding.

I saw a businessman in the attic of a three-story small foreign-style building in the distance. Half of his body had been thrown out of the window, and the remaining half of his body was inside the window. He was roaring with his soul with a ferocious look on his face.

Even from a distance, Su Nian could still read his pain.

It really hurts...

There were three girls looming behind the businessman. They saw the three girls with fierce faces, holding daggers in their hands and thrusting them up and down the rich businessman. Every time they thrust, the rich businessman would make a pig noise.

In a sense, this businessman's ability to resist injuries is pretty good. He was still able to scream in agony after being stabbed with so many knives.

But what concerned Su Nian even more.

The identities of these three girls are not humans, but three half-elves!

Whether it is an elf or a half-elf, these are very sensitive words for Su Nian now. If the prediction is correct, these three half-elves swinging their swords up and down are ninety-nine percent here for Anna!

"Anna, we will create humans later, we have work to do!"

Su Nian pulled Anna up who was looking confused, and expertly put Anna in fat clothes and sexy underwear. Then she put on a dress, straightened the folds on it a little, and then removed the isolation circle and turned it into a black line. The shadow flew towards the three-story small foreign-style building.

In the small foreign building, the businessman was hacked dozens of times by the half-elf girl and finally died in a pool of blood. They sat next to the businessman's body and breathed a sigh of relief. Their bodies were covered with the businessman's blood.

However, they didn't wait for long.

A feeling of extreme danger came over me like a violent storm.

"what happened!?"

"What a terrifying sense of oppression..."

Xia Yi broke into a cold sweat and felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave.

They looked around and found that the dark room seemed to have become darker. Then heavy breathing sounded behind them, and they subconsciously turned their heads to look.

They saw a tall and majestic figure looking down at them in the darkness. A pair of bright scarlet eyes were the only source of light in the darkness, but they were full of murderous intent and malice.

"Good evening, half-elf ladies~"

Anna imprisoned Xia Yi in the middle, while Su Nian pinched the necks of the two half-elves on the left and right, and said with a ferocious smile: "I wonder why you came to Cecilia City? Don't tell me that you were just abducted. The slave workers came, but this poor businessman's body is still cold..."

The two elves whose necks were pinched had no room for struggle. They could only painfully feel the death-like suffocation gradually approaching.

But Shai is different.

She was just imprisoned by Anna's water magic - Tidal Cage.

She could tell at a glance that the fox-eared girl standing in front of her was the target they were looking for. Now the Queen of the Elven Court chose Anna, the sister of Queen Anya!

[PS: Today is quite busy. I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! 】

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