Crossing The Dragon: The King Sacrifices The Princess At The Beginning

Chapter 987: Black Nest’S Western Expedition (1)

"Your name is Big Ivan, right? The leader of Mi Yingfa's joint invasion force!" Su Nian revealed Big Ivan's identity in one breath. He stared at Big Ivan's slightly panicked face with ferocious eyes. He suddenly remembered that Big Ivan couldn't speak. So the blocking authority was slightly lowered.

"I'm not Big Ivan! I don't know what you're talking about!"

Big Ivan looked indifferent and refused to admit it.

He didn't know that Su Nian had an ability similar to appraisal skills and that it was more advanced than their players' appraisal skills.

"Big Ivan, come on, tell me the location of your Mi Yingfa United players. I know you have occupied many small and medium-sized countries, but there should be a general gathering place. Where is it?"

Big Ivan said nothing with a cold face.

He vowed that no matter how Black Dragon tortured him, he would not expose the location of the Miyingfa Joint Base.

Because he is the leader!

Protecting the younger brother is also the integrity that a leader should have.

When Su Nian saw Big Ivan's appearance, the ferocious look in his eyes became even more fierce. He said with a ferocious smile: "Very good, remember that you would rather die than give in. I hope you can persevere!!"

"Poricles, strip him naked and hang him on the king's flag! We will continue the western expedition!"

Su Nian moved the cage away, and the kobold chief immediately went and stripped Big Ivan naked. He glanced at Big Ivan's little brother and couldn't help but sneered, and deliberately scratched it with his sharp claws. Now the player's pain system But being weakened was the price paid for the full attack. Big Ivan's face turned red with pain, but he was the leader after all, so he kept silent.

After taking off his clothes, Polikri tied the Great Ivan Wuhuada to the royal flag of the Black Nest Empire, making him hang like an inverted carrot, while Su Nian temporarily applied the comprehensive confinement spell he had used previously on the Black Nest Empire. On Big Ivan's body.

Completing this operation requires the caster to suppress the magic level.

Big Ivan is following the path of body transformation, and his magic level is of course incomparable to that of his black dragon, so naturally he can do it easily.

At this time, the armies led by Anna and Shyvana happened to come over to join together, and they could already be seen from a distance.

Su Nian immediately found a piece of cloth to cover the lower body of Big Ivan, so that Anna would not see something shameful and get needle holes in her eyes.

Anna came closer with the monster army, and looked at the big Ivan who had been dealt with by Su Nian with a curious expression. The main reason was that the shape of this guy tied to the king's flag was really weird, but she didn't say anything more and asked For the next itinerary and plan, Li Chen, who happened to kill the Chinese players with one sword, also came back.

"Li Chen, you continue to stay in Saint Olist for a while. I will leave you a team of monsters. Your mission is to prevent the players from counterattacking and rebuild the Holy Wall of Felin'er!"

After Su Nian finished speaking, he took out a mountain of obsidian from the space ring. Although this stone is not the strongest, it is definitely much stronger than the original ordinary marble of Feliner's holy wall. The most important thing is that it is unprocessed. Obsidian can guide magic, and the mage can easily build a magic circle on it or enchant it to turn it into a magic material.

"Your Majesty." Li Chen glanced at the obsidian material and nodded in agreement.

These materials are not enough to build a new sacred wall of Felinr.

The Lord of the Black Nest should have wanted him to mix old materials with obsidian.

Celestine was also full of gratitude. She originally thought that the black dragon would leave directly after dealing with the invaders from the outside world. Unexpectedly, before leaving, it would leave a group of monsters to station and rebuild the holy wall of Felin'er. This way, after the St. Orist Empire The safety issue can be guaranteed. She had mixed feelings in her heart and couldn't help but kneel down on one knee to praise the black dragon's greatness and generosity.

"Your Majesty, I really don't know what I can do to repay you, otherwise..."

When she saw the queen blinking with big eyes next to her, she quickly suppressed the words of her promise.

"Saint Olist is a vassal state of my Black Nest Empire and part of the Black Nest. It is my duty as the emperor to protect you!"

Su Nian waved his hand to signal Celestine not to be polite.

He took one last look at the pale little Princess Prim, raised a sinister smile on his lips, and deliberately leaned over and said "ouch" to Prim.

This almost scared Prim out of his wits, and the diaper's carrying capacity was once again put to a great test.

"Not bad! Keep it up!"

Su Nian sniffed and couldn't smell the urine smell, and nodded with satisfaction.

After saying that, he took Anna into the sky, and thick clouds of natural disasters spread around him, leaving with a large army of monsters and dark clouds in the sky.

After a while, the sun returned to the earth.

There was only a thunderous dragon roar and a faint smell of sulfur echoing in front of the ruins of Felin'er's holy wall.

"Your Majesty is truly becoming more majestic!"

Ji Knight Alicia sighed with admiration in her eyes.

Celestine nodded and said: "Yes, we must also improve our strength, otherwise how can we catch up with His Majesty in the future? I plan to accept the goddess trial!"

Alicia was stunned when she heard this, but didn't say much.

The trials of the Goddess of Thunder and Punishment are very dangerous, and there is a possibility of death in every test.

However, she knew that once Celestine made a decision, she would definitely do it, and it was better to encourage than to discourage.

"You go ahead, I will protect Prim."

Celestine nodded, and Alicia didn't say much. After Prim became familiar with national affairs, she also planned to go to the Northern Continent for a period of retreat. It was the country of knights. If she didn't go to the Winter Empire on the Northern Road, she would never go there. I don’t know how far the glory of the knight’s path can shine.

Just when Su Nian led the monster army all the way eastward.

The first batch of Miyingfa United players who died on the Holy Wall of Feliner have been resurrected. They are distributed in all small and medium-sized countries occupied by the Miyingfa United forces.

At the moment of resurrection, apart from confusion and fear, what was left was anger and dissatisfaction.

Locke is one of the typical representatives.

"Damn it, why don't these monsters just take two more steps forward? It's obviously only a little bit closer!"

He patted the bed board unwillingly, his face gloomy.

At the moment, he lives in a relatively luxurious bungalow. This is the bungalow of a wealthy businessman in King Cullen City. When they first attacked these countries, their purpose of action was to own everything they grabbed.

The Kingdom of Cullen is just a small country close to Saint Orist.

Most players are in small and medium-sized countries close to Saint Rodia, where there are many people and rich resources, unlike the Cullen Country, which is a place where birds don't shit.

But Locke is very satisfied with being able to grab a house like this.

You must know that in the real world, he is just a homeless vagabond. He lives by picking up garbage and stealing money from drunkards every day. Sometimes he will be beaten severely when he is found.

Now he was an intruder, not only with the house, but with the woman as well.

Thinking of women, Locke couldn't help but curl up into a grin, and his eyes glanced at the cage at the foot of the bed.

There was a petite and humble figure huddled inside.

She is the daughter of a wealthy businessman.

Although it looks average, it is tender!

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