The group of people was walking until they reached fifty but they looked at Jiang Ning in front of him, and said to Jiang Ning with some mystery: "In fact, I deceived you by one thing. I hope you don’t get angry. For the sake of such frankness, I also decided not to hide it from you again."

Asking you to look at the great wizard in front of you, with some doubts, but also a little strangely asked: "What's the matter with me?

It’s no wonder that Jiang Ning is confused. As far as their current situation is concerned, Jiang Ning’s contact with this great wizard is not very deep, and it involves nothing more than a few things. One of them is this. The destination of the mission and the mission, the personal relationship between the two is not so deep, so when the wizard said the painting, Jiang Ning only vaguely realized that this matter might be related to the mission performed. As expected, the ancient poem immediately answered Jiang Ning.

"There is nothing weird about this task. As I said at the beginning, we just need to send me to that place, and then call me back. It is enough. There is no change or addition. The difficulty is that what I want to say is that it is the reward that conceals you. Although the ancient book is indeed passed down by our apprentices, it is actually a very strange book. In our tribe, there are countless I have read this ancient book for 17 years. Anyone picks up the words on it. It can be said to be simple and difficult to understand, and the business is like this is one of the reasons why we moved him down. What I told you at the beginning is that it is precious, but it is also because he is too stupid and simple to understand, so no one has understood it until now."

Jiang Ning smiled and replied: "I understand what you mean. This is because he is too simple and difficult to understand, so it also means that he has lost his original ability. The knowledge contained in it may be very rich. It may be worthless. This is completely a gamble, and you put it among the mysterious man, just wanting to bet whether he thinks someone will take it and sell it for a good price? I have calculated well!"

The shopkeeper in Jiang Ning’s hometown was obviously embarrassed. He knew that his behavior was indeed a bit too much. He went crazy with a book that he didn’t know what it was written on. Jiang Ning asked him to help himself to complete such a strong work. At the beginning of the mission, the shopkeeper didn’t intend to tell the story at all, but in the process of cooking with Jiang Ning, he discovered that the person calling you didn’t seem to be as scheming as he had imagined, and he decided to pick it up. Under this task, there will be no change in any way, and this is how the deacon can tell the truth.

"Little brother, this time I did read your book. It may be worthless. So I plan to choose a treasure in my palace after completing the task, although it may be related to you. The things you need are completely different, but it won’t be at least fruitless! And from the eyes of the natives among you, the uniqueness of our vulnerable nation lies. Maybe it’s also special if you get it. How useful is it!"

Facing the magnanimity of the shopkeeper, Jiang Ning smiled slightly, and did not say much. Since the other party is willing to add another treasure, why does she need to bargain with others? It just made him a little confused and said: "The shopkeeper, I understand your kindness, and I will talk about it later! But I am a little strange, when did you see through our identity!"

Faced with this, Jiang Ning naturally had to ask. When they first touched their eyes, it seemed that he had penetrated everything about Jiang Ning, which made Jiang Ning have some doubts. Did they expose it from the beginning? Is it all? Is their behavior so abnormal? If this were the case, even if they advanced to the next tribe, they would not be able to safely stabilize.

Faced with Jiang Ning’s question, the shopkeeper said with a smile: “I know what you’re worried about, but you can rest assured that not everyone has my insight. I call it the Great Wizard, but It’s not because of this. I’m the second people of this tribe. The second is because the profession of wizards is very necessary. There may not be one or two of them in all tribes. This is also the reason why my identity is great and powerful. The reason why I can see you at the first glance is because my eyeliner is everywhere. From the first day you entered this tribe, I have thoroughly observed you all. This is not because of me. It is specifically for every people who enter our city-state, but because one of my treasures can make me feel some different powers, and it is precisely because this power appears on your body that it will treat you deliberately The importance of investigating you is really too much. From your performance and later language, it can be seen that you are definitely not ordinary tribal people."

"Especially the powerful power in your body, which drove him to deliberately hide. This is why I said you are so strong in the first place. It turns out that I did not guess wrong. You do have a very strong Strength, it can be said that even I was too late to guard. At the beginning, I was worried that you would knock down the shop in anger, but after observing it, I found that you seem to be a very rational person, so I took the initiative to appear in you In front of me, I talked to you about these tasks."

After hearing the wizard's answer, Jiang Ning also shook his head indifferently. He also knew that this tribe never seemed as simple and ordinary as he had imagined, and there were many, even surpassing, many counsellors. Existence, for example, this wizard is one of them that can be so far away, it is because you directly observed Jiang Ning and the others. ,, ..

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