Facing Jiang Ning, who had the strength of the Mahayana period, they might as well be advancing. This is at least not as timid as before. They dare not step forward. Naturally, those who walk ahead are the most powerful ones among them. Up.

Well, there is even one of them that is already close to Jiangning's strength. In the early days of the Mahayana period, the Prowler could be said to be the most powerful opponent facing Jiangning, and he looked rather solemn when facing Jiangning. Looks like, there seems to be some uncertainty about whether he can take you down in one fell swoop, but when he looked at his teammates, he gradually calmed down, knowing that he didn't have to think about it, he would act first, as long as he stopped. After Jiang Ning, his teammates can be overwhelmed.

After all, in terms of their current numbers, it was too easy to deal with two people. After knowing Jiang Ning’s strength, they gradually turned their attention to the wizard who was aside. In their current eyes, five Ten is the most important person.

Wizards have a very symbolic position in their tribes, similar to priests in a church. It can be said that they are the spiritual beliefs of a tribe. Therefore, the wizards of each tribe are very respected. I love them very much, and admire them as a unique position. You, and these guys are naturally no exception. Although they say they are now employed as the masses, they are essentially people from all tribes. Naturally, I couldn't help but worship these wizards.

Now it is very difficult for them to fight against wizards, but after thinking about foster care, it is more important to live and the employer’s money is the most money they can see now, so it’s nothing. He hesitantly decided to kill the chicken fifty first, but obviously, the strength that they ignore in their eyes is often fixed, so it is not so easy to deal with.

For ordinary people, I am afraid that they can beat their opponents to the ground with only three or five blows, but when they are ignored, they have to be prepared. For example, weak people are likely to be defeated because of weak minds. When the Fifty Institute becomes the target of anti-Geism, then they will shout wronged, so the soldiers who know the Fifty best must go to the streets to solve it personally, so there is the beginning scene, the strength The most powerful person actually bypassed Jiang Ning and walked towards the wizard behind him.

It made you feel quite helpless, and at the same time it made the wizard a little irritable. He didn't expect the enemy to target him in this way. He didn't even care about Jiang Ning, so he walked towards him, and he kindly said angrily towards Jiang Ning: "Help I, these guys are already looking at me, you have to kill them all!"

Facing the request of his employer, Jiujiangnian nodded, of course, stepped forward, and came out to the assassin who was trying to attack the stock market. He sneered and said, "You guy is so arrogant. Is it? My strength seems to be similar to yours, but in fact it is much higher than yours. Why don't you dare to come and find me first!"

Faced with Jiang Ning’s question, the man also scratched his head. His original intention was to kill the wizard first and then conduct a one-dimensional, one-dimensional monotony with Jiang Ning, so as to ensure that his reputation is not damaged, and at the same time gain more A lot of glory, I believe that after practicing and killing two people, the merits can at least have a lot of experience and money. Then he wants to be one of the best priests in the tribe, and there is no problem.

However, since Jiang Ning took the initiative to find him, he naturally did not hesitate to meet Jiang Ning, punch him in the head, and come with a whirr of wind, seeming to be exhausted. The blue veins with full strength were exposed, and the powerful punch made Jiang Ning a little dull.

However, just when Jiang Ning was about to talk about this punch, Jiang Ning was surely picked it up with his left hand from an incredible angle, and he could no longer move a minute, which shocked everyone present. They didn't expect that under the full blow of such a strong man, Jiang Ning, who was equal to him, could easily take it down with his left hand.

But they didn’t guess much. After all, judging from the situation, Jiang Ning must have used some hands and feet, so they had no way to prepare for another attack. The man thought at least not to let his strength go to waste. Lost, so I decided to test it again and again, asking you to see what kind of method Jiang Ning used to ensure that he absolutely possessed this, and where he could block his attack.

But in fact, what he didn't know was that the strength of Jiang Ning in front of him far exceeded his imagination. The cultivation base of the fit period wanted to hit his ordinary attack, but it was too simple and didn't even require too much action. Just holding the surgery there tightly, he can no longer move anymore. So when he attacked, Jiang Ning’s reaction had already been known, but it was only at the last one that I played with my hands. I played to catch it. The purpose of getting his fist was to give this illusion that Jiang Ning in front of him used some peculiar means to make his own attack.

But now that he has reached this level, he naturally has no room to retreat. Even if he knows that Jiang Ning in front of him has steadily accepted his attack, he doesn't hesitate to lie in his attack, in their tribe. Among them is naturally brave and prestigious, so for him, finance is the glory, and defense is the weakest. This is what he has always believed in. The people of the tribe are fighting each other in every battle. At times they would choose to attack each other, and in the end they would be cages.

The Jiang Ning he is facing now naturally wants to show the same method. Jiang Ning, who is suppressed by constant offensives, makes him constantly retreat, and finally is forced to the corner directly when he can use his most powerful force to get a distance Defeated Jiang Ning. ,, ..

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