However, Zhao is still that cold-blooded beast. After a woman like Master Shen’s, he didn’t even have the intention of taking a souvenir. He just felt a little regretful, that is, he stopped thinking about it, and finally returned to his womb. , Began to look for his next goal. It must be said that it has exceeded the bottom line that humans can bear. It can be said that Zhao can no longer be defined as an adult. It is a cold-blooded demon, just for satisfaction. Some of his own lusts are those who can sacrifice everything about others. No matter who they face, such a person will not have a good face.

And as expected, just before Zhao had found the next target, the girl’s original companion was found back. After seeing the girl’s absence, she immediately searched like crazy. If it is not surprising, they The relationship between the two should be a couple, and this man quickly found the owner and clerk of the inn who had been killed. After a little scrutiny, he decided to look for witnesses. Sure enough, he knew around here. Zhao Meng’s people are naturally countless. They quickly just stood up for all of this, and all their goals are towards Zhao. According to Zhao at this moment, he is resting leisurely at home. She didn’t feel sad for a life of her child. After all, for her, there are at least dozens of people killed every day. For such a person to die, he naturally won’t have any emotion, just like on the battlefield. It's normal to kill the enemy, it can be said to carry out the name of one's warrior once again, but this time, it is not a compliment, but a scolding from the people.

After hearing everything about Zhao, the man also appeared angry, not only because of his wife’s death, but also because of his hatred for such humans. It can be said that he was disgusting to the extreme. This time, he was finally angry. At this time, Zhao Meng walked to the station in front of the mansion with full momentum. He flew out the gatekeeper and the gate together and flew far away before stopping. At this time, the people in the mansion were all startled.

They rushed out one after another, looking at the man in front of him with vigilant eyes, only to see him in a black costume with a strong killing intent in his eyes, and his face was flushed red, but they didn't say a word to Mondo, just Constantly attacking the people around her, she did not show any mercy one by one, and under one palm, she would surely take away the life of a guard. It can be said that like the harvesting death, everyone feels despair and despair. fear.

Finally, these guards are not fools. When he kills to a certain extent, no one dares to go on again. Even if they know, they may face Zhao Meng's punishment, and they cannot really give their lives to nothing. Sent away, so they stopped their attack and started to retreat. But after that, the car did expose Zhao Meng's path directly, and the man gently stepped towards Zhao Meng in front of him.

Seeing that her guard seemed to dare not go up again, Zhao Meng finally couldn't help it. After all, she was still the person who was previously known as the number one warrior of the grassland. Naturally, she had a violent temper, and she cowered under such circumstances Retracting, he might even look down on himself, so under a roar, he rushed to the place with full momentum. In front of the man, he wanted to fight him, and although the two of them were also in fit period The cultivator, but it was decided within one round, it can be said that everyone was surprised.

It is necessary to know that a person who is in the fit period makes a move. It is very difficult to tell the winner without these hundreds of rounds. After all, it is not so easy to seize the opponent’s flaws. At this moment, Zhao did find that he could not understand the other party at all, and felt a little scared. You know, in terms of his strength, in addition to the tribal war of the whole tribe, he never Never feared anyone. This man was the second person who brought him a sense of oppression.

He fell in love with the man’s original words, Zhao Meng is like a discarded object, although he had grown up in an environment of testing the water with a super-high cultivation base and strength before, but he has been decadent for so many years. In the course of his career, I have also honed some of my strength. I have to say that Zhao Meng has been too chic and happy all these years. There is no dispute, no trouble, and even the use of force. A lot of time is missing, three meals are served to her by others, and there is no more time to exercise her body,

In such a situation, how could Zhao beat an opponent of the same level as himself? In contrast, he is living a hard life every day and diligently cultivating his own weapons. What's more, he is still dealing with the weapon handed down from the ancient times by his own poke family, which can be said to be an extraordinary chicken. Going up was not because of the double squeeze of the opponent's dance skills and strength. Zhao Meng turned out to be unable to beat his opponent even for a round. He was defeated and kept retreating.

This time he finally felt that death was approaching. She had never been so scared before, even when she had faced that person before, she had never had such an idea. After all, he still had some first warriors in the grassland at that time. After that, she completely lost her own strength and turned into a man driven by others. In the circumstances of cattle and sheep, she was killed again by others, and naturally she returned to the original point again.

He looked at the saber that was about to kill him, and closed his eyes for me. He seemed to be ready to give up his life, but in his impression, he was supposed to be splashed with snow at that time. It hasn't happened yet.

It turned out that just when the weapon was about to reach his chest, a sudden force passed, blocking the weapon in front of Zhao Meng and couldn't make any further progress. ,, ..

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