"You are? Who are you?"

Zhao screamed out in shock. His performance made the samurai a little strange. He didn't know why his appearance made him in such a situation. Maybe it was the fear when he saw this sword. He didn't think of the person he assassinated many years ago. You would appear in front of him again in this form, but even so, he didn't mean to show mercy to Zhao.

"I didn't expect it! You were in this tribe back then. You, a fellow, begged for glory. For a little bit of wealth and status, you killed your general with your own hands, and an attack was favored by your master and bestowed upon you. This city has given people a great help, and it has also helped you forcibly improve your strength. It can be said to be extremely beneficial! But you can’t guess that after so many years, someone will even mention this matter. And I am the one who wants to avenge the general, you despicable and shameless villain, let me die!"

After speaking, the wizard raised the saber in his hand, as if he was about to chop it down. At this moment, Zhao Meng in front of him immediately said: "That’s not the case. It’s not like you. As simple as I imagined, I am not a so-called seller seeking glory, but because I have discovered that something is wrong."

Hearing what Zhao Meng said, the wizard also hesitated, and then slowly put down the saber in his hand. He knew that the current effect of the medicine had not disappeared, and in the smoke, Zhao could not have any resistance. So he decided to listen to him to finish, so as not to leave regrets later or admit something wrong.

"You should know that the patriarch of the tribe we served was not born by us alone. The elder group behind the group leader is the key to managing this tribe. Therefore, all our actions that day depended on the elder group to issue orders. Yes, at that time we were at war with the neighboring tribes, so it was extremely critical. Even the patriarch personally appeared to repel waves of enemy attacks. It can be said that this is the hero of our entire tribe. "

"At that time, I was still a loyal subordinate of our patriarch. We absolutely didn't want to betray him, nor did we want to do anything to sorry the tribe."

Hearing this, the wizard coldly interrupted Zhao Meng's words, and said with a sneer: "You guy said what's the use of these now, and you have killed him. Could you tell me that this was not what you did? So many people have seen it with your own eyes, and you are also taking this opportunity to ascend to my current throne. If you still want to deny it, is it a bit too sophistry? I can think about it at will, if you say these useless Nonsense, I will kill you now."

Hearing the wizard's words, Zhao Meng gritted his teeth, and then calmly said: "I'm telling the truth, of course I would never want any general Maohai. I was born a tribe and died a ghost of the tribe. , I’m absolutely impossible to betray or not, but I did receive a letter that day. It was a secret letter from the elders. There was only a simple and clear sentence in the envelope: The patriarch has betrayed the enemy, Find a chance to assassinate."

"You and I were shocked when I saw this sealed letter. You must know that the patriarch is the elite of our clan and the spiritual pillar of the entire tribe. Without it, it would be impossible to hold on for so long. He has rebelled, and that is simply impossible, so I immediately sent someone to contact, and then I found the elders and checked the truth with them."

"In the elders, I argued with them for a long time, but all their elders agreed that the current patriarch has rebelled against the enemy and may defect in the most critical battle. Then we can regret it. There’s no room for this. Although I believe in our leader very much, I am also more worried that our tribe is at the most critical moment in the tribe. Naturally, it is impossible for me to be white with the five elements. During the battle, if the patriarch discussed it, it would be a fatal blow to our entire tribe."

"After weighing it over and over, I decided to implement the plan of the elders to kill him at the last moment, and then I will lead the entire tribe to resist. To be honest, I was a little fascinated at that time, and I was always dreaming about what I could do At that time, like the patriarch, he became the core of the entire tribe and became the soul of the entire tribe. At that time, I was able to walk in front of everyone with integrity, so I did not withstand the temptation and agreed to their conditions."

"At the last juncture, I was very cautious and tried to find evidence that the patriarch had defected, but I did not find it, but time was too late, I went to the patriarch to make changes, so in the public, I killed with a single blow. After killing him, after killing the patriarch, my heart was piercing pain, but looking at everyone's horrified eyes, I also understood that I must do something now, otherwise the entire tribe would be panicked."

"I just wanted to tell about the defection of the patriarch, but I found that I couldn't speak anymore, and then I fell groggy. After I woke up, the entire tribe was destroyed and the tribe was captured by the enemy. , The people fell into the pain of subjugation, and I was sleeping in a huge palace at that time."

Having said this, Zhao Meng sighed helplessly, as if there were countless resentments and regrets in his heart, but at this moment he could no longer answer any more. The expression in his solid eyes became a little bit painful, as if begging. With some relief and comfort, he looked at the saber in the hand of the samurai, with a look of nostalgia, and smiled slightly.

After hearing what Zhao Meng said, the wizard also slowly stopped the sword in his hand. He decided to investigate thoroughly what was going on. He didn't want to bruise anyone, and if it was exactly what Zhao said. , He has more things to do. ,, ..

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