Jiang Ning stepped into this so-called military camp. As soon as he walked in, he felt that everyone was looking towards him. Everyone's eyes were full of strange smells, making Jiang Ning feel a little shuddering.

If it weren’t for Jiang Ning’s strong strength, it would be a little doubtful to be able to clearly feel that the killing intent of the people around him had already been tied. But at this moment, Jiang Ning really understands his future goals, and when he sees these, naturally he cannot be weaker than they.

For Jiangning now, it is natural that he is unwilling to provoke anyone and have other important things to do, and once the rhythm of escape, he may not win enough time, and the user cannot activate when the account is not registered. It was the biggest damage to the plan, so the current Jiang Ning just glanced at them coldly, and didn't say anything, as if he didn't want to deal with them more.

But this look is quite provocative in the eyes of other people. They agree that Jiang Ning is provoking them now. After all, to them, Jiang Ning is just a child who is still not dry. Naturally yours, they are extremely angry.

A strong man sneered, and Jiang Ning, who walked closer, said coldly to him: "Where do you come from, the boy Mao dare to come to us, don't you know that this is the darkest place in the entire tribe? Are you on the wrong path?"

After speaking, everyone laughed and did not mock, and their eyes were full of disdain waiting for Jiangning Station to tremble, but Jiangning at this moment did not express anything, just still said a word Walking forward without making a move.

Jiang Ning came to the person who appeared to be the leader and said slightly: "I am a new soldier who has just been dispatched. Please give me your uniform."

Jiang Ning's appearance was neither humble nor overbearing, and even had some boldness. This caused a burst of dissatisfaction among the people around him, and some even yelled in anger.

However, the veteran in front of him did not say much. He glanced at Jiang Ning, then stretched his hand to a quilt behind him, and took out a tattered dress from the quilt, but it didn’t look like it. The military uniform is like a waterfall instead.

"Take it. On this grassland, our army doesn't have any so-called military uniforms. Everyone wears this kind of clothes to fight. Keeping warm here is more important than defense. After all, ours It can’t be called at all, no, soldier."

What the veteran said caused Jiang Ning to frown slightly, but did not say much. Amidst the roar of laughter, Jiang Ning slowly walked out of an unmanned lawn of the house. He looked around, but did not seem to find anyone. Take the dress out and put it in your hand for examination.

This is just a padded jacket, but it looks so worn and worn, and there is even a lot of bad smell on it. I don’t know how many people have worn it before, but Jiang Ning does not care much, because for him, There is no need for these so-called warming measures.

You must know that when his true dragon armor is attached to his body, it can completely cover Jiang Ning's whole person and cover his body. The temperature provided is naturally the most comfortable for Jiang Ning, even if it is Jiang Ning's usual one. Without wearing it, as long as the real dragon armor is attached, you can feel extremely warm.

Jiang Ning threw the clothes aside, and did not put it on, lying in the breeze. Looking at all the grassland around, she seemed to have some sleepiness. The cool breeze hit her face, very comfortable, a little bit of time. It dimmed, the sun went down, and the stars on the west gradually appeared.

Jiang Ning looked at the bright moon and stars in the sky, closed his eyes little by little, and fell asleep like this. The past day was basically exhausted, and still a little too tired. In addition, Jiangning was always high. It is normal to keep the consciousness full of consciousness vigilantly to prevent anyone from secretly attacking, or to follow Jiang Ning's mental fatigue until now, so it is normal to fall asleep slowly.

I don't know how long after that, a loud noise awakened Jiang Ning. He opened his eyes slightly, and he stood up quickly with some impatience, released his consciousness again, and began to observe.

In this darkness, Jiang Ning clearly felt that the people around seemed to have been in a mess, and they were all rushing in all directions, as if something happened in the middle.

Not to mention that Jiang Ning can know that there is a mess in the middle through the perception of God's consciousness, but he still doesn't know what is happening. It is omnipotent and cannot feel what the people around him are doing. So Jiang Ning still frowned slightly. Headed forward and walked over.

In fact, according to Jiang Ning’s original intention, he is very reluctant to participate in these things that make him feel troublesome. I used to be the most important and now Jiang Ning must be like this. As a new video, if he doesn’t even participate in these things. That would be too suspicious, so he must survive now.

Jiang Ning moved forward slowly, getting closer and closer to the center of the matter, and becoming more careful. He could clearly feel the anxiety of the people running around. Everyone seemed very impatient, which made Jiang Ning more and more impatient. What did he discover, and the dryness in the air and the slight smell of gunpowder made Jiang Ning understand something.

That’s right, if the fire started in the most central place is placed on weekdays, it can be said to be a very inconspicuous thing on the grassland. The sky on the grassland is a little dry, and a small spark may cause a huge fire, but This place is in the army, everyone is extremely careful, how could such a thing happen!

There is no doubt that it must have been a fire deliberately caused by someone. If this is the case, it means that this incident is absolutely unusual. After all, this is not a home for ordinary people, but a barracks where many soldiers live! ,, ..

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