"Originally, my plan should be close to the perfect angle. They are a group of people who have no ideas. With my order, they will definitely fall into a bitter battle. When the two sides are completely wiped out, I can use my The strength is unified so that I can complete the orders given by the White Wolf tribe. In this way, I can become a loyal subordinate to them."

Speaking of this, Liu Qing’s face showed a very glorious smile. It seemed that everything he did was striving for this goal, even at the expense of everything he had to complete this task. This is him. The so-called hope of dedication, but Jiang Ning doesn't think so at all.

Liu Qing went on to say: "But just when I thought the plan was about to be close to perfection, an unexpected thing appeared, and that was your arrival."

Jiang Ning was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't interrupt Liu Qing, but let him go on calmly.

"At the moment you approached us, I had guessed that the position of this general who had worked so hard was not for nothing. My network has reached the point where you can't imagine it. Song knew what you were sent here. Although I don’t know what your purpose is, I was able to guess it very quickly, because if my task is to destroy the relationship between the two sides, then take another shot. It is naturally impossible for you to perform the same task with me, so you must come to restrain me."

"Although this is just my own guess, it is indeed the only plan I can think of now. I can only put it down. In order to get the first opportunity, I have to release the plan that I have not completely completed in advance. I can complete my plan before you arrive, and I can also complete the tasks I want to complete smoothly. Although it is a bit risky, there is really no other way."

Hearing this, Jiang Ning naturally knew that if two people are performing the same task, then there is no need for two people to conceal each other. The only thing that can be said is to have the two fight each other. A seeded player can only let them kill each other and the one who stays in the end may be the strongest guy, but in comparison, Jiang Ning and him are indeed far behind.

Because Jiang Ning's strength far exceeds his. Although Jiang Ning has shown his true strength in the White Wolf tribe before, it is still close to being exposed, so it seems that Jiang Ning's strength is higher. Yu is merciful, but Liu Jing also has his own advantage, that is, he arrived in the barracks some time earlier, so he has a stronger relationship network, and the position is stronger, so he wants to deal with Jiangning It is also very simple. It can be said that this is a fair game.

In such a situation, showing mercy is the next step, because before Jiang Ning discovered this, he had to complete the plan first, because if Jiang Ning was sent, the first thing to do was to prevent both parties. As a result of the struggle, he made the facial structure less common, so he had to carry out his task step by step.

"The first action I started was to get rid of those in the army. To those rebels and refugees, as well as this sympathy, they shouldn’t exist here in your home, because once I start a war, they It is very possible to betray from it, and even to take away a large part of the people. The silver to me is very huge. I absolutely cannot allow such things to happen, so I found an opportunity to place them in one place. In the room, the subordinates were arranged to kill them all."

Hearing this, Jiang Ning had already guessed that these things he was talking about were the arson incidents that happened before. When Jiang Ning just arrived here before, Yang Qiumin was a little confused about the arson incident. After all, this was nothing. For any reason, the people killed can also be said to be very strange. They don't have much contact with other people, and the only reason that the rebels who can interact with the suspicion are completely ignored and did not move.

Now it seems that Jiang Ning has completely guessed the origin of all this, precisely because Liu Qing wants to cause a war between the two sides, and must first eliminate suspicious personnel in the army, and these guys are. The first batch, and because Liu Qing was a general, he did not have any worries and difficulties and easily lurked in, igniting things here without anyone noticing.

"I think you must have not thought that the real arsonist will be me. This is something that ordinary people can't guess. After all, the possibility that everyone can only think of is the resistance army, and I successfully pushed the agreement out. , No one can guess that the general who really wanted to kill them turned out to be the general they got along with each other day and night."

Hearing this, Jiang Ning just smiled coldly and said: "Then you still underestimate me. From the beginning, I have guessed that my guy will be an insider, and I can think of it. You say there are very few people, you are one of them."

"Because you made a huge mistake, that is, the tourists needed to cause the fire must be obtained from the Wuhu arsenal, and the personnel who can open the arsenal are probably only the general you and the guy who manages the big warehouse. No? Looking at the lights, there is no possibility that this warehouse management guy will burn others. After all, he is my creek!"

At this moment, General Lin Liu Qing was a little caught off guard. He never thought that the warehouse manager would be Jiang Ning’s subordinates. No wonder Jiang Ning was the reason why a car arrived at him at the beginning. You must be known to Xiao Jinkou who obtained this barrel of gasoline, so it is very simple for Jiangning to guess who took the barrel of gasoline. ,, ..

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