From the mouth of this fugitive, Jiangning is also the day of victory, because through the cause of this incident, it is also because of the so-called Eastern tribes before. The people of these Eastern tribes also resisted with you, but obviously, The minds of most of them are still from the dust, red, white, and blue. My hands are getting more resources, so they are all with a very unfriendly purpose. They can be seen in their behavior. What he did is nothing more than to instigate other wars.

Although this matter is said to be a bit unkind, it is a real thing after all, so you can't tell the good or bad. Everyone is doing it for their own benefit. You said that this war is basically a mutual country. The certification has been done, but there is nothing to allow Jiangning to participate. So, if you want to go deeper, Jiangning can only say that those things that really don’t treat the people as the people are useless. Obviously, the current White Wolf tribe is working. Is such that.

Although the tribe in the east is also a group of raccoon dogs, at least it hasn’t done any radical things yet. It’s nothing more than taking these things out of your way and knowing everything from their conversation. The karma is also very clear. Know why they are doing this now.

From the beginning, they were simply caught by the Baiyang Po Road. Although they were arrested, they had to hurry up every day but they got a little bit of protection for survival, so they could temporarily stay in this area. Surviving in the middle of the world, although the life is a bit hard every day, at least there will be no worries to share. It is also that every family is paying attention to your rest. There is no conflict. Change can be said to be stable, just It would be great to go on like this.

But who can think of the increase in time, the first is the change of the White Wolf tribe. Because your neighbors need more funds, the taxes required above are getting heavier and heavier. The people naturally start to lose their livelihood. Begging for how to be able to get protection, can not help but gather together to show their strength and positive is to solve the difficulties of many countries so that they can thoroughly live here.

Since they can’t seek to survive, they have to find him elsewhere. Only for them now, but they don’t have any hope of survival, so they can’t ask them to know that resistance is not allowed. With your current force, It’s not enough to fight against the powerful military of the White Wolf tribe, so I didn’t have much hope of feeling against it. At the beginning, everyone was alive and vigilant. There was basically no conflict at all, so it continued. After a long time, they finally couldn't bear the sales of Japanese TV series.

You know, after all, a person’s power is that no matter how hard he tries, there are only those things he can do, so once they are oppressed to the extreme, they will also have a feeling of resentment and defeat their opponents. Facing the desperate situation, they are also helpless. After all, if they don't resist, they will most likely die by then.

So they had an amazing secret. I started planning how to act here, so that I could completely escape from here. Naturally, many people made suggestions. After all, the fake warriors in their tribe were also born in nature. There were many strange ideas. For example, many people even said that they fled directly to where others are not as good as I am a nomad.

However, this matter is obviously unreasonable, and it is not feasible at all. You should know that although the current life is difficult, at least a little bit of prisoners are given. It is just that the effort has been enormous. But even so, they are also It is barely able to bear it, but if it comes to the nomadic people, it will be completely different, and at that time it may lead a completely inhuman life.

You should know that many of the difficulties faced by the nomads may not be faced by them at all, and there may be many new problems at that time, and even the chase of the White Wolf tribe, so that they can say It was an absolute catastrophe, because they didn't even have the ability to escape at all, and after that, they might not be able to live much better than they are now, at most they would have gained a little freedom.

But in this situation, what they need is not freedom at all, because for them, what they need is their bodies. They are oppressed from the beginning, even if they stay in the tribe, they are oppressed by the upper strata. Therefore, as the people, they have never thought of gaining the freedom of life, and now they want you to have a easier life. After all, for them, it is because of too much hard work that makes them There was a feeling of resistance.

But under such circumstances, then they naturally cannot have Mueller on their own, because they may face greater risks if they are there, or even without any protection, they may starve to death under such multiple insurances. No one can believe it, so I soon started thinking about whether I felt this answer.

Just when everyone was at a loss, they thought they were almost in a deadlock. For them, there was no reasonable explanation at all. All they could think of now was to escape, and they didn’t have the courage to resist. As a result, it was naturally a very painful thing.

And at this moment, suddenly a young man who was usually silent stood up, and said with some fear: "I have a reason for one of my brothers. He used to go to business, so he knew There are many people on this grassland. He said that the tribes in the east wanted to come to us for exchanges, but now they also hate things about the White Wolf tribe, so I think if we seek help from the tribes in the east, they It is very possible to give us some opportunities and have the capital for confrontation.",,..

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