Jiang Ning looked at the spies in front of him coldly, and the expressions of those spies were like a kiss. They never expected that it was not only Jiang Ning who came with so many soldiers, but also more. The annoying thing was that they didn't even notice any of them and they were followed all the way without anyone noticing.

You know, they are rare warriors in their own tribe. Everyone's strength is also very powerful. It can be said that they can establish a foothold anywhere without being looked down upon, but they never thought of it. In front of these soldiers, they couldn't even radiate a little bit of air. It can be said that this is a kind of natural fear. It is like a mouse without the ability to resist facing the cat, and they can only choose to compromise.

In fact, it is true. Jiang Ning can understand why the people in front of them are suddenly so timid. Although they say that everyone is strong, but after all, they have always been working as spies and have not really acted on the battlefield. So for them, what they are best at is camouflage and lurking, rather than fighting on the battlefield. Faced with such a situation, naturally they can’t deal with their expressions too well. Everyone is very stubborn. .

The soldiers on Jiangning's side are all sneered, because for them, this is normal for them. Not only do they have an advantage in numbers, but they also have superior strength. Knowing that their strength really comes from fighting on the battlefield. That is arguably the place where human blood is the most exercised. Therefore, when they make a move, they will definitely see blood, and there will be no sloppiness. For them, taking down this group of spies is a breeze, not to mention their strength is still very extraordinary.

After all, for them, they are considered the elites of the White Wolf tribe, and the White Wolf tribe is the most powerful tribe on the entire grassland. They are naturally the elites of the elite, and there is no way to win these small spy gates. what is the problem.

Therefore, there is no need for Jiangning to do more actions next. These soldiers are all rushing forward. Everyone is walking neatly and fast, like a group of hunting karma, and their goal is those hidden in the crowd. The spies in the depths.

Jiang Ning looked at the scene of the fight in front of him and didn't say much. He sighed slightly and turned around to leave. The soldiers behind him wielded their weapons and kept hunting and killing the spies among the crowd. They didn't even have the power to resist at all, even if they themselves were powerful, but when facing the soldiers, they still seemed so helpless and helpless in just a moment, they were slaughtered.

You didn’t go very far when a **** soldier came towards Jiangning, bowed slightly and said: “Report to the general that this group of spies has been wiped out by us, and the man in the lead has been wiped out. We caught it alive, please give instructions."

Jiang Ning nodded silently and said, "First, knock the big spy head unconscious and take it to the place where our army is stationed. Then we have to set off and return. I will interrogate him on the road afterwards. You will take a picture of him first. Go back to the white wolf tribe and report the news, and we will follow."

The soldier nodded faintly. After accepting the military salute and freezing his son for a while, the soldiers returned one by one, their hands were more or less stained with countless blood, and everyone looked indifferent. , It seems that they don’t put this in the slightest, and behind them are the corpses 10,000. These are all left by the spies, and the refugees are at a loss and don’t know what happened. What matter, can only follow the arrangement of those soldiers and return to the city.

Under the suppression of enormous strength, these spies were completely wiped out without even a little ability to escape. Although these soldiers received strong resistance, they did not suffer much damage. Among them, the most seriously injured That person was just because he was too harsh when he did it himself, and he accidentally cut his own wounds, but some did not even wipe the skin. It can be said that this is a very big gap, so from In the beginning, Jiang Ning had no worries.

In fact, if Jiang Ning makes a move, it will be easier to solve, but you have not moved from start to finish, because he knows that once he does, his true strength will be exposed, which is also very bad for him. After all, he clearly understands that he is still under surveillance. Therefore, if he wants to remove the suspicion, he’d better do this so that he can clearly show his own identity, so he won’t being doubted.

But even without Jiang Ning’s shot, the matter was resolved quickly. Jiang Ning silently stepped back and then came to the place where the army was. Jiang Ning glanced at the current time and found that it was midday. Sure enough, the brothers who were doing things also hurried back. After all, they had agreed before that they would gather at this time. After a small number of people, they found that there was no loss. This also made the deputy who stayed here before. The leader was quite shocked. He did not expect Jiang Ning to have such a powerful ability to prevent death damage to any of his men.

Under such circumstances, his eyes on Jiang Ning inevitably grew a bit thicker. Although he was full of disdain for Jiang Ning's attitude before, but now he dare not underestimate him anyway. After all, Jiang Ning is not a soldier, so he will kill his opponent Killed all.

Jiang Ning didn't seem to care what this person thinks of him at all. He just sneered and said, "Let my brothers go forward. We have to rush back to the city of the White Wolf tribe overnight, but I will spend some time on this journey. Interrogate this prisoner and see if you can get any beneficial information from him?",,..

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