I saw Yueqing slowly pacing forward and glanced at Jiang Ning the moment he lowered his head on the way. So he stepped forward and leaned in front of King Khan, making a gesture as if he was talking about something important with King Khan, covering King Khan’s ears with his hands, and blocking his own mouth by the way, Yue Qing, who bowed his head and whispered, made everyone wait quietly. As he is over, waiting for another noisy and polite scene.

"Okay, I see, step back." King Khan said and waved his hand. It was not a feeling of reluctance, but a feeling of invitation and respect.

"No." Without saying much, Yue Qing retired.

The mysterious whisper just now didn't seem to cause King Khan's mood to fluctuate too much. His eyes just looked at Jiang Ning, and a suspicious and mysterious premonition suddenly loaded into Jiang Ning's heart.

Jiang Ning seemed to be even more convinced of the idea just now. Yueqing is definitely not easy this time. .

"By the way, Yueqing, wait a minute. There are a few pots of good wine here. Take it down and divide it among the soldiers. I hope everyone can have a pleasant evening." After saying that, King Khan took a few pots of wine to Yueqing.

Although it is said that King Khan treats his tribe's people very well, this attitude surprised Jiang Ning. These jugs of wine are all good wines, and not everyone can drink it, but King Khan is quite generous. Jiang Ning had to admire. It seems that the wealth of the Moon Clan is really beyond measure.

Yue Qing stepped back slowly, and gave Jiang Ning another look. Those eyes are worship, admiration, and admiration.

Jiang Ning squinted and said nothing.

"Haha, it's just good news. This month Qing is so mysterious and the atmosphere is a bit bad. Everyone eats and drinks..." King Khan joked. Immediately the patriarch began to speak: "It has been rumored that the Moon Clan is a good place to attract various soldiers. When I saw it today, the response was different. The Yue Clan is indeed a wealthy tribe, and there is such a good patriarch. It’s not as good as seeing a hundred to hear, admire it!"

Although the patriarch showed joy on the surface, he was already unhappy in his heart. This King Khan is enjoying the wine in front of so many people, isn't he giving himself a face? Just because my own tribe is relatively narrow, and there is rarely such a big-handed phenomenon on weekdays, isn't it so that my soldiers look down on me. Hey. . .

"Patriarch, don't worry, my coming this time is to ease your crisis. In the future, your soldiers will definitely eat good meat and good wine." King Khan saw the subtlety of the atmosphere and immediately spoke to relieve his anger. The embarrassment and reassurance of the patriarch, this time he won't worry about the problem of food and grass.

Jiang Ning didn't say anything, he was thinking about what Yueqing said just now. How could King Khan not change his face if he could tell someone who came in to report the situation? What did you say? This protector is not easy at first glance. This time, the Khan Kings definitely had more than one purpose. . . . But what is it? Jiang Ning couldn't think of it, and he had no idea. Just now Yueqing's eyes made Jiang Ning distraught. He didn't know how to explain this feeling. It was very subtle, and seemed to feel like seeing each other late.

Without knowing how long it took, everyone drank a lot, ate a lot, and talked a lot more. But Jiang Ning's thoughts were no longer in this barracks, and Yue Qing needed to explore slowly. . .

When Jiang Ning was walking to the entrance of the barracks when he needed to disperse soon, King Khan stopped Jiang Ning and told him to stay for a chat. Jiang Ning thought to himself that this is definitely not easy.

The patriarch glanced at him and left. When he left, he patted Jiang Ning on the shoulder and looked at Jiang Ning with a smile. The gaze in his eyes made Jiang Ning who was usually calm and uneasy. He seemed to see the distrust in the patriarch’s eyes. .

Watching the crowd gradually disperse, King Khan called Jiang Ning to his side, holding his arm, like an old man educating his own children, his eyes full of expectation and appreciation. He said, "Jiangning, I have heard of you a long time ago. Your name has spread throughout our Yue tribe. You are indeed a rare talent. I admire you very much. I hope you will not let me down. Come here this time. It's also because of your face that you came here not far away, hoping to help you." King Khan's words shocked Jiang Ning a lot. Is this coming for himself? why? Although Jiang Ning had real-time courage, he realized that it was definitely not simple, and maybe it was related to the guardian Yueqing.

Jiang Ning immediately responded: "Thank you for the appreciation of King Khan. The war is imminent. It is really a great deal of our tribe that you can come. This time our cooperation will surely unify the Central Plains and let them surrender!" "Okay, very good, admire you Such courage, such a young age but with such a big tone must be comparable to extraordinary people. I have also heard about your witchcraft in the competition with the patriarch. It seems that you are really a person who is not waiting." After saying something, Jiang Ning asked King Khan, "King Khan? You definitely didn't leave me here to talk about this, right? If you have something to say, I will listen carefully."

King Khan laughed, "Okay! As expected of the battalion commander! Yueqing, come in!"

Waiting for King Khan to finish this sentence, Yueqing lifted the curtain and walked in. The military uniform on her body seemed to be a size larger, making Yueqing look thinner and thinner. He walked in, without the noise of the crowd, Jiangning could now be clearer. I saw this delicate soldier in front of me.

"Jiang Ning, this is my guardian Yueqing. You must have known him just now. This time, in order to ensure the smooth progress of your war, I specially sent Yueqing this time as your guardian to accompany you before the war. Don't Kan Yueqing is young and thin, but his mana is strong and his mind is flexible. This visit will definitely help you. Commander Jiang? How do you feel about it?" King Khan patted Yueqing's The shoulder, like a child's patting.

"If King Khan personally sent the order, how dare your subordinates refuse to follow, but this battle is already tight, and the war ahead is full of flames. If Yueqing suddenly enters our team, I am afraid that there is something inappropriate. The situation and our military situation, I'm afraid that there will be some mistakes at that time, I am afraid I can't explain it, after all, if something happens to the guardian, I can't bear the responsibility..." Jiang Ning is not because he has no sense of responsibility, but Jiang Ning feels that this is a big deal. There must be some quirks in the guardianship, it is better to set the words of King Khan. ,, ..

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