"Xiao Er! Bring your best wine!" "Oh... here comes the adults!" Jiang Ning and the three of them sat inside, and a sturdy man suddenly broke into the store with his expressions and expressions. It's not a good thing at first glance. Jiang Ning ignored them and continued their discussions. "Puff~~~ Xiao Er! What are you doing, this is the best wine? Ah!?" As he said, the big man grabbed Xiao Er by the collar and wanted to break Xiao Er into pieces. In front of this sturdy man, he was so thin and thin that he was even arrested as soon as he was caught. Xiao Er kept apologizing one after another, for fear of some murder. However, the big man in between has never let go of this little second. With one punch, Xiao Er was hammered to the ground, using a lot of strength, Xiao Er seemed to be dying, but the big man still didn't let him go and continued to beat him. Then the store manager came out to apologize again and again. "Guardian, I’m sorry, this newcomer doesn’t understand the rules. This time it’s our mistake. We will bring you good wine and food right away, so you can spare him. He has children in the hall and children. No, I can't afford it, so please spare him." The big man glanced at the store manager and looked around with disdain, his huge body made him even more domineering. He winked at the store manager and threw away the little one.

"Bring me all the dishes you have served, or you will look good!" The big man raised Erlang's legs and the store manager was waiting beside him. The feeling was really disgusting. Then a lot of good wine and food were already on the table, and a large table was set. The big man rolled up his sleeves and squatted shirtless on a chair, holding a large piece of beef, and gnawing up, as hungry as a beast just out of the deep forest. thirsty.

After a while, the big man left drunk and staggered, his body trembling with fat, as if he was about to fall off a piece of it, and his open face was disgusting. Jiang Ning sat in the private room and watched the scene in front of him, his fists clenched and his teeth pierced. This situation was something Jiang Ning could not tolerate all the time. How could such a person who can bully the tyrant live in this world? Jiang Ning's eager heart has long been clearly seen by Ziqing, a long-time confidant and friend. Liu Ziqing has always given Jiang Ning a wink, telling him that he must not act rashly in this task. And Yueqing gnashing his teeth while watching. But he told himself that this matter must never be mixed.

Jiang Ning angrily patted the table with his hand, stood up and turned to leave. No one in Ziqing and Yueqing asked him where he was going, and he didn't say where he was going, just go around in a bad mood. Yueqing looked at this left back, as expected to be Jiang Ning. He had heard of him a long time ago, and he was a chivalrous heart. He was indeed a good man! After Jiang Ning left the private room, he went to the backyard, but the scene before him caused another wave of waves for Jiang Ning, who had not yet calmed down. . .

Isn't this person a shopkeeper? He was beaten to death just now, and now he can still sit there. Oh? wrong! Not sitting there, he was using witchcraft, yes, yes, witchcraft! Moreover, this is not an ordinary healing spell, it is a stealth technique with a wizard realm higher than fifth level. How can such a powerful witchcraft realm be used by a small shop. . . Jiang Ning couldn't believe his eyes, this inn, no, no, this is definitely not a simple inn, there are definitely other secrets.

Jiang Ning heard the movement and immediately took shelter. Surprised, he didn't seem to realize what had just happened. The next conversation was even more jaw-dropping.

"I'm sorry, Fengying, I didn't help you just now, I'm really sorry, everything didn't have to happen." The store manager came? "It's okay, it's okay. I'll be intact after a while. Don't expose our identity for such a trivial matter. How much have we suffered for so many years? What is such a trivial matter?" In this way, our tribe has lived here since the Central Plains dynasty began to occupy the land. It cannot appear easily, otherwise, it will be slaughtered again! By the way, the person just now should be almost the same." "En" "Feng Ying, I think it’s not easy for Jiangning and his party to come here this time. What's more, the White Wolf tribe is about to fight Zhongyuan. I heard that it will be fighting between these two peaks. Do you want to...retreat?" When the long said this, Xiao Er was thoughtful, that worried face was indeed worried about this matter. "No, don't worry, let's look at the situation first. If we retreat immediately, it will cause unnecessary trouble." "Okay, it's up to you."

After talking about the store manager, he left, but Jiang Ning was in a mixed mood at this time. . .

Fengying? Is he really Fengying? But why is it not like it at all?

"Who? Who is there?" Feng Ying looked at the place where the back door of the inn was connected to the front door. There must be someone there, but the speed was too fast and he slipped away without seeing clearly, but at such a fast speed, could it be Jiang Ning? Did he hear what he just said?

Jiang Ning didn't think about anything now. He immediately followed the direction of the big man who had just left. Sure enough, not far away, a huge corpse was lying in the middle of the road. However, no passerby went up to watch, not one. . . Jiang Ning realized at once that the small village between the two peaks was not as quiet and peaceful as it could be seen in his eyes. There were dark waves inside.

On the way back to the inn, Jiang Ning's heart was tumbling, as if he was bitten by thousands of ants, and finally broken. Looking at the pedestrians coming and going, Jiang Ning probed these people carefully, not letting go of every detail, because this village must have a huge secret that is unknown now. In this battle, I don't know if they are more ill-fortuned. Jiang Ning seemed to have another thought in his mind, and that was to turn away from the combat location. Although this is an excellent place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, it has a better chance of winning compared to the endless stretch of grassland without obstruction, but Jiang Ning thinks of Feng Ying and the scene of two people holding hands and buying sugar people when they were young. Jiang Ning can't help but feel sorry for this person , And love the place where he lives.

"You northern barbarian! Go back to where you live! Jiangning, don't play with him, he is from the northern tribe, a stupid barbarian! Slightly! Go away, motherless little bitch! ..",,..

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