Could it be that the communication bird had a problem? You have to wait to get out to understand all this, so let's heal your injuries first. Jiang Ning is really grateful to the person in front of her. If it weren't for her, I'm afraid she would be in a different place now. Looking at her, Jiang Ning thought of Sakura. Sakura doesn't know where she is now. She must know that she has failed this mission. Will she look down on herself? No, Sakura has grown up. She trusts herself so much, supports herself so much, she must be waiting for her to go back. . .

I don't know how many more days passed before Jiang Ning's breath gradually recovered. These days, in this cave, the two have gradually learned to depend on each other, and the two began to talk about everything. Yue'er talked a lot about herself, and Jiang Ning also told Yue'er a lot about Ziqing, Fengying, and Xixing. But the two have been walking around, and the cave slowly becomes more complicated as time goes by. Yue'er can't remember the original route to this cave. Now the two of them seem to be protected by this cave, but they seem to be trapped in this cave and cannot escape. Jiang Ning is slowly thinking about the route to get out. Up.

"Jiang Ning, do you think the two of us will be trapped in this cave?" "What are you talking about, silly girl, we will definitely go out, and we will avenge my dynasty and the moon clan!" Although said At this time, even Jiang Ning was playing drums in his heart, but in such a crisis situation, the little **** the other side could not start worrying too, Jiang Ning had been comforting Yue'er.

Soon after, Jiang Ning slowly discovered the secret of this cave. In fact, no matter how you move, you can hear the sound of the waterfall in all places in this cave. In this mountain, Jiang Ning actually observed it carefully last time. Passing the waterfall, it is a bright and radiant waterfall, which means that sunlight is coming in from the source of the waterfall, and the place with sunlight is definitely the top of the mountain, so Jiangning and Yue'er only have to wait until the stone moves to them. When you can see the waterfall again, there is a way to go out. However, it is simple to think of, but it is difficult to move the stones. Each stone is like a wrap, enclosing Jiangning and Yue'er more tightly, instead of moving out. So now Jiangning is most worried about the movement of this stone. Direction. If this cave had feelings, then they would trap Jiang Ning and Yue'er in it. If they still don't want to get out, they will definitely die.

Jiang Ning carefully observed the movement of each rock, that's right. Not surprising Jiang Ning, each stone was like another huge encirclement, and then moved a little bit, so now their circle is getting smaller and smaller, until Jiang Ning and the others will be trapped in it. Jiang Ning didn't tell Yue'er about this. If she panicked now, it would be more troublesome. Now it's good to think about the idea alone.

Suddenly, Jiang Ning seemed to find where he had seen these stones. Jiang Ning carefully recalled where he had met. Yes, that's right, it's Xixing. Xixing has always loved playing with stones and other things, and he has studied geology. I remember that Xixing used to play with a rock most, and my husband also taught Xixing about this. Jiang Ning remembers asking why Xixing likes to play with this stone so much. Xixing replied, "Jiangning, look, this stone is a peculiar stone at the junction of the Central Plains and the North. If you put it there, you will find He has been moving all the time, never stopping." Jiang Ning suddenly thought of all this, and tried harder to think about what Xixing had said at the time, but he did not expect that the excessive recollection of past events made Jiang Ning a headache. crack.

"Jiang Ning, what's the matter with you? Your head hurts again?! You have to take more rest. You sit down." Yue'er secretly felt distressed when she saw Jiang Ning's sore pain, but all he could do was help Jiang Ning recover. The others are not helpful at all. Looking at Jiang Ning with messy hair, Yue'er felt uncomfortable. . .

"Ah~~~!" After Yue'er used the recovery method, Jiang Ning yelled. Echoes could be heard throughout the valley. Maybe it was pain. Jiang Ning seemed to scream very hard, venting all the pain. "Jiangning, you're better off." "Well, it's better. Thank you Yue'er for taking care of me. Will the Qilin Recovery Method hurt your vitality? I'm sorry, I need your help many times. It’s really useless. A little thing can make my headache distraught." "It’s okay, it’s nothing. It’s hard to pass down the Qilin Recovery Method, so the Moon Clan is basically a female king. Pass it on, don’t be embarrassed, I am willing to help you, so please don’t thank me any more in the future, I will always be by your side to take care of you.” . . After hearing these words, Jiang Ning didn't say anything. He didn't want Yue'er to misunderstand what he thought of her. He already had Sakura, so he couldn't betray Sakura.

After Yue'er finished speaking, she seemed to find that what she said was a little bad, so she lowered her head in silence. He knew that there must be a reason why Jiang Ning did not answer now. No matter what the reason, Yueer accepted it. The man in front of her, she Is it admiration, liking, or emotion? Maybe even she herself can't tell.

"Yue'er, if you leave for a while, I need to think about something, and can't be disturbed, can you avoid it, this matter is very important and important, I'm sorry," Jiang Ning knew he must immediately remember what Xixing had said before. , Otherwise it will be doomed this time. Yue'er agreed to Jiang Ning's request. In fact, as long as it was something Jiang Ning proposed, Yue'er thought it made sense, and she had to do it according to Jiang Ning's. Yue'er thought like this while walking.

Jiang Ning carefully recalled Xixing's bit by bit. Slowly, Jiang Ning remembered many things. "Xixing, but is this stone useful? You like to play with it so much." "It's useless, but it's interesting, and it's a stone from my hometown. When I see it, I think of my hometown. Jiangning, you know this. Is the stone strange? The interesting part of this stone lies in...

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