Jiang Ning looked at Yue'er with a surprised look. "Yes, the rewards are very rich, and the rewards of the championship can make about a hundred people eat and wear for a lifetime!"

"Ah?! Jiang Ning, why didn't you tell me earlier? If you knew that we would go to the competition, we will definitely get the biggest prize according to your strength!"

"Yue'er, I didn’t want to tell you at the time, but I didn’t want you to have this kind of mentality. At that time, we had to rush to the Yue Clan immediately and can’t stay elsewhere. If I told you this, you would be sure according to your temperament. If you want to clamor for me to go to the game, it will be troublesome if the schedule is delayed."

"Oh~~~ Okay, Jiang Ning, what does this match have to do with us now? Anyway, we have to look for the fragments of the map. How can we go to the match again?"

"No! Yue'er! We have to go to the competition this time!"

"Ah? Why is this!"

"Because the competition will be held tomorrow in the town where we are now! And the most interesting thing at the time was that in addition to the silver two, there was another prize which was a broken armor piece of the map."

"Jiang Ning, but this way, we can't determine that the map fragment is the fragment we are looking for."

"At the time, the reward clearly stated that it was a treasure map, but I guess they didn't know what it was, only that it was a map, but they didn't have a detailed introduction to the map, so I guess this time Many people are going for the silver match."

"Jiang Ning, was it held here?"

"Well, yes, that's right, I just saw this prize at the time, but didn't pay much attention to the others. So when I heard that the prize had that map, I suddenly realized that this place might have something we want. ."

"But Jiangning, I'm still very puzzled. Since they don't know if the map is a map for knee pads, how can you know it?"

"Yue'er, you don't know anything about it. Actually, since I was looking for knee pads, I didn't want to stop. I guess since even your Yue people don't know where the treasure is. Then the treasure is definitely there. The place where you lived before, I have seen the map of that place before, and I have already observed the terrain map. Of course, you certainly don’t know where you lived before, so you haven’t observed it carefully. .But I have studied the place where your Moon Clan lived before, so when I saw that map fragment, I immediately realized that the place was the Yili area where your Moon Clan lived before, so I was still a little puzzled about your Moon Clan’s map. How could it be on the prize, but after your Uncle Qi’s explanation, I immediately realized that the current prize map fragment was the one we were looking for."

Yue'er was even more surprised. She stared at Jiang Ning blankly. It turned out that Jiang Ning still had so many things hidden in her heart.

"Jiang Ning, I do remember what you said like this. Since I lived in the canyon now, I really don’t know where our Yue clan lived before. By the way, our ancestors lived in the past. Where is it..."

"You used to live in the Ili area to the northwest. There are basically deserts, no mountains, no woods, and no abundant water sources. So when your tribe migrated to the present place, it was like finding a paradise, suitable for people. A place to live. This is why you have always been willing to live there, especially the older generation."

"Oh~~~ like this, if you didn't tell me, I'm afraid I wouldn't know this in my life! Then we will go there if we find the map this time!"

"Well, that's the case, so that's why we have to come here first. Yue'er, you also know the purpose of our visit to this town, right? Go back and clean up. We will go out and stroll in this town later. , By the way, learn about the details of this competition."

"Well, good. Then I'll clean up and go down with you!"

"Okay. But Yue'er, remember, you must be careful after a while. Don’t look at this place as calm as water, but this contest will definitely attract a lot of heroes and heroes. You must be like a cloud. Don’t make trouble outside, don’t see. It’s okay to interject something when it comes to something, and you must remember this matter."

"Well, okay, I'll listen to you, Jiang Ning." Yue'er ran back to her room after listening to what Jiang Ning had said, began to comb her hair bun, looked in the mirror and took care of herself.

After Yue'er left, Jiang Ning also began to worry about whether she shouldn't take Yue'er out. Jiang Ning began to faintly worry about waiting for the decision to proceed.

After a while, Yue'er came over to call Jiang Ning. Jiang Ning and Yue'er began to walk downstairs to town. . .

This small town is indeed well developed and there are many people, and it feels that everyone is unfathomable. No one dares to cause trouble in this transit place. Unless it is a particularly powerful person, other people generally dare not be arrogant here.

On the road, Yueeryueer saw someone selling candied haws and wanted to eat it, saw someone juggling, and didn't miss it. Seeing someone selling jewellery, he didn't miss it.

Finally came to the place where the competition was held. It seems that the ring has been set up early in that place, and it seems that someone must have done so this time. Jiang Ning thought that it was impossible to get so many rewards just for the champions. He would definitely have to pay more to get them. The champion must pay a price. And at what price Jiang Ning still doesn't know.

Yue'er carefully looked at the red paper and black letters outside, and as expected, the links and rules of each game were written outside. And it also wrote the final reward, as Jiang Ning said, the silver tael on it is simply an astronomical number for ordinary people. This must have attracted many experts to this place. And there are map fragments in the first place.

"Jiang Ning, as you said, it turned out to be like this, but just based on the markers of this map fragment, why can't I tell which place it is?

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