"Then, Jiang Ning, did you just talk to Boss Jin with the mentality of a try?"

"Well, but I also said one more thing."

"What's going on?"

"I said I know Fengying, and if we fight together, I'm afraid that Fengying and I will lose out. Boss Jin went to verify Fengying after listening to me. Fengying nodded, so Boss Jin agreed that we would both advance. Because Fengying was hired by Boss Jin, he would definitely not let Fengying suffer a serious injury on the first day, and then Fengying would not be able to help him win the game in the next two days."

"Win the game? You mean Boss Kim wants to win the game?"

"Well, yes, win the game."

"Boss Kim is obviously the one who held this game. Why does he want to win the game?"

"Boss Jin is the host, but this does not mean that he does not want to win. I think Boss Jin must have other intentions. This time he must have spent a lot of thought on finding Fengying. It's the game set by Boss Kim."

"Ah? That's it... It seems that there is a reason to know the whole thing later, and now I can only take a step and look at it."

"Well, that's the only way." Jiang Ning looked at Yue'er, who was worried on the other side, and didn't want to tell her more. After all, many things are still unknown, and now they still know a little subtle.

Suddenly, a shadow flashed outside the window, and Yue'er stared at Jiang Ning with wide eyes. Jiang Ning was indifferent.

"Jiang Ning, didn't you see it just now? Someone overheard us. What should we do? We must have been targeted."

"Don’t be afraid, it’s Feng Ying. It’s okay. The only person who is staring at us is Boss Jin, because only he knows that we are not so simple. But Boss Jin does not need to follow us, because for him I’m just a better observant who suddenly discovered his secret but not enough to pose a threat to him, so he didn’t need to spy on us at all."

"Why did Fengying come here? By the way, why didn't you directly recognize each other in the ring just now, and I think you two look exactly like strangers? I can't tell you two are still friends for many years. , You are really weird."

"Just when we met on stage, don’t we just tell others that we are friends, and tell everyone that Boss Kim has troubles with both of us? It will only be more embarrassing than the scene just now. All you know just now is me and Fengying Jin’s strength is so strong that Boss Kim agreed to the two of us directly promoted. But just now Fengying came here, don’t be afraid. According to what I know about Fengying, he just wants to come and say hello to us."

"Jiang Ning, you said you haven't seen Feng Ying for so long. Will Feng Ying change? Look at him now working for someone like Boss Jin..."

"How come! How could Fengying change!" Suddenly Jiang Ning turned overcast like the weather. Then she yelled Yue'er in a very serious tone. Yue'er was shocked suddenly.

Yue'er realized that she seemed to have said something wrong just now, so she didn't dare to say more. Looking at the other side, Jiang Ning was a little bit scared, and to be honest, he was just a little scared.

Jiang Ning also seemed to realize that he had just become a bit heavy, and immediately eased his emotions. Jiang Ning was so angry just now, he could say anything, but his friends could not be insulted.

But Jiang Ning had also thought about this problem himself. In fact, when he was just in the ring, his heart was pounding because of this reason. Maybe it was because he was already thinking about this problem in secret at that time. I wondered if Fengying was working for Boss Jin, but she actually kept hinting that Fengying would not do that. Is it because Feng Ying is her friend or because Feng Ying wouldn't be like that before, Jiang Ning himself didn't know. Just a few words from Yue'er just suddenly broke the last line of defense in Jiang Ning's heart. Suddenly something seemed to be confirmed in my heart.

"Yue'er, sorry, it was not intentional just now, but I was probably lying to myself, maybe Fengying has really changed, I just kept hinting in my heart that Fengying would not become such a person. Maybe you just said I'm so sorry that I yelled at you like that."

"Jiang Ning, I should say I'm sorry. That's your friend, and you should believe him. I believe Feng Ying is still the person you knew before, and I probably won't work hard for Boss Jin."

Jiang Ning softly agreed and let Yue'er start eating. Yue'er asked him about whether to go to the game in the afternoon. Jiang Ning told Yue'er not to visit. Maybe it was just annoying, and it didn't solve the problem, or Jiang Ning didn't want to see Fengying anymore.

In this competition, it is inevitable to meet Fengying's last weapon, and then I don't know what to do.

After Jiang Ning and Yue'er finished their meal, they ordered Xiao Er to clean up the dishes. Yue'er went back to her room to rest by herself, and now there was only Jiang Ning in the room. Jiang Ning just wanted to take a good rest. It's been a long time since Jiang Ning was lying on the bed. He closed his eyes and suddenly realized that he hadn't slept well for a long time.

Jiang Ning, who closed his eyes, remembered the wind shadow he had just seen. Feng Ying is so handsome and handsome. If Feng Ying was dressed like this when he was in the village, instead of Xiao Er’s wretched appearance, Jiang Ning would have recognized Feng Ying at a glance, but Feng Ying at the time was indeed like another identity. . Like a serious little second. Every step is in place, and Jiang Ning with good acting skills can't realize that this is his former best friend.

Jiang Ning thought, maybe Fengying is just such a person, this time the identity may be another person, Jiang Ning can't think of how many identities Fengying has. Perhaps, from the beginning, Jiang Ning hadn't understood Feng Ying carefully, it was just his wishful thinking.

Thinking of leaving without saying hello to Brother La Tan, he and Yue'er secretly left. Jiang Ning felt a little ashamed. Maybe Brother La would blame him. He hadn’t seen his sister-in-law and left again. Maybe Brother La Will be very angry because of this. The next time I go to the Central Plains, I may pull myself to drink, and I will let myself go after drinking for three days and three nights. ,, ..

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