When Jiang Ning was still thinking about Qiu Yi's affairs, he came in from another place alone. That was the place where he passed through the back door, so he didn't need to pass the crowd. The man came in drunk with a happy appearance. Jiang Ning seemed to see some discomfort on Boss Jin's face, but the emotion that appeared on Boss Jin's face quickly disappeared quickly, and it was fleeting.

"Everyone is waiting for you, don't you go faster?" Boss Jin said to the man with a smile.

"It's your honor for you to wait for me as a magnificent general. It's also a blessing for you to be able to meet me. What can you complain about." Jiang Ning looked at the man in front of him very unhappy, with an arrogant tone.

Suddenly the child slammed his fist at the so-called general. The power of that fist should not be underestimated, as it seemed to penetrate the heart and lungs of a person. Although the general was drunk, his consciousness seemed to be clear, and he immediately avoided him in a thunderous manner.

As the general happened to be standing next to a corner, as soon as the general dodges the young boy's fist, he slammed directly on the corner stone, and the stone suddenly shattered like skin and flesh. The stone that looked like a goddess scattered flowers quickly divided into small stones, scattered directly from the sky and hit everyone present.

Jiang Ning evaded the stone flying towards him. While avoiding, Jiang Ning was still observing the speed and skill of other people. Many people inside looked at the flying stone and directly blocked it with their hands. Small stones. But if you want to crush it directly with your hands, you still need very good wrist strength and hand strength. So at the moment Jiang Ning saw it, most of them directly blocked the stones or crushed them.

But to Jiang Ning's surprise, Qiu Yi, who was sitting in the chair, moved the chair away with his body, and Jiang Ning didn't even have such a good effort. Jiang Ning was only able to move his body quickly. It is also very difficult if there are other things to be removed together. But Qiu Yi directly integrated the chair and body, and the speed of dodge is no less than that of Jiang Ning himself.

To Jiang Ning's surprise, perhaps many people did not notice the actions of someone beside him. That's Boss Kim. At the moment the stone flew towards Boss Jin, Jiang Ning seemed to see Feng Ying helping Boss Jin directly block the stones, and Boss Jin did not show any fear at the moments when he saw the stones hit him, as usual.

Jiang Ning thought to himself, if Boss Jin knew that Feng Ying would help him block the stones, and he was quite sure that this matter would be so plain. But who can be sure that when danger comes, who will help oneself without hesitation? Why is Boss Kim so calm? Otherwise, Boss Jin himself is also a master of martial arts. He doesn't know that Fengying will help him avoid rocks. What he knows is that even if rocks hit him, he will still have enough ability to escape. these things.

So when the danger comes, it will be so calm.

When everyone was still angry about the matter just now, the general looked at the young man with an angry expression, and the two men were about to go to war.

Boss Jin walked in between the two people at once. I calmly explained the behavior just now, not so much an explanation, but rather a warning, Jiang Ning thought.

"The game is about to start. I hope that no one will make trouble again. What happened just now was Kim and my fault. I didn't tell General Idi about our specific time for today. Forget about this matter, General Idy. Don’t bother with a kid. Even if this matter is in my head, the competition is about to happen. Let’s go to the ring first, okay? After the competition, I will definitely treat you with good drinks and food.

I've already said this for the sake of it, but if anyone wants to make trouble in my Kim's site today, stop blaming me for being rude. "

After Boss Jin finished speaking, the general Edie still looked at the kid very angrily. Maybe it's because the wine hasn't regained consciousness. It's more likely that I was bullied by this little kid but didn't respond directly to him. General Edie's face was ugly.

But looking at that young child in a blink of an eye, he looked even more arrogant. It seems that he hasn't experienced anything before he is so arrogant.

Maybe everyone is giving Boss Jin a thin face. No one mentioned the stone matter just now, as if something had never happened. Boss Jin smiled at everyone and motioned to everyone to join the ring.

Jiang Ning carefully observed Qiu Yi's every move. When Boss Jin ordered everyone to be on stage, Qiu Yi slowly got up from his chair again. Now he is completely different from the one who just avoided the stone. Now he is like an old man. People, the pace is not easy at all, even the small things like walking and raising hands seem to be bad at doing.

Thinking of Qiu Yi, who was quick and light-hearted just now, Qiu Yi now looks very bloated and cumbersome. Maybe Qiu Yi pretended it on purpose. Jiang Ning thought to himself, maybe he heard that the matter of his whole body being broken that year might have been created by himself, in order to confuse the people and make people think that he had retreated from the arena.

Jiang Ning followed everyone behind and walked to the ring. Today's ring became messy due to yesterday's fight. Everyone walked towards the ring in a fierce manner, and today seems to be another day of fighting.

Jiang Ning walked to the middle of the ring, and everyone stood behind Boss Jin. Boss Jin stood in front and announced today's event to the people in the audience.

Jiang Ning found Yue'er in the crowd. Maybe being with Yue'er now is Jiang Ning's only support. After all, Yue'er is now the only person with her.

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time. I, Mr. Kim, will first announce today's match. We have ten people competing today from yesterday's match. Then we will fight in pairs today by lottery, and finally we will win. Among the five, we still face each other in pairs. Of course, I will pick one person for the final match...

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