Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1305: Secret (2)

I don’t believe my friends so much, so what right do I have to say that others are my friends.

"Jiangning, are you here to play tonight or what are you doing? If you want to come to me, sorry, now I have nothing to say. But you are here to play and I am very welcome, and I believe Boss Jin is the same You are very welcome. But you said it was for other purposes, what do you think you will get tonight.

Are you still a child, Jiang Ning, can't you think about anything you want? You are such a fool. I don't know what you are here for, but I'm sorry, I can't say anything.

And I don’t believe that you will be stupid enough to let me give you the game tomorrow. You have to believe that the champion must be my Jiangning. What qualifications do you have to fight for the championship with me? I am a person who has worked hard to cultivate immortality. I am in the mountains. Cultivating immortals for so many years, do you think you will beat me?

This time Boss Jin specially invited me down the mountain. What do you think is the purpose? He thinks that this competition cannot give the championship to others, of course it is me. "

After listening to Feng Ying's words, Jiang Ning suddenly became enlightened and woke up. This sentence should have revealed what Feng Ying's identity is now. Boss Jin may just think that he is a cultivator with profound skills.

If Feng Ying said this, Jiang Ning might have understood everything and made Feng Ying's purpose of going down the mountain this time. It seems that this time Feng Ying helped Boss Jin in the competition. It turned out that it was not the role of the king of the wind clan, but the role of a cultivator. Then, Boss Jin must have heard that he has profound skills and a relatively high level of witchcraft. Let him help yourself to the game, then everything makes sense.

Jiang Ning looked at the smart Feng Ying in front of him and suddenly felt that Feng Ying was his old friend, thinking of himself all the time. He said this to avoid worrying about him.

Jiang Ning didn't show any expression, he was afraid that Boss Jin would see that there was something wrong with his emotions. If it shows a little bit of joy, maybe Boss Jin will be able to guess that there must be something wrong with what Feng Ying said at the time. It must be implying something about me. If I go to the boss to understand these things, I will definitely ask again and again.

"Feng Ying, I always thought you were cultivating in the deep mountains. I haven't seen you for so many years. I always thought you were the kind of person who didn't greedy money. In the end, I didn't expect you to be just a common man.

I didn't expect to see you here, you are still drinking and gambling in the casino here. Do you think you are worthy of me? Haven't seen you for so many years, you have become such a person, do you think your conscience will be at ease? "

Jiang Ning followed Fengying's words and continued speaking. He thought that misleading boss Jin should be the ultimate goal now. Maybe Feng Ying said that just now, definitely to make herself understand his intentions and mislead Boss Jin. Although Fengying's ultimate goal is still unclear, what he was going down the mountain for, but Jiang Ning is sure that he is definitely not working for Boss Jin, but for himself.

Boss Jin looked at the strange two people, and the two suddenly said so much, there must be something wrong, but they couldn't tell what the problem was. After all, Feng Ying is indeed a cultivator of immortality, and this time he was invited down the mountain only for his own competition. What is the matter between them?

Boss Jin looked at the two people opposite and stopped talking. Maybe he didn't know what happened to the two of them, but he didn't need to know. For himself, map fragments are the most important thing, and this Jiang Ning must know what the map fragments are?

I only need to tell him about the map fragments when Jiangning arrives in the game tomorrow. Now everything about them is very unimportant to me, and I don't need to know.

Boss Jin began to ignore these two people, and took care of the guests in the past. For him, gold and silver treasures are the most important thing. The thing about map fragments is also because of the treasure.

Seeing Boss Jin walk away, Jiang Ning gradually became relieved. No matter what Jin thinks, Jiang Ning now only wants to know everything, that is, whether the fragments of the map belong to him in the end. After all, this time it was for map fragmentation, so Feng Ying couldn't help herself.

Liaoning felt relieved when he thought of this. Maybe he won't know who is most important until the end. As for myself, Feng Yingyue's people and friends are the most important to me, so slowly forget all the things about map fragments. Although these things are more important for myself now, they may be the smallest things for friends.

Feng Ying gave Jiang Ning a secret wink, and he hinted that Jiang Ning could leave now. If you stay here a little longer, Boss Jin will definitely think about it again. When the time comes, stealing chicken won't cause eclipse, but rice will be bad.

Jiang Ning seemed to understand Fengying's meaning, and was about to turn around and leave.

"Fengying will definitely be mine tomorrow's champion anyway. I just want to tell you this now. You have to believe in your strength. It's definitely not as strong as me."

"Jiang Ning, don't talk such big talk. After all, we haven't seen it for many years, and I have been practicing for so long. I don't believe that I won't surpass you. And the champion must be mine. You have to believe it. Coming for the treasures of gold and silver, I will never return empty-handed."

Hearing these words, the little beggar beside him was obviously a little unhappy. He looked at Jiang Ning, and the back who was about to leave stopped Jiang Ning. He wanted Zhang Ning to know that he was also a participant, but he didn't want Jiang Ning to be so proud. Nobody can speak the vernacular, if he does this, he will definitely show him his strength tomorrow.

"Wow, that kid, what about you, why are you leaving."

Jiang Ning turned his head to look at the person who called him, that is the little beggar who won the game today. Why does he stop himself now, if he wants to interrupt now, then he will wink with him. Really a guy who can't help himself.

"What are you doing? Anything? Shall I say something tomorrow? I need to go back and rest now. Thank you."

"Wow, I just said so much, I just wanted to leave. Do you think we are a mess, right? Fengying, no matter how strong you are, you can't deal with me and Fengying. Listen to what you just said, You and Fengying were friends before, should you talk like that if you are friends?",,..

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