Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1307: Final (1)

Therefore, you must not underestimate Jiangning's strength. Many people have witnessed Qiu Yi’s strength. Boss Jin invited him this time to get him the first place, so it’s good for us to say that Qiu Yi, a dark horse, suddenly stepped down. Still bad news.

Yuyu, I hope you remember these words. It was considered polite that Jiang Ning didn't do anything with you just now. After all, this is Boss Jin's site. If Jiang Ning wants to make trouble here, he still has to consider Boss Jin's feelings.

After all, this competition was started by Boss Jin, so Jiang Ning is only giving face to Boss Jin, not to you. "

"Feng Ying, you mean that in addition to the two of us, Boss Jin also invited the old man. But why didn't I hear the boss say. This time, the boss invited so many of us to come, just to win the game. ?

But if this is the case, Boss Kim has not promised us before, do we own the prizes? What is the purpose of Boss Jin? I began to worry whether I should come or not. This time I came for the Beggar Gang. If I didn't win the prize, how could I go back to face my Jiangdong elder then? "

"Yu Yu, for you, even if the first prize and the third prize are not the same, after all, there are so many gold and silver treasures. Your beggars will definitely expand your scale. What are you afraid of."

"Although it is said that, but who doesn't want to win the first place, I definitely can't win you, so I think it is the second prize, but the Jiang Ning in front of me, I really don't know where he comes from?"

"Yuyu, don't think about it. I can't even beat him. Do you think it's possible for you? You angered him today. I don't know what your outcome will be tomorrow. I think you should think about yourself first. Right."

Yu Yu started to worry secretly after hearing Feng Ying's words. Did you really provoke Nu Jiangning just now? So if tomorrow's game is really going to be a final with him, will he kill himself directly?

"But Yu Yu, I hope you don’t worry. Jiang Ning will not do anything to you. If Jiang Ning is such a cruel person, you must have been lying here just now, and Jiang Ning would be spared in such a mortal situation. After his death, it can be seen that Jiangning was not as silly as you thought.

And Yuyu, what I want you to know is that my relationship with Jiang Ning doesn't need you to interrupt later. "

After Fengying gave Yu Yu a wink, Fengying went upstairs to rest. It seemed that he had only given Yu Yu a warning, and was also a shot. Feng Ying didn't want Yu Yu to worry too much, and he didn't want Yu Yu to be prejudiced against Jiang Ning.

Feng Ying returned to her room, remembering the scene just now. In fact, I was talking to Boss Jin about his intention to withdraw from the game. Before discussing it in detail, Jiang Ning appeared. And it's nonsense.

Maybe Jiang Ning felt that he must be unpredictable, and there was no special feeling. Fortunately, he told Jiang Ning about his identity in front of Boss Jin. Jiang Ning realized it at once, otherwise it is estimated that some trouble would be caused at that time.

Fengying doesn’t know what kind of person Boss Jin is, but Boss Kim is kind to him after all. It’s not good if he loses to Boss Kim because of Jiangning’s affairs. If the boss has something to ask for help, he can't owe this kindness anymore.

The Wind Clan is definitely not the kind of clan who doesn't believe in words.

Jiang Ning had also returned to the inn. Jiang Ning himself was silently thinking about what happened today in the room. For Jiang Ning, Yuyu's matter was just a small matter.

But Fengying is a big deal for herself. The words Fengying said today already showed that Fengying's performance for Boss Jin this time must be trusted by Boss Jin. But nothing of interest should happen. So Fengying was not what she had imagined at all.

Now for Jiangning, waiting for tomorrow's game may be the only thing that can be done now.

What Yue'er said went back to her room. She had seen everything just now. He was worried about what would happen to Jiang Ning tonight, so he kept following Jiang Ning. Fearing that Jiangning might be in danger, Yue'er has been following Jiangning ever since she left the inn.

Yue'er already understood what had just happened, and perhaps for Feng Ying, Jiang Ning was now an object he could protect. In front of Boss Jin, Fengying did not expose Jiang Ning, and even said a series of panic talks with Jiang Ning to deceive Boss Jin's trust.

Just now Yueer saw all this in her eyes. Fortunately, Jiang Ning came back without any accident. If Boss Jin stared at him tonight, everything he had done was exposed by Boss Jin. Then the purpose of this trip must have fallen short. Looking at it this way, Feng Yun is also a relatively smart person. He rescued Jiang Ning in time in front of Boss Jin. Otherwise, everyone would basically not be able to survive the difficulties of Boss Jin tonight.

And even though Yue'er didn't see the afternoon game, through the conversation just now, the little beggar was the one who made the top three tonight. The tone of his speech was not small, and he even dared to yell at Jiang Ning, indicating that his strength was not bad. If this is the case, can Jiangning win the championship tomorrow.

But listening to the words behind Fengying showed that the little beggar was also a man made out of nothing. He didn't know Jiang Ning's strength, so he dared to be so rampant. So Jiang Ning will definitely win tomorrow's game, but what exactly Boss Kim wants to do is unknown.

For Yue'er, everything has nothing to do with her, but everything is related to her.

Just like Jiang Ning imagined, Yue'er now can only wait for tomorrow's game. Maybe by tomorrow night, everything will be revealed. Boss Jin, whether it is for the map fragments, the gold and silver treasures, or the gathering of talents, all of these purposes can be said. Then maybe Jiang Ning will not be so dangerous.

If you think of Feng Ying, Feng Ying is indeed a rare friend, for Zhang Ning, she is the most important friend, and she is also the friend who knows Jiang Ning best. ,, ..

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