Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1315: The truth is revealed (3)

Jiang Ning looked at Yue'er, who was now puzzled. He understood that Yue'er still didn't understand the truth. Then I asked Yue'er.

"Yue'er, didn't you say that you also compared it? At that odds, you won five hundred taels for your mere fifty taels. You should be able to understand the meaning of this."

"Yeah! Jiangning! No wonder I was able to win so much money at the time! But how did Boss Kim do all this? I think Boss Kim can't speculate on other people's hearts anyway. Who wins the game is that Boss Kim said Forget it?"

"Yue'er, you are wrong to say that. Boss Jin really has the final say on this matter. In Yue'er, who do you think is the most powerful person besides Jiangning this time?

"That little beggar that day, the old man who fought Jiang Ning for the first time, and you, you were almost the three of you when you reached the last ten contestants. The others seem to be nothing good. Yeah!"

"Yes, you're right. Except for the three of us, no one else is great. But do you know that the three of us were all invited by Boss Kim, specifically for his game? ."

"What? Boss Kim invited it?"

"Yes, that's right, the three of us are all invited by Boss Kim, so isn't it easy to control the situation? At that time, you only need to reverse the situation when appropriate to win a lot of money. Money, of course, there are also you. People who started to support Jiang Ning finally turned a corner."

"Oh, that's the case, but I can't figure out why both of you can know? By the way, when did you two collude to deceive Boss Kim? And I didn't even figure it out at the time! I really Looking at Jiang Ning's anxious appearance at the time, I thought you were really dead!

And I even healed you at that time, but you didn't have any breath at that time. When did you two collude? "

"Actually, the two of us didn't make any special arrangements for this, but since I finished talking that night, I almost thought of the purpose of Fengying's coming this time, so I don't know how to say it, but it seems that I have a heart. Feng Ying gave Feng Ying a wink at that moment on stage and then Feng Ying fell over.

At that time, it was actually to force Boss Jin to take out the map and finally make a trick. So in fact, I didn't think about what would happen in the end. I just thought about what to do at the time. In the end, Boss Jin won the plan. Also entered our trap.

At the time, I actually knew that everyone would vote for the little beggar after seeing me killing Fengying, but I bombed Boss Jin at the time. I said that many people below would probably vote for me, so I told Boss Kim said he would lose a lot if I didn't win the game.

But in fact, I know that he will lose a lot if I win the game, so in the end Boss Kim thought that what I said was only what I thought was true, so he kept watching this good show silently, and I knew he was actually Waiting for me to lose the game.

So at the beginning I always pretended to lose in the game. At that time, I secretly saw that Boss Jin's eyes were a little bit happy, and his expression became more cheerful.

But in the end I actually stood up when everyone thought I couldn't stand up. In the end, he defeated the little beggar. At that time, Boss Jin started to panic. If I win the game, he will not only lose a lot of wealth, but also everything.

So when he saw the little beggar lying on the ground, he rushed to the stage. I took the opportunity to threaten him to give me the fragments of the map. So he gave me the pieces due to extreme panic on the stage. As a result, it was impossible to avoid the eyes of so many people below.

When everyone saw me casting a spell on the little beggar and he stood up again, everyone rushed to the stage to find Boss Jin, because for them, Boss Jin was already blatantly controlling the game. . Many people will do something unreasonable in a hurry, and Boss Kim is no exception.

So when everyone saw Boss Kim doing those things, those people rushed to the stage even more without exception. For them, some money is all their wealth. If they were taken away by Boss Kim like this, they would definitely not want to.

So in the end I have the opportunity to bring you out again in the chaos. "

"Jiang Ning, you mean you also lied to Boss Jin! But how could Boss Jin let us go like this! No wonder you keep talking about hunting down, it turned out to be the people of Boss Jin~!"

"It's not entirely true... If Boss Jin is only for money, then the people who came to assassinate us that day must be someone else. As for why one of them is Boss Jin's subordinate, it is not clear. If it was Jin If the boss sent us to kill us, it is estimated that at this time we are just evading the pursuit of boss Jin.

But maybe we still have some enemies in the dark that we don't know, so we still don't know many things. Now we just need to be careful. "

"Jiang Ning, if you just follow what you just said, why can't I feel the breath of Feng Ying's body when I restore my strength to Feng Ying? It feels like he's already dead. At that time I really thought Feng Ying was dead. I have already left."

"At that time, Fengying was taking their Feng Clan’s exclusive secret recipe, which is a kind of medicine. After taking it, people will feel that there is no breath at all, and if someone wants to test whether this person is still there by other methods No strength or blood color can be felt at all.

At that time, when you really came, I was afraid of leaking the horse's feet, and in the end you didn't feel that Fengying was taking any medicine. At that time, it was just a lie to Boss Kim. I didn't expect Boss Kim to be so advanced in witchcraft, which I didn't expect. "

"You said that you two didn't discuss anything with me before doing anything. They were about to scare me to death. I thought Feng Ying was dead! You killed Jiang Ning."

"In fact, how can you believe it if you don't pretend to be like boss Jin? If you didn't tell you at the time, I was afraid that you would be calm and calm and let boss Jin recognize something wrong.

"Oh, it looks like this. Fortunately, Boss Jin hasn't recognized it yet."

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