Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1327: Unravel the truth about the cave (7)

Yue'er did bring him a lot of joy.

Jiang Ning smiled at Yue'er, and then Yue'er gave Jiang Ning a grimacing face, and Yue'er ran to the side to play, just as if nothing happened to Yue'er now, Yue'er looked unconcerned. Instead, Jiang Ning felt that there was a relaxed feeling, that kind of depression was completely gone.

"Jiang Ning, are you sure you don’t tell Yue'er about the secrets of the two people we just saw. Those two people are the king of the Yue clan at first glance, but they don’t know what dynasty they are. Anyway, they should be the nobles of the Yue clan. Well, we just don’t know how long they have been dead."

Feng Ying watched Yue'er walk away, and began to frown. She was also worried about how sad Yue'er would be if she knew that she and Jiang Ning would be hiding from her, so she began to quietly ask Jiang Ning about this matter. The solution, he didn't want to hide Yue'er.

"Don't tell Yue'er for now. If Yue'er starts to worry now and we haven't found a way to break the hole, Yue'er will definitely be anxious again. By then, it will be bad for anyone. Yue'er would have been sentimental. People, if you let her know that they are the ancestors of the Moon Clan.

With so many bones outside, Yue'er would definitely know that the Yue clan had been locked up here. Moreover, this hole may be a hole dug by their Yue clan at the beginning. It was originally a life-saving hole. I didn’t expect that so many people in the Yue clan would have lost their lives. If Yue’er thinks about this place, he must be sad again. .

Don't let her know now, because when we dig this hole to connect to another hole, it won't be too late for Yue'er to know about this. "

"But I'm afraid that by the time Yue'er will be unhappy, we will hide from her about the things we just saw, and Yue'er is not an idiot, she will definitely find that it belongs to their ancestors of the Yue clan."

"But even so, it’s too early to tell her, and it’s not too late to know when she sees it. Let’s be ourselves and don’t know this matter, maybe there is a better solution to this matter. The way? Let's not act rashly now."

"Okay, I listen to you. You know Yue'er better than me. I just don't think I should hide anything from the person who is walking with me. But if you say this, I can't help it. Just do it as you said. "

"En. Fengying, you must not tell Yue'er about this first, I am afraid that it will cause unnecessary trouble. Do you know, let's think about how to break this hole now."

Feng Ying nodded and agreed with Jiang Ning's point of view, but Jiang Ning was a little worried now.

What does Feng Ying said just now? Don’t hide anything from the people with you. Jiang Ning faintly felt that Feng Ying’s words were not specifically mentioned by Yue'er, as if she was still talking about what she was hiding from him. The same thing, it seems that Fengying may not completely trust him.

But the previous Feng Ying completely trusted him, and never felt that she was cheating or hiding anything from him, but what exactly did Feng Ying said just now. Are you talking about yourself? Jiang Ning didn't know, but Jiang Ning could only believe that Feng Ying said that he had no other thoughts.

Because Feng Ying is her friend, she has no reason not to believe in him. Now she must not believe anything about Feng Ying. Maybe she just thought too much, Jiang Ning decided not to think about the matter just now. Maybe it's just because I think too much.

After thinking about these things, Jiang Ning and the others didn't know how long they had stayed in the cave. In the cave, they seemed to be primitive people without time. How terrifying it would be without the sun's command in the world. Just like them now.

Living in a world without the sun and moon, everything has to be explored on their own. Now they don’t even know how many days they have been in the cave, and they don’t know how long they have been in the cave just now. Here is a world without time at all.

For them, it seems to be cut off from the outside world. It is both a good thing and a bad thing for them. The good thing is that they don’t have to worry about what happened outside, even if it’s a war. It has nothing to do with them.

The bad thing is that they still have a lot of tasks to complete, and now they can't become a frog in the well. Moreover, there is not much food in this cave. It is not so much food, it is better to say that some fruits make them hunger, although it is a good thing, but after all, they do not have food, just like there is no inflated balloon, and they have no motivation to fly. , Now everyone is thinking of ways to get out.

Jiang Ning still got nothing. For them, maybe there is a way to get out by opening another hole, but how can that thing be achieved without shaking the mountain? It's impossible at all. It's really troublesome. .

After a while, I don’t know how long it has been. For Jiangning, this cave is really a good place to think about. There is no need for other things to consider, and there is still a lot of room. As long as Fengying and Yue'er don't talk, the quiet cave is enough to hold all Jiangning's thoughts.

Jiang Ning thought a lot in this cave, about Yue'er, about Fengying, and Sakura, and Ziqing. There are still many, many people. Jiangning seems to have time to sort out these people, and he has enough free time to think. He thinks a lot, and many things are the same as before, but whenever Jiangning thinks again, it seems There are new gains, maybe this is the charm of thinking.

Until a long time, the three of them didn't have much time to talk, basically each thinking about their own things, Jiang Ning thought, maybe everyone has their own things to think about, so everyone will always be silent. Always silent.

But this is actually good so that Jiang Ning does not need to answer any questions, and there is no need to think about how to get out. As long as you have one person to speak, it will undoubtedly bring everyone back to reality, that is now. Everyone was trapped in a dark and dirty cave.

I don't know when I can go out.

this is the truth. The charm of reality is always strong, and he makes everyone a minister under the skirt. Everyone must be convinced by him. ,, ..

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