But inside this cave seems to be the cave my mother said, I am not sure.

So at the beginning, I didn't dare to tell you about this because I was afraid of making mistakes. But now I think about it, maybe what my mother said is reasonable. She must have wanted to tell me about it at that time, but since I was still young.

But I really don't quite understand what she said. When I was young, I thought that all water would freeze. No water would not freeze, and it would produce such a magical phenomenon. At that time, I just heard it as a story, and then I forgot it.

But when I was in this cave, I thought about it, maybe what my mother said was what I meant. We just need to try to see if the water source just now freezes. If the nearby water doesn't freeze, we just need to freeze it with witchcraft, and then the wall will be crushed directly. "

"If Yue'er does what you just said, let's try it right away. Maybe your mother's words are referring to this cave. And I think it makes sense for your mother to tell you the story. I always feel that your mother would expect you to pass this cave one day.

At that time, your mother thought you were still young, so this kind of story tells you, but your mother passed away shortly afterwards, right? "

"Jiangning, how do you know that my mother did say it again? Someone passed away shortly after this story, and I was very small at the time. I didn't know much about it. We didn't know what we said before and there were some things that I had forgotten. But Before my mother left, she didn't give any more explanations. At that time, I was really younger. Why didn't my mother take this into consideration.

And Jiangning, how did you know about this? How did you realize that my mother was telling this story and died soon after. How did you guess it? "

"Yue'er, let's talk about this later. Now let's try to see if this wall is what your mother said. If the water here does not freeze all year round.

Then Fengying and I will use witchcraft to make it freeze, and when it freezes, we only need to take a closer look at this wall. "

Said Jiang Ning winked at Feng Ying and the two of them walked to the opposite side of the wall. Then the two of them resorted to ice coagulation. It is a witchcraft that makes water flow freeze.

As a result, the two of them used witchcraft soon, and the water flow really froze, and it started to freeze slowly between all the wall cracks of the water flow. And the question after another, how can it be so strong that it is really frozen, even the wall on the other side of the cave.

Jiang Ning looked at Feng Ying, and you were looking at Yue'er. It seemed that something terrible had happened just now. But after all, they found a way to connect to another cave, and now they can go directly into that cave. And there must be a lot of secrets in it, waiting for them to discover Jiang Ning and take a look at Feng Ying, and then he worried that after a while, Yue'er's relationship would be out of control.

Feng Ying seemed to understand what Jiang Ning was talking about, and then Feng Ying also began to worry that if it was Yue'er, she would later discover that it was an ancient person of their Yue clan. At that time, I would probably blame myself and Jiang Ning.

But what is the way, now their only way is to open another cave, and then discover the secret about this cave in that cave. They can figure out a way to get out. If that's not the case, they probably won't be able to get out. So now I have to go in.

However, if Yue'er discovered the secret about the living dead, she might definitely blame herself and Jiang Ning. Thinking of this, Jiang Ning and Feng Ying both secretly worried.

Looking at Jiang Ning and Feng Ying, Yue'er didn't do anything. Looking at the icy wall, Yue'er began to wonder what they two were doing there. Speaking of Yue'er, she went forward and pushed down the wall directly. As expected, the collapse of this wall did not cause any shaking of the mountain.

And it's close to the cave on the opposite side. These are like ice, collapsed walls. Once it fell on the ground, it all turned into a stream of water. What a strange phenomenon, Yue'er thought.

As soon as Yue'er looked up, she looked at the cave on the opposite side. The signs of the cave on the opposite side shocked Yue'er. Yuan seemed to see two living people standing in the middle of the cave, and the clothes were very gorgeous. It was really just like Jiang Ning said. There was no damage to the skin, but the person who had been dead for a long time seemed to be. It looks like after many years of death.

Yue'er was taken aback by the sight in front of her. She didn't have any preparations at first. Now Yue'er can't believe that what she saw is true. How could such a person exist? He was dead, but he was still unscathed, and he didn't change anything, he even opened his eyes!

All the skin on the face has not aged, and the eyelashes and lips have not aged at all. They are like two living dead now sitting opposite them. Yue'er really didn’t dare to look anymore and turned his head. . I don't want to look anymore, maybe I'm sucked in.

Jiang Ning looked at Yue'er and turned his head, thinking that Yue'er had discovered some secret, and then went over to cover Yue'er's eyes. Jiang Ning thought that Yue'er had already discovered it, which belonged to their unique mark of the Yue clan. Now I was thinking about what to do, and then I went to comfort Yue'er.

"Yue'er, although this is a member of your Yue clan, what we have to do now is to see if it is right. We don't need to care about these things. Now they are at rest. We just need to pay our respects to these elders. That’s it, don’t be afraid it’s okay."

"Yue'er, who has bowed her head now, suddenly raised her head and looked at him. Jiang Ning didn't understand. Jiang Ning was here just now. What did Jiang Ning say to her? Why did Jiang Ning talk like that? He just said something about the Yue Clan. Yue'er , I don’t understand what Jiang Ning is talking about, and then looked at Jiang Ning blankly."

Jiang Ning looked at Yue'er's current expression, and he suddenly realized that maybe just now Yue'er hadn't discovered the secret of those two people. And I did talk a lot just now, and told Yue'er about this. Yue'er definitely didn't find the unique marks on the two people just now, so Yue'er didn't find anything about their Yue clan just now, but now, he talks a lot and tells Yue'er about their Yue clan.

Jiang Ning also began to be at a loss. ,, ..

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