Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1331: Unravel the truth about the cave (11)

"Yue'er, don't think too much, it's all past."

"But this is still a matter of our Yue clan, can I just sit back and watch? This is a matter of our clan. What do you mean by this, Jiang Ning?"

"Yue'er, your mood is not very good right now. I don't want to tell you so much, but I want you to think about what you are going to do next. If you talk to me in this mood, I won't take you. Any way, but there will be historical reasons for the occurrence of things. Do you think it was not your ancestors who risked their lives to migrate your ethnic group to where they are now.

Do you think you will have a happy and stable life now?

In the past, your Yue tribe was a tribe that moved frequently, so it was often attacked by others. But when your ancestors decided to stabilize, they brought you benefits at the same time. If it weren't for them, you still live the lives of savages, and you don't have enough food or clothing. You should think about all this.

Cherish the benefits your ancestors brought to you, instead of complaining and complaining that others have invaded your tribe and killed so many people. "

Yue'er, carefully recalling what Jiang Ning said just now, maybe Jiang Ning's words were not unreasonable, maybe as she said, she was indeed a bit excessive. Now it's really not a place to blame yourself, you should work hard to cherish the results of previous labor.

But Yue'er was still a little unhappy. She didn't know why Jiang Ning had to hide those things from herself. If Jiang Ning did not hide from herself, maybe she wouldn't have caused so many things. What's more, Jiang Ning's concealment of those things from him now caused him to be unhappy. But it is indeed Jiang Ning for his own good.

Thinking of this, Yue'er eased a little bit. He felt that Jiang Ning should do everything for himself. But now he was blaming him, it really shouldn't be like this. So now Yue'er suppressed the anger in her heart.

Perhaps the most important thing to do now is not to blame others, but to do what is in front of you, find the fragments of the map, and then avenge your own Moon Clan.

"If Jiang Ning said that, then what should we do next? I spoke a little too much just now. I'm sorry, it was my fault. Now I listen to you all the time. You actually did it for my own good. The mood is not stable. It is my own fault. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Yue'er, these are actually small things. What we should do next, there are bigger things. There are still many tasks. We have not completed them. There is still a long way to go. We need to go now. These things are nothing. Let’s take a look at what secrets they have.

Maybe your ancestors must have left something for your offspring, so there must be some secrets in these two people that we need to discover. "

"Jiang Ning, don't move it yet. These two people must have some secrets on them, but we can't move them. And there must be some mechanism in them. According to our tribe's previous habitual characteristics, they should definitely have some mechanism in them. Body.

So the two of them must not, and we must not act rashly. We must observe and observe before we can move them, otherwise we will definitely touch the organs. Certain scourge will be found. This is also a characteristic of our tribe. The mechanism will be set up at any time to avoid any danger. "

"Yue'er, what you said just now is what I think. It is absolutely impossible for the Yue clan to let people discover their secrets so easily. So we must be very careful now, maybe there may be something in it. The mechanism, if it is triggered, we will definitely die."

After Yue'er listened to this sentence, she admired Jiang Ning's imagination and talent, because he did not expect that Jiang Ning could be so thorough. Some things about their Yue clan, some things even they did not know Jiang Ning realized.

Jiang Ning is indeed a rare talent, no wonder all the elders at the time were making themselves guard against him. If Jiang Ning deliberately wanted to harm him, maybe he would have been dead for a long time, but Jiang Ning was indeed such a trusted person. Fortunately, Jiang Ning is kind-hearted, otherwise he would have died in his hands long ago.

Thinking of this, Yue'er couldn't help but start to admire Jiang Ning. I am more fortunate that I met Jiang Ning very early, and I deeply admire this person. Now that I have the opportunity to be able to get in touch with him up close is something that Yue'er could not even think of. In fact, it is also very happy that the former idol can actually meet Yue'er in person.

Speaking of the three of them, they walked into the power, but they looked cautiously, as if there was something in each place, waiting to be triggered. But the three of them still went in cautiously, because there must be some mechanism in this cave.

When they walked in, Yue'er approached and looked at the two people. What surprised everyone was. The woman sitting on the stool looks exactly like Yue'er. What's more, the clothes and everything are very gorgeous, and the look of grace and luxury is very individual at first glance.

Those things should be the costumes of the Yue Clan before, right? But these things are very far away for people. For her, the place where she grew up was not like this anymore. All the costumes are exactly the same as those of the Central Plains. Therefore, in terms of dressing and appearance, it seems that the unique image of the people in the Ili area is missing, but a little bit of the feeling of the Central Plains.

So although the woman is somewhat similar to Yue'er, Yue'er is one point less than her, and her facial features are more three-dimensional. Yue'er's face is a little flatter, and a little more delicate without the rough look.

And that woman’s face has a lot of northern people’s bad skin feeling. Compared with that, Yue’er’s skin is much more delicate and smoother. Although it remains so intact, the skin’s blemishes are still Can see it.

After seeing this man, Yue'er was also very surprised, because he didn't know that the man could be preserved in such a complete state, even after death, he could maintain it like a living man. This kind of technique is hard to get by yourself, but this is a member of the Moon Clan, this should be the secret of the Moon Clan. ,, ..

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