Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1343: The mystery of the castle (1)

However, shortly afterwards, the three people were like camels in the desert, and there was no response at all during the process of walking again, and there was no drowsiness, and they had been supporting their falling bodies. Now so without warning, all three of them fell to the ground at the same time.

At the moment when he fell, Jiang Ning seemed to see a few strangely dressed people appearing in front of them.

When the three of them woke up, they had already stayed in a strange place. The three of them had never seen this place before. This time it was a bit strange that the three of them all woke up from a strange place.

When Jiang Ning woke up, he found himself in a splendid room. The furnishings and flowers and plants in it were rare, and they did not look like the unique plants in this desert. On the other hand, the place where Jiang Ning woke up was particularly big and luxurious, unlike a place where ordinary people can stay.

Jiang Ning looked around, everything was whitewashed and brilliant, even the bed he was sleeping on was very soft, as if it were all lint. Jiang Ning was very curious about this strange place. But Yue'er and Fengying were not next to him, which made him very anxious.

After Jiang Ning woke up, he rushed out of the house, which was like a cage. Now he must go out immediately to find Yue'er and Fengying, for Jiang Ning, companions are the most important for him.

Jiang Ning rushed out of that room, and the scene outside surprised Jiang Ning even more. The outside is full of greenery, and in the middle of the desert, this place really looks particularly abrupt. For Jiang Ning, who had just emerged from such a hungry and violent weather, now this place is simply heaven.

The ruthlessness in the desert seems worthless here. This is a back garden. For Jiang Ning, he has never seen so many green plants since he walked out of the hillside. And the flowers in this garden feel eager to bloom.

What is even more strange is that many people are not taking care of these crops. These crops seem to grow naturally here. Everything here seems to be very normal.

After Jiang Ning stayed in this yard for a long time, he felt lost. Where should he go to find Yue'er and Fengying? I don't know where the two of them are. This place is completely another place. Where should he go now? It.

Just when Jiang Ning was in a daze, he was shocked by everything in front of him, but also dusted by the feeling that Yue'er and Fengying could not be found now. He didn't know what he should do. At this moment, a person called Jiang Ning's name from behind.

Jiang Ning couldn't be more familiar with this voice, it was Yue'er.

Yue'er stood behind Jiang Ning and wore a strange look. Jiang Ning had seen this dress. The few people Jiang Ning saw when they all fell were wearing this kind of clothes, but Jiang Ning was very surprised why Yue The child is also dressed up in this picture.

"Jiangning, go and wash it, you see your body is dirty, and you see your clothes are torn."

"Yue'er, where are we, and why are the clothes on your body wearing another style of clothes, and how do you get everything done so quickly, why are we here, how do you know that I am here? Where is Fengying here?"

"Jiangning, don't worry. Fengying is in another room. I woke up earlier than you guys, so I understand some things. Let me tell you, all people living here are Shapu people. They are all very nice Yes. We fainted.

They immediately sent us to their tribe, and they gave me food, let me take a bath, and gave me clothes of their clan if my clothes were torn.

By the way, what I am wearing is Shapu clothes. "

Speaking of this, Yue'er wandered around in front of Jiang Ning. With a veil on her head, Yue'er seems to have an exotic atmosphere, and now Yue'er has a different beauty.

In the past, Yue’er of men’s clothing, Yue’er of the Yue ethnic group, Yue’er of the Central Plains, now Yue’er of the Shapu ethnic group, each month looks like a different month. These have different appearances. It's the same deeply carved in Jiang Ning's heart.

But Jiang Ning is still playing drums in his heart. What kind of clan is this Shapu tribe? How can they treat them so well, and even if they are good people, the average clan is vigilant.

Especially this kind of ethnic group living in this kind of place is generally very vigilant towards outsiders, but why is it good for these three people here? Is there anything wrong in the middle? It's still unknown, but Jiang Ning looked at Yue'er and looked happy and couldn't interrupt her nature and didn't say anything.

"Yue'er, how is your rest."

After Jiang Ning asked this sentence, he immediately realized that it was wrong. He searched his body for a long time, and finally found the map fragment they had been trying to find in his bag before stopping his movements.

"Jiang Ning, what are you looking for? I have a good rest here. The patriarch here came to visit us specially, but because you and Feng Ying kept giving me water in the middle, you two were completely overstretched. I haven't awakened, but the tribe here is really good. Their patriarch is also very caring."

"Oh? Really? How long have they lived here for this tribe."

"I don't know, but I feel that life has been going on for a long time. Look at the decoration and furnishings of these rooms, they all feel very old, and many things are very luxurious. If it is an ordinary tribe, it is definitely not so. Great style."

"That's what it says, but... forget it, Yue'er, after you take me to wash up, I see their patriarch, by the way, Fengying is fine."

"It's okay, don't worry, Jiang Ning, Feng Ying slept well."

Jiang Ning nodded. To be honest, Feng Ying is a girl and he is still not at ease, and Yue'er has very little experience outside. He must be deceived outside, and Feng Ying feels that this tribe is too proud , They must have some unknown secrets that Yue'er didn't know.

And Yue'er said that their Shapu tribe must be an old tribe, but in Jiangning's eyes, even a tribe just born can be so rich, that is by plundering. Plundering is the best way to accumulate wealth. ,, ..

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