Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1371: Rescue the little princess (2)

"Using me? Uncle Feng Jiang is taking advantage of me? But what do I have to take advantage of? What is the purpose of Uncle Feng Jiang doing this?

I began to suspect that Uncle Feng Jiang was because when I was in jail, I carefully thought about the conversation between him and me, and that you both were negative. I think he seems to have a problem. But I can't tell where the problem is. "

"Yue'er, in fact, I think he should have some unspeakable concealment, Yue'er, don't think about it so much. Let's get through these difficulties now and then talk about it. Now we are still facing very difficult things. We still need to meet tomorrow. For more things, we haven't defeated that beast yet.

Jiang Ning, you should take a break first. In their spirit race, I think we will definitely have physical problems. Let's take a good rest now, so that we won't have extra energy to deal with the monster tomorrow. "

After Feng Ying listened to what Yue'er had said, he was afraid that Yue'er would become depressed because of this incident, but this was not a time of depression. What they had to face was not just the little difficulty.

If Jiang Ning ended up thinking too much because of just Yueer's words, wouldn't the three of them break down? At this time, unity is needed, and we must unite to achieve victory. There must not be any problems now.

After Jiang Ning listened to Yue'er and Feng Ying's words, his heart was also a little uneasy. Indeed, all of this came too soon. For him, he didn't even have the heart to prepare, but he had to face it all now.

"Feng Ying, then you can go and rest too. Let's talk about the things that should be said tomorrow. It's too early to say. We really have to take a good rest now. Everyone seems to be tired."

After Jiang Ning finished speaking, Feng Ying and Yue'er both nodded. Then under the leadership of the people of the spirit race, they went to their rooms to rest. But this is not the time for Jiangning to rest.

Jiang Ning was thinking about dealing with the beasts tomorrow, and now he couldn't help beating the drums. He didn't know if he would win the game tomorrow. Who knows what will happen next, Jiang Ning doesn't know what to do now, he is really worried about them tomorrow and the future, who is fidgeting now.

Jiang Ning sat in the room and thought, what kind of monster is this monster? Why is he willing to sit still and wait for death after creating all this? Why not just take advantage of the victory and directly destroy the spirit race?

What is it waiting for? Does the Spirit Race have something he must get, so he can't act rashly now? Jiang Ning didn't know either, but these conjectures were all based, so Jiang Ning had to think carefully about any details.

But why did the beast catch those people? Why did everyone come back and lost the memory of his arrest? What is the purpose of this beast? Why do all this.

Everything has its roots, so this beast can’t be so innocent that it just captured those people. He must have done something to those people, so it erased the memories of those people, so those talents Can't remember the memories of being arrested. But what does that beast want to erase?

What did he do to erase the memories of those people? What do these mean? Since he wants to arrest those people, why should he let them back? There is no need at all. Since he wants to hurt the spirit race and wants to be disadvantageous to the spirit race, then he doesn't need to let those living people come back.

You can kill those people directly, but why should you stay alive?

Also, Jiang Ning always felt that there was something wrong with this spirit king. However, it is difficult for him to tell where exactly this spiritual king's problem is, so now these are all assumptions. But these assumptions are already Jiangning's maximum limit. In fact, everything is difficult to know.

All the problems are like a mystery, and Jiang Ning seems to be unable to solve it now.

Regarding the spirit tribe, regarding the Shapu tribe. Everything seems to have problems. But both the Spirit King and Feng Jiang like to hide things, so this is why Jiang Ning and the others have not known the result.

But what are the things that the Great King of Xinjiang and the King of Spirits are hiding? Jiangning doesn’t actually need to know so much about their tribe, but what's wrong with them?

Since the Great King of Frontiers has obtained the secret of longevity, and he is such a wise and savvy person, what's more, what the Spirit Race trades with them is the sand that their Shapu Race can never use up forever, but why does the Frontier Race still want Where is the territory of the Moon Clan?

This is indeed a huge problem. It stands to reason that even if something goes wrong with the Spirit Clan, the Shapu Clan, as the tribe that trades with them, should actually do their best to help the Spirit Clan. According to the strength of the Shapu Clan, it should be You can defeat monsters, but why don't the Shapu tribe send troops?

And why didn't the Great King of Frontier mention helping the Spirit King? They have been trading for so many years. It stands to reason that the two kings should have a particularly good relationship. At this time, the king of Xinjiang can let go. Why is this?

If you calculate this way, it must be said that the king of Xinjiang has no loyalty, but in fact, according to Jiangning’s previous hearing, it was said that the Shapu people who had sealed Xinjiang could survive in the yellow sands for so many years, relying on his loyalty and willingness to hesitate. Helping temperament.

Therefore, the result of this is that many people who have migrated to the Shapu tribe are willing to stay with the Shapu tribe, and some tribes will rest with them, but they never hurt the Shapu tribe, and Shapu The clan is also unwilling to hurt them. Feng Jiang won many friends in this way.

But why didn't you help the Spirit King this time, but instead wanted to broaden the boundaries of the Moon Race? All this seems to be said in the past, but everything is inexplicable, why is it like this?

Let’s talk about the King of Spirits. He is very good in the reputation of his subordinates just now, but why did he not try his best to save the little princess when something happened to the little princess this time, but instead put the whole city on guard Up? There is only one truth in doing this. ,, ..

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