Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1373: Rescue the little princess (4)

Although the words of the little guard were not credible, the words of the spirit king were even more unreliable. The scenes that the two of them said about the little princess's disappearance were completely different. Whom should Jiang Ning believe? Believe in the King of Spirits, the King of Spirits seems to be hiding something from him. Believe the words of the little guard. The little guard has no confidence to speak, so what he said is not credible or is it another story? .

But Jiang Ning's mind is still dizzy. It seems that all things are not connected. Although all things seem to be connected and connected, after careful consideration, it seems that all things are scattered and there is no one. Things can be connected.

Regarding the spirit king, regarding the territorial confinement, and the beast, what is the connection between these three people? In fact, as long as one person gives Jiang Ning some instructions on the way, Jiang Ning will not be overwhelmed now, but these three people are only two of them. One deliberately kept it from Jiang Ning, but one has not seen it yet.

Everything is helpless.

But Jiang Ning thought that there is one last chance, and that is the monster. What kind of connection must be between these three people, but this connection is not connected because of some things, as long as you find a clue to one person, the others may It's easy to solve it.

Jiang Ning could only comfort himself in this way. Everything would have to wait until I saw the Beast tomorrow.

Jiang Ning had no choice but to rest after thinking about it. Everything will only be known later.

Jiang Ning was about to leave early the next morning. When he was about to go out, he saw Feng Ying and Yue'er waiting for him at the door. Both of them seemed to be ready to go, and they seemed to have arranged their moods last night and waited for the departure today. Both of them are in a good mood.

The three of them were looking for the Spirit King in the main hall, but one of the guards said that the Spirit King was still resting and didn't want to be disturbed. If the three of them went there, they could go with peace of mind. So they didn't see the Spirit King, and before the Spirit King left, they didn't seem to give them any explanation.

The three of them were helpless, especially Yue'er. She could hardly understand that the so-called Spirit King didn’t care about her little daughter anymore. Even the three of them were going to save her little daughter, but she didn’t care about it. It's hard to understand to sleep!

"Jiang Ning, Feng Ying, do you think this Spirit King loves his little daughter? We risked our lives to save his daughter. He didn't respond at all, let alone yesterday. He actually gave it back. Looking high above us, we are the woman who is going to save him, we are not saving ourselves.

It's unbearable for him to look like this! I don't know how this kind of person became the king of the spirit race. The fact that such a huge clan of the spirit race was actually handed over to this kind of person made me so angry. "

When Yue'er waited for the three of them to walk out of the main hall, and saw that there was no Spirit King's eyeliner around her, she began to complain to Jiang Ning and Feng Ying about her dissatisfaction with the Spirit King.

Feng Ying looked at Yue'er helplessly. Yue'er was indeed a man of temperament. Bluntly.

"Yue'er, I don't need to say that. I heard that this spirit king is very good, but I don't know why the spirit king we contacted is like this.

I heard from those guards, this spirit king is very kind and treats all people very well. It doesn’t matter if you are older, but this spirit king is very considerate of his subordinates, and he knows the people’s suffering, so all spirits The people of the clan admire him very much and like this spirit king very much. ,

I heard that when the spirit king had heard that a person's wings had been broken, he felt very sorry for this person, so he broke his wings and set it on this person. When this person's new wings were put on, he was very happy. This matter is really widely sung in the spirit race. "

"Then the Spirit King should not have wings, but the Spirit King we saw yesterday has wings, why, it's so strange, is your story true? Feng Ying."

"I'm telling you Yue'er, in fact, the wings of the Spirit King can be restored again. This is a talent. It is a characteristic of each generation of the King of the Spirit Race. It is both inheritance and the king's welfare. But this recovery period It's very long, it has to do with one's self-cultivation ability.

Spirit kings with higher spiritual power will recover particularly quickly, but those with lower spiritual power will recover more slowly. But if you can break your own wings, you will actually endure the same pain as an ordinary person, so did the Spirit King make a great sacrifice?

So, maybe today the Spirit King is indeed in poor health. In case he is really sad because of the little princess's affairs, and he has been in poor health recently, so let's not blame the Spirit King. Everyone has their own difficulties, we must learn to be considerate of him. "

Yue'er felt very guilty after hearing what Feng Ying said. He didn't expect Feng Ying to have such a sympathetic side, and he also helped Ling Wang speak, so according to Feng Ying, it seems that he really misunderstood Ling Wang. Now, Yue'er does feel very guilty, and she feels very uncomfortable with what she just said.

"Well, Fengying, I didn't mean it, but you see, this Spirit King is indeed not like the Spirit King you mentioned in front of us at all!"

"Maybe it's because of some setbacks in the middle, so the spirit king has changed, maybe the spirit king suffered some setbacks in about a year."

Jiang Ning quietly listened to Fengying’s analysis of the spirit king, and it was almost the same as the little guard said. Anyway, it was all about how good this spirit king is, but Jiang Ning did not expect that this spirit king really The reputation in the eyes of these subordinates is so good.

So Jiang Ning thought, if the little guard said last night, plus Feng Ying's profile of the spirit king just now, then there is nothing wrong, it should be that the spirit king must have suffered something a year ago. Shock, what setbacks have gone through, will become the spirit king in Yue'er's eyes when they just left.

"Jiang Ning, how do you know? You also listened to those guards. Let me tell you that the Spirit King did receive a blow, and it was just a year ago."

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