Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1379: Rectify and rest

It's like this when I watched the loss of my good brothers and friends before, I can't move at all, I can only watch all this loss. That's how it feels.

But this time, Jiang Ning did not feel very uneasy. The result was that it was not others who came in outside, but his friends, Yue'er and Fengying. This time, it was Jiang Ning who was worried.

"Jiang Ning, you are awake. I didn't dare to wake you up when I woke up with Feng Ying's, so the two of us found some water and fruit outside. How are you resting? Have you been much better, yesterday I don’t think you are feeling well one night, so you can eat something to replenish your body."

Speaking, Yue'er sat next to Jiang Ning, took out the fruits and water that she and Feng Ying had just gone out to find, and handed them to Jiang Ning. Perhaps what Jiang Ning needs most now is nutrition supplements, Yue'er thought.

But Jiang Ning can't speak a word while sitting next to Yue'er. I don't know if it's lack of energy or something, Jiang Ning just can't speak.

This feeling is not like anything else. Jiang Ning hasn't felt this kind of feeling for a long time. Even when he was in the most difficult time, some people still felt that he would never leave himself. Jiang Ning seemed to have not felt this way for a long time. Jiang Ning picked up the fruit and stuffed it into his mouth.

It seemed that he wanted to hold back the kind of sadness in his heart for a long time. Jiang Ning's mood is not at all uncomfortable now. He has been abandoned since childhood. Jiang Ning has never felt this kind of warm feeling. Someone had warmed his heart before, but now they are all gone. But it feels so close now.

"Oh, Jiang Ning, eat slowly, stop choking, there are more. There are many fruit trees outside, we have a lot of food, don't worry, the food here is not poisonous, I have tested it."

While Yue'er was talking, Jiang Ning suddenly stopped eating and looked at Yue'er, then turned his head to look at Feng Ying, as if he was beginning to wonder if there was a problem with what he was eating. But after listening to what Yue'er said, Jiang Ning was relieved again. Since both of them feel that the food is not poisonous, then just trust them.

After eating, Jiang Ning seemed to feel that his body seemed to be getting better. In fact, he hadn’t slept well after coming to the Spirit Race for a few days. The injury yesterday gave him a good rest, which turned out to be a good thing. Up.

Jiang Ning's physical condition does feel much better now than before.

"Feng Ying, Yue'er, thank you both. How are your two bodies? Yesterday you were not injured. By the way, Feng Ying, you also used witchcraft yesterday. Is your body better? Yue Where's your son? Yue'er, are you all right."

Jiang Ning seemed to feel a lot better after speaking, and it seemed that he had already said what he wanted to say, and he asked everything that should be asked. Jiang Ning is now very grateful that these two friends have been taking care of themselves. Now it should be asked about their physical condition.

"Jiangning, I'm fine. I felt very weak yesterday, but I am much better today. But the month seems to be a bit..."

After listening to Feng Ying's words, Jiang Ning turned his head to one side and looked at Yue'er. What did Feng Ying's words mean? What happened to Yue'er? Yesterday, it seemed that many things had been forgotten since he vomited blood. What does Feng Ying said exactly? Is there something wrong with Yue'er's body?

"Well, Jiang Ning, I'm fine, I'm fine, I haven't done anything, my body is fine, don't worry, I have nothing to worry about."

After speaking, Yue'er winked at Feng Ying behind her. He signaled Feng Ying not to tell Jiang Ning that he used Zhen Qi. Maybe Yue'er just didn't want to worry Jiang Ning, if Jiang Ning heard that her physical condition was also problematic, she would be even more worried.

The three of them are very weak now, and nothing can beat them now. After Feng Ying watched Yue'er's wink, he didn't speak anymore. Maybe Yue'er had her reason. Feng Ying didn't have much to say now, and could only do what Yue'er meant.

"Yue'er, please tell me, it’s okay, I’m okay, just tell me, if you don’t say it, I’ll be worried instead, tell me now, what happened yesterday, did we meet What happened, and then you were injured, are you okay?"

Jiang Ning saw that Yue'er and Feng Ying seemed to be hiding something from him, so he was even more worried about Yue'er. If Yue'er really had something to hide from him, he might be even more worried. But the two of them had to hide Jiang Ning, and Jiang Ning didn't know what to say.

Yue'er still shook her head now, pretending that nothing happened.

"Yue'er, Fengying, you shouldn’t keep it from me. If there is something, you should tell it. We will share it together, but it’s not good for you two to hide it from me. If you make me worry about you more Do you think this result is what you want?"

Yue'er felt a little guilty after hearing these words, but she didn't know whether she should tell Jiang Ning or not.

"Actually, Jiang Ning, I used the healing method when you fell, so I had a problem with my body yesterday, but it didn’t matter. Don’t worry, it’s okay. I rested last night. I felt much better all night. Don’t worry."

After speaking, Yue'er smiled awkwardly. In fact, there was nothing wrong with Jiang Ning. But just because it was hiding from Jiang Ning, it seemed to be even more false. So Yue'er now seems even more unsure of what to do. If it was done, she looked at Feng Ying Feng Ying also looked at her helplessly.

Hey, blame yourself, Yue'er thought, if he had just let Fengying say it, maybe it wouldn’t be as embarrassing as it is now, but he just wanted to hide it from Jiangning, but in the end he said it, as if he The same as doing something wrong.

Maybe now Jiang Ning will worry about himself more than he started.

"Yue'er, are you okay now. It stands to reason that this spirit race cannot allow people to use witchcraft, so there shouldn’t be tolerated people using it. If you used it when I was in a coma, Then your body should be as weak as mine and Fengying...

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