Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1386: Back to Spirit Race

"Yes, that's right. In other words, this is the reason. Maybe the Spirit King still has another purpose, that is, to transfer people with high strength to a place far away from him."

It seems that Jiang Ning's current sentence confirms that Fengying's conjecture just now is correct. So the question of the Spirit King is indeed very obvious, and it is Jiang Ning's just now that directly shows Feng Ying's conjecture.

Yue'er was stunned when she listened next to her. Why did the Spirit King transfer people with high martial arts to the gate of the city? Isn't it a disadvantage to yourself? Yue'er still couldn't figure out this problem. But the two of them didn't think they had already left, and Yue'er had to rush to catch up with them.

When they reached the entrance of the hall, a person suddenly stopped the three of them and asked them the purpose of entering the hall.

"I'll tell you the spirit king, just say Jiang Ning would like to see you."

The man looked at the three of them with seemingly nothing, and then entered the hall very suspiciously, and quickly informed the king of their arrival, but this man seemed very suspicious, even when he left, he did not forget to look back from time to time. With the three of them.

After a while, the man came out, still with that arrogant attitude.

"The spirit king is in the temple right now. If you have anything to do with me, let me come in. But what I want to tell you is that our spirit king is not in a good mood. I hope you don't say excessive words."

Then the man took the three of them into the temple. On the way, the three of them didn't say a word, just guessing why the spirit king is always in such a bad mood? It's really strange.

Especially Yue'er, she looked at Jiang Ning next to her as she walked. For her, she didn't know much about the Spirit King. She was so sentimental and still such a arrogant king, why are people of the whole clan? Do you still love him? This is a question Yue'er has been unable to figure out.

When they arrived in the main hall, they were still still tall and they could not guess the height of the ladder, or the king who still couldn't see each other, but they said that the spirit king was on it. They had no choice but to see the Spirit King.

"Meet the Spirit King, Jiang Ning, Feng Ying and Yue'er visit the Spirit King."

"Oh? Why did the three of you come back so soon! What about the little princess? Have you rescued it, how about the little princess? Didn't you bring it back?"

"I'm sorry, we didn't bring the little princess back, but we already know the whereabouts of the little princess. We will definitely find the little princess. Don't worry about the little princess."

When Jiang Ning finished speaking this sentence, he still looked at the so-called ladder from time to time. It seemed that there was something strange there that made Jiang Ning feel very curious.

"Bastard! What are you talking about! Don't we know where the little princess is? You also want to say, your mission fails this time, you see how I will punish you! You dare to deceive me, and use a trick to get me Believe you, and then you did nothing!"

They couldn't see the face of the spirit king, and they couldn't hear any angry expression from the tone of the spirit king, so Jiang Ning was very strange, but only changed a word, unexpectedly, the spirit king still remained unchanged. The feeling of not jumping is really strange.

"Ling King, wait a minute, although I did not rescue the little princess, but the day after tomorrow, I will be able to find the little princess. Then you will know where the little princess is, and I will definitely turn the little princess out into magic. Yes, you can rest assured of the Spirit King."

"What you said is true or false!? I don't want to believe you anymore. I believed your nonsense for the first time. Now the results have been verified and proved that I was wrong. Now you have to make me commit the second time. Wrong?"

"No, Spirit King, we haven't deceived you from the beginning, we just found that there is no little princess in that direction, don't you know about this, Spirit King?"

After Jiang Ning finished speaking, a sly smile slipped across his face.

"You... what do you mean, doesn't that monster live there?"

"I don't know, but the spirit king can rest assured that we will definitely find the little princess, and we will definitely find the monster. By the way, I hope the spirit king will watch our performance near the big round stage early in the morning. We will definitely give you an explanation to the Spirit King."

"Why is it at Dayuantai? It's a spacious place, can't it be in the hall?"

"No, it can only be in the Great Round Terrace. We can only find the monster in the Great Round Terrace. It is a good place. If the monster is huge, then we have a place to put it, right? If we are not there, I think the Great Hall is here. The place is not enough. I hope the Spirit King agrees to our proposal."

After the Spirit King listened to Jiang Ning's words, he paused for a while, as if he was thinking about something.

"Okay, then I'll listen to you, but if you still can't save the little princess by then, then the three of you can't eat it and go around!"

Jiang Ning responded to the spirit king. Although he couldn't see the spirit king's face and didn't know what his face was like, Jiang Ning guessed that the current spirit king must be guessing what he meant, and why he needed to go to the Great Round Terrace. Rescue the little princess and catch the monster.

After Jiang Ning finished speaking, he informed the Spirit King and went down with Feng Ying and the others.

When Feng Ying left, she began to wonder what Jiang Ning wanted to do. Now Feng Ying seems to understand what Jiang Ning means. If Jiang Ning’s thoughts are the same as she began to speculate, then let’s not say it. If it is different Fengying was thinking that Jiangning must also know some other things.

"Jiang Ning, what is your purpose for doing this? We don't even know where the little princess is now. How can we rescue the little princess the day after tomorrow? You are not lifting a rock and hitting yourself in the foot now! What should I do if the little princess can't be saved? The day after tomorrow, the time is too short."

After listening to Yue’er’s words, Jiang Ning knew that Yue’er was worried about his plans, but Jiang Ning actually didn’t know what to do. If his strategy succeeds, it’s okay to say. If it fails, then it will be troublesome. Then it's not just his own business.

"Yue'er, don’t worry. Although we will find out the true culprit the day after tomorrow, we still have time. Don’t worry about it now. This time I am also playing a dangerous move, so I can’t know the specific consequences. So we Just wait.",,...

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